And again with the disclaimer/author's note: This was inspired by Joss Whedon's "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" (think Buffy to Angel, episodes "Surprise" to "Becoming"), belonging to 20th Century Fox, The WB Television Network, & Mutant Enemy (Uhrr...Aargh...). I don't own the. What I do own is this poem. It's (c) me, Shade, AKA Fox Lee. It was last edited Wednesday, April 7, 1999.

Just Once-A Poem

You look at me coldly now - Your gaze is frozen, your eyes are ice. But I still see them as I remember; lit with the warmth we had just once.

I should have remained there, in the light, and left you behind in the shadows. I should have kept us watching, waiting, wanting just a single touch, just once.

But we took the darkness and embraced it. We tore down the sky. We left the heavens shaking, the roses crushed and broken. We let the demons run free. And my deliverance is gone; the price we paid for this fools' love, for true happiness, just once.

And the sky slowly mends itself. And the heavens are calmed once more, and the roses bloom again, and as midnight becomes morning I see the sun rising at last. But I am just as blind as I have always been; you have become the very darkness which follows me, yet you remain my only light. So I am left here to wander through thick, unending black, and long for you, and what we shared just once.