Keeping the Faith

Faith sat up in her bed her eyes troubled. She had been having the strange dreams again. She shook her head trying to clear the visions of strange monsters preying on people, of a woman holding a book out to her, a book with Vampyr on the cover. She shuddered as a chill ran through her. She had been plagued by the dreams for weeks now. She had no idea why. She'd lead a relatively normal life. She studied, well pretended to study, she ate and went out, watched TV just like every normal teenager. Then the dreams started to come......... Faith was born one lusty summer night. She'd been raised by loving if a bit absent-minded parents. She had all the things a young girl could expect to have. She went to school, took ballet and horseback riding lessons. Unfortunately, she got trouble in school usually being sent to the principal's office, and she had been thrown out of the lessons because she'd picked a fight with the other students. She had a little trouble with authority and had grown up with people telling her always that she was a juvenile delinquent and that she wouldn't amount to anything. She struggled althroughout her life trying to fit in and holding on to the mask that everyone in the conservative town of Kingsville donned. Everything about the place was oppressive. That was what Faith believed. She had spent most of her life trying to fit in and acting like all the other girls. At times she lost her composure and let the mask slip and at those times she was called a monster, a bitch, a freak everything. After years of trying she finally gave up trying to be the average kid and ran "wild". If the people were to be believed she had sex every night, had orgies and committed crimes that was a throwback to the days of Jesse James and Billy the Kid. These rumors spread like wildfire and each was shared with an undertone of glee. On Faith's part, she shrugged it off. She was a rebel. She hated the close-minded town and it's close-minded people. She couldn't wait until she was 18 and she could finally leave the stupid town. In the streets she was avoided, whenever a "respectable" woman was near her they gave her wide berth and most crossed the street to avoid her. She ignored these people and went in her own independent way. Her parents were constantly told that she was an evil, the Anti-Christ in their eyes but they merely said staunchly that she was just adjusting to the teenage years that it was the normal hormonal bouts that teens go through. She was avoided like the plague. At school, it was worse. Girls treated her cruelly and boys hit on her all the time going as far as to assault her. She lashed back and she was sent to the principal's office. She lagged behind her studies and began to insult her teachers. She became insolent and argued with them at every topic according to them. She eventually dropped out and stayed at home to the students of the high school's relief. She would have contaminated their children and been a bad influence on their poor dears. Faith rebelled against it all. When her parents were killed in a car accident, she still stayed in Kingsville. For some reason, she did not take off for New York as she'd planned once she graduated. Instead, she just stayed in that one Starbucks town and......waited. For what she didn't know. She passed the days laughing at the people and watching TV. No one dared to come near her and she liked it just fine. She had food and entertainment she could survive. Or so she believed. Night after night the dreams came. She was tortured with visions of ugly frightening creatures feeding off a poor human. A body rising from a grave. Numerous beings too ugly to describe. They were so horrible that she began to doubt her sanity. 'I could be going insane like everyone in this no account town thinks I am.' she thought wryly to herself after one particularly troubling dream. She shook her head. The dreams went on for days when they stopped suddenly. She was puzzling about that when SHE arrived. The dreams stopped the night before she met Melanie Catrille. Her Watcher.

