God Is A Man

Title of Chapter: DNA Can Be Evil
Couples: X/A, B/R, W/S, C/D A/B
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone or anything from Buffy or Angel.
Copyright: I wrote this
Rated: PG. or maybe PG-13
In my world Spike and Willow are into flirting big time and Doyle is still alive. Riely left the intervise when Buffy did. Walsh is alive.
Spoliers: The I in Team (subject to change)


The light blinked on and off. Over and over again. *blink blink blink blink*
A machine pumped oxygen into a bubble like room. It made a humming sound
which the creature in the room didn't like. It moved under the blankets and
let out a low growl.

Chapter 1: DNA Can Be Evil
SunnyDale; the mouth of hell. It was town were you could go out at night and
never come back-alive.

<But not tonight.> Buffy Summers thought as she staked the last of a group of
three vampires. Who had been hanging around the Bronze. The Slayer dusted
herself off and picked up her bag. She looked across the street to her best
friends Xander Harris and Willow Rosenberg dusting a vampire of their own.

"Nothing like a Friday night in SunnyDale." Xander called over to Buffy.

"Yeah, makes me wonder why we didn't stay in and watch t.v." She said as they
meet in the middle of the street. Buffy looked down at her watch. "Oh, great.
I'm late meeting Riley. He wants to take about were we are in our
couplehood." She started off down the street. "See ya guys."

Willow and Xander stood silent for a minute, till Xander's beeper went off.
He looked down at it.

"It's Anya. Sorry Wills I g2g." He gave her a quick hug and ran off.

Willow stood there a minute before heading back to the dorms.

Riley put on his jacket and headed down the hall. He stopped at the door;the
door read; 617 DO NOT ENTER.

"No, there's nothing in there. Besides I'm late meeting Buffy."

Riley walked away. Not knowing it was the worst mistake he could ever make.

A man in his early 20s opened the door to room  617. He quickly went to a
shelve and took down a bottle. He then went to the bubble room and put it in
a slot where it feel into the bubble room. The creature came from under the
blanket  and the men gasped at what he saw.

The creature was no creature but a women in her late teens. Maybe around
eighteen, but no more.  She was around '5''9' and about 115 pounds. And toned
like a dancer. Her hair was medium and dark black her eyes were a gray-green.
She wore all black. Black pants, sweater,boots, a black ski hat, and black
wool gloves that didn't cover her fingers. She had a sliver chain around each
wrist and ankle. (He could see it through the socks.) And one around her neck.

She carefully walked over to the bottle and picked it up. She smiled at the
man and nodded. The man watched in wonder and fear as the women's face turned
into that of a vampires. She opened the bottle and drunk from it. When she
was done she placed it on the ground. Her face returned to normal.

"She is wonderful. Don't you  think so, Graham?" A women's voice asked from
the doorway.

Graham whirled around to see Prof. Walsh standing there. She turned back to
the girl, but she had gone back under the blankets. A low whimper came from
them. Graham went back to the Prof.        

"What is she?"

A small smile played on the older women's face. "A project of mine. A
half-breed if you will. You're very lucky young man not everyone gets to see
her." The women looked down at her watch. "Oh my look at the time. You better
be going." With that she left.

Graham turned back to the cage to find the women where she had been. She put
her hand up to the glass and whimpered. Graham put his hand on the glass. If
the glass had not been there their hands would have been touching. He gasped
to see that their hands fit together. The girl whimpered again. Her eyes
pleaded with him to let her out.

"I..I can't." He told her. "I'm so sorry." Graham quickly turned and left.

The half-breed stood there for a minute. Her face became that of a vampires,
she took a deep breath of air. Then she made her hand into a fist and hit the
glass, it broke into a million pieces. A loud alarm went off all over. The
girl put her hands to her ears and ran.

She ran till she found the stairs. The girl quickly flug the door open and
ran up the stairs. She ran up the stairs till she got to the outside. For a
belief moment the girl stood on the collage campus;her eyes taking everything
in. It was the first time she had seen the outside world and she loved it. 
Then she remembered the bad place below and she took of running again.

   Three Weeks Later:

Willow opened the door to her and Buffy's room. The young witch gasped when
she saw Spike sitting on her bed. She quickly closed the door,Willow stood in
the hall a moment before going back in. She carefully closed the door behind
her. She then put on her "brave face"

"Spike, what are you doing here?" She demand as best she could.

Spike shrugged and a laugh played in his eyes. "Can't friends just drop in

"Well, yes..but...your Not my friend, your my bloods friend. Wait that didn't
come out right. I meant to say that your... even though you can't...uhh."    

Spike let out a laugh. How he loved to hear Red babble.  "I can't bite. You
and I both know that. I'm here to see Buffy, I've been hearing things about
her boy and his friends. Seems a 'project' got free a few weeks ago. They
can't find it. I think that Buffy should start looking for it."

Willow couldn't believe her ears. "You want to help us?"

"NO. But, I don't like corn-boy and friends. Now will you tell her for me? I
would but she'd get mad and say I'm talking bad about her man."

Will nodded. "Sure Spike."

The blond vampire got up to leave. He walked past Willow and to the door.
Spike opened it and turned back to Willow. "Thanks Red. I uh I you know." He
walked out.

Willow waited a few seconds before calling Buffy at Riely's.

Doyle played cards with  himself. He sunddelly stopped when he felt a pain in
his head. "Oh man not again." He doubleovered in pain and held his head
between his hands. "AH!"

Pictures flashed before his eyes. A girl, Buffy, a club, a man, then a large
knife cutting into someone.

He looked up when the pain stopped to see Cordelia and Angel stareing at him.

"What did you see, Doyle?" Cordelia asked him.

Angel handed him some aspirin. He took them before answering.

"SunnyDale. Buffy. Bronze. There's trouble in SunnyDale;we have to go."
Buffy and Riely sat together on the sofa in Giles' place that same afternoon.
Xander sat on the chair and Anya sat on his lap. Will sat cross-legged on the
floor;books all around her. Giles came from his kitchen, a teacup in hand.

"So, Willow, Spike told you that there is a creature running around town."
Giles reviewed for everyone as he sat on a plush chair.

Willow nodded. "He told me, he heard it from the underground. It's been
running around for a few weeks now. It escaped from the," She looked over at
Buffy and Riely. "you know."

"But there haven't been any killings that say 'creature' from the you know."
Xander noted from his chair.

Buffy nodded. "I bet he was lying. Most likely planing something big and
doesn't want us getting in his way."

"No," Willow put her chin in a firm position "he was telling me the truth,
Buffy. I know he was." She turned to Riley. "Did you see anything out of the
norm going on there when you left for good?" She asked.

Riley shook his head. "No. Wait! Yes! A room that said not to enter.
Room,room uh, 6 something."

"Great, farm-boy. We know 6 something. Why didn't you tell us. Now we're all
going to die. And I'll never be able to have sex with Xander," Anya started
to whine.

Xander put a hand over Anya mouth. "Not here, honey."

Giles took a sip of his tea. "Everyone, please. Of something has escaped from
the you know were, then we should take action." He turned to Willow. "For
some strange reason, Spike trust you. I think you should try to find him
tonight." Willow nodded,and Giles went on before anyone could protest. "Buffy
and Riely will look through the town tonight. Xander, Anya, and I will see
what we can find from the Internet and newspapers."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Pure dug in a trash can outside a fancy food joit, in downtown SunnyDale. She
had named herself Pure for one reason and one reason only;she thought it
sounded nice when people said it. But as for eating out of trash cans and
feeding off of rats, well those were things she didn't like to hear people
say. She had thought about leaving town, but the truth was she was scared.
But she was equally scared of the bad place down below her.

For the last three weeks she had been living as a homeless teen. Staying one
foot ahead of the army type guys looking for her. They were everywhere.

Pure stopped digging when she found half of a chicken breast. She felt her
face change as she ate her meal. It was the best she had, had that week. Pure
smiled as her face went back into place.
Willow walked angrily through town that night on the lookout for a vampire
named Spike. She walked past the Bronze and frowned at all the music coming
from it.

*I can't believe this. How dare Buffy and the others say that about Spike!
He's not that bad, in fact he's a great guy ur vampire. I......I... think
he's the best person I know.*

She stopped walking when she saw Spike a few feet away. She waved at him and
he smiled as he walked over to her.

"Well, well if it isn't Red the teenage witch."

Willow grinned. "Hey Spike. Have you uh, hear anything about the project?"

Spike shrugged. "Some, you know these demons don't trust me anymore. But I
have heard that it's still in town. Something about how it can't leave."

"Can't leave? Why can't it leave?" She questioned the vampire.

Spike shrugged again. "Wish I knew for you, Red but I don't." He  thought a
moment. "So, why'd they send you? Why not slutty the slayer or corn-boy?"

Willow sighed and blushed at the same time. "You know. We trust eachother, at
least I trust you. And please stop calling them those names."

"I trust you,pet." Spike almost whispered.

Willow blushed somemore. Spike smiled.
Buffy and Riely walked through a graveyard. They stopped dead in thier tracks
when they saw a monster tring to break into a crept.

"That's our man." Buffy whispered.

Riely nodded and they attacked.
Anya, Xander, and Giles sat around Giles' living room searching through
newspapers form the last three weeks.

Anya put hers down and let out a long sigh. "There's nothing out of the norm.
I want to go home now."

Giles took his glasses off and sighed in annoyance. "Anya.." He stopped short
as his doorbell rang.

He got up and went over to the door and opened it. Xander and Anya tried to
see who it was. They both feel back on to the sofa. There in the doorway was
Angel, Cordelia, and a guy they didn't know.

"Where's Buffy?" Angel asked not wanting for anyone to say anything.

"She's out. There was a monster she had to kill." Xander filled in from the
sofa. "Hey Cor, guy I don't know."

Doyle looked  over at him. "Doyle." He turned to Giles. "I had a vision.
Someone is going to die and not by a monster, by a women. That's why we're

"Yeah, so find Buffy and tell her," Cordelia told the ex-Watcher. She took
Angel's arm. "Come on Doyle, we have to get Angel outof here before Buffy
gets back. Because I so don't feel like being sucked into a  All My Children

"To late." They all turned to find Buffy and Riely in the doorway.

Angel looked at her and smiled a little. "Buffy.."

"Who's he?" Riely asked.

"Angel." Buffy answered. "My ex. And he better have a damn good reason for
being here. And for bringing everyone he knows."

Everyone is the room just looked at her, no one  knowing what to say.

The End of Chapter 1

Oak's Diary