It was late at night and Faith was standing at the bus stop ready to throw in the towel and head for New York or to the nearest mental institution. She had been thinking about her dreams and that they had stopped suddenly when a woman approached her. "Hello there young one." the stranger purred. "Why are you out so late? Didn't your mother ever teach you not to stay out? Who knows what could happen to one so young at this time of the night?" Faith turned to look at the woman and replied curtly, "Well even if she did I obviously didn't learn it well enough." The woman stopped and shot her an angry glare. "You are rude and I will teach you a lesson." she hissed. Faith glared at her and suddenly her mouth dropped open. To her horror, the woman's face was changing! It began to transform into something so....ugly. Her face was all twisted up and her mouth was in this frightening snarl. Faith stood up and backed away slowly. "Not so bold now are you?" the woman said her lips twisting into something resembling a wolfish grin. Faith tried to speak but she found that her voice was gone. She picked up her bag and suddenly the woman lunged at her. She jumped out of the way and swung her bag into the woman's stomach. It knocked her backwards and Faith took advantage. She jumped forward and punched the woman rendering her unconscious. Years of fighting had kept her very strong and she fought very well. She stepped away from the unconscious demon and stared around her with unseeing eyes. Unbeknownst to her another female stood in the shadows, the lone witness to the fight between the new Slayer and her immortal enemy. The female now stepped forward and spoke to Faith. "You did well. Far better than most Slayers." the woman commented. "You didn't scream." Faith whirled to face the newcomer. She found her voice again and used it. "I couldn't then. But I'll scream now" she said. She thrust her chin up and kept her eyes on the newcomer. Noting this the woman smiled. "Excellent. You're brave, strong, quick. All essential things to a Slayer." The creature who Faith had fought began to rouse. The other female saw this and told Faith., "Your friend's waking up." Faith turned back to her foe and answered over her shoulder, "She isn't my friend...whatever she is." To Faith's surprise, the newly awakened immortal did not attack her. Instead, it ran shrieking to the woman who had been in the shadows. Smoothly the woman brought out a wooden stick thing and grabbed the immortal. She flung her into the wall and stabbed the stick through her chest. Faith's eyes widened when the creature exploded into dust. "Wh-what?" she stammered. The female turned to her and sighed. "Well I suppose I must introduce myself. I'm Melanie Catrille. I am your Watcher." Faith was stunned. Melanie explained everything to her and she was quite skeptical at first. "What? You expect me to believe that I'm some sort of supergirl destined to defend the world from, jesus, vampires? You need a reality check here!" she scoffed. "What you saw and fought with wasn't a fantasy Faith." Melanie reminded her quietly. "That was nothing." she insisted. "It was a freak accident. That woman must have been the victim of some experiment of sorts." Melanie sighed. "I suppose it was too good to be true. Do you need me to show you again?"

Faith was a bit unnerved. There was something so sure about her. This absolute belief she had. She didn't look or act like a madwoman. Something about her attitude made Faith believe if a bit slowly. She couldn't deny what happened tonight. And no matter whatever explanation she could come up to rationalized what had happened, she could not deny the straight facts Melanie had told her. She looked at Melanie suspiciously. "Are you sure this is real and not some hoax?" Melanie nodded. "Okay fine I believe you." Faith announced. "Excellent." Melanie said, smiling. "So now that I've accepted this outlandish story, what am I, the Slayer supposed to do?" Faith asked. "Train." was the quick reply. "You need to be in top shape when you fight vampires." "But I'm in good shape already." Faith argued. "That may be so but we need you to be at your BEST." Melanie returned. And so they started her training. Faith eventually developed a way relationship with her Watcher. They respected each other's abilities but they still had a long way to go before they truly liked each other. Tolerated was more the word to describe the two of them.

Faith stood in the middle of the training room. Melanie was across her. Faith smiled at her Watcher. Over the wees that they had known each other they had gotten closer. She trusted her Watcher implicitly now where before she was wary and very cautious. She blindfolded herself and took the staff which Melanie handed to her. "I'm ready." she said. Suddenly Melanie swung her own staff at the blindfolded Slayer. Faith sensing the movement immediately used her staff and countered it. Immediately she switched her staff's position to strike a blow at melanie. Melanie blocked it and jumped backwards trying to balance herself for the force of Faith's blow nearly knocked her off her feet. She took a deep breath and circled the Chosen One. Faith stood very still, her every sense attuning itself to her surroundings. Soon she began to hear every rustle of cloth and every catch of breath. She heard Melanie's soft footsteps as she circled her. She heard and felt a sudden rush of air coming towards ehr from her right side and she spun and faced Melanie, leaping back slightly then sweeping her staff at Melanie's feet. The Watcher was caught off guard and fell hard. "Oof!" she cried out. "Oh Mel sorry!" Faith apologized. She took off her blindfold and shook her head. She approached her Watcher and extended her hand intending to help her up. "Melanie I'm sorry are you alright?" she asked grinning ruefully. Suddenly a sharp pain came at the back of her head and she fell forwards hard on her knees. She got up slightly dazed and looked up angrily at her attacker. "What the hell?!" she said. A vampire stood in front of her. It lunged at her and took her down forcefully. She fell back and rolled on top of it. She held it down and drew back her fist and slammed it into the vampire's face. She picked it up and threw it into the nearest wall. It crashed into it and she took the moment to look worriedly for her Watcher. "Mel? Oh there you are!" Faith said in relief at finding her Watcher standing and gripping a stake. She took the stake and faced the vampire who had attacked them from nowhere. She advanced on it while it lay on the floor stunned by it's intimate encounter with the wall. She smirked at it and put it out of it's misery. She walked back to Melanie and helped her up. "Wow Mel that was close." Melanie nodded and dusted herself off. "Well you'd best get your rest. You have to go do a patrol tomorrow" she ordered. Faith nodded and turned and walked out of the room. Neither of them knew that tomorrow's patrol would change their lives completely.

Faith strolled casually through the streets of the town. She'd been having a boring night. No vampires in sight. Suddenly a sound behind her alerted her and she spun around just in time to catch a male vampire crashing into her. She was thrown on the ground and rolled to the side. She got up immediately and ran for the vampire. She lunged at him stake in hand when a form emerged behind her and grabbed her in mid-air. She struggled as hard as she could but dropped unconscious when a fist knocked her on the side of her head. She heard the words, "That will be the last vampire you ever hurt Slayer." before she fell into darkness.

Faith moaned as she felt a throbbing pain in her head. She opened her eyes and saw Melanie sitting across her, bound and gagged. She made a move to her and found thats he as well was tied up and a gag was in her mouth. She strained against her ties and succeeded only in working up sweat. A vampire came from the shadows and poked at her, a smug expression on it's face. She glared at it and communicated with her eyes. 'I might be tied up right now but I won't be all the time and I'll kick your ass when I get outta here.' she said with a fierce look. More vampires filed in and seemed to stand guard by her and Melanie. They were chattering and their noise hurt her ears. A sudden quiet caused Faith to look around to see who was responsible for the silence. Her eyes widened as she beheld.....a beast. It was a vampire she was sure of that but the newcomer had cloven hands and feet. How could that be possible? Was it an ancient demon? "Hello Slayer and Watcher." the vampire greeted them. "Ah I'm pleased you could come. I trust you have been comfortable in your visit so far?" At their silence he said. "Ah good then. Because it will be your last visit." Faith slowly slipped her hand down to her boots and slipped out a a knife from it which she palmed behind her back. She wanted to stab them all right now but she knew she oculdn't. There were too many of them. And there was Melanie to worry about. Melanie, at the thought of her Watcher she turned and gazed at her. Melanie looked rumpled and Faith dimly wondered how the vampire had gotten her. The vampire signalled to one of their guards and the guard slowly removed the gag from each of them. Faith started working her mouth to try to get the feeling back. She saw Melanie and was troubled. The Watcher was slumped down and there was a frighteningly defeated look on her face. She gazed at the vampire and said, "Will you at least have the courtesy to tell us who you are?" The vampire sniled a cold smile. It was more like a feral baring of fangs. "I am Kakistos." the way he said it made Faith shudder. "And you are Melanie Quatrille, this little Slayer's Watcher. And soon to be tortured victim." Faith saw Melanie's stricken look and she felt a twinge of annoyance. 'Melanie doesn't trust me enough to think that I could get us out of here? Some Watcher' she thought, a little hurt. Meanwhile Kakistos was ordering his minions around preparing some gruesome looking weapons. "Untie the Watcher." he commanded. To say that Faith was surprised put it mildly. But then she saw the weapons....and a grim vision came over her and horror racked her body. 'No! They're gonna torture Melanie! And they'll kill her and me!' her thoughts took to form into a scream. "No!!"

Kakistos began to systematically torture Melanie, playing with her at first. He took swipes at her with a blade and cutting her now and then. He then began slicing off pieces of her body and Melanie emitted a scream that sent chills up and down Faith's spine. "Watch carefully Slayer this is what I will do to you." he said. Her blood ran cold as she was forced to watch as her friend, her Watcher underwent a horrifying experience. She felt bile rise up in her throat and she forced it back. She gave a scream as she saw that Kakistos was swinging the sword to Melanie's neck. Melanie ducked and kicked at Kakistos fiercely. Kakistos was driven to his knees and he swore. He grabbed Melanie and swiftly snapped her neck and dropped her dead body on the ground. He turned to look at Faith and smiled at her. Then he plunged his hand into the Watcher's body and ripped her heart out. Slowly he lifted it with a reverence and brought it to his mouth. "A Watcher's heart soon it will be a Slayer's heart." he declared. It was enough for her. She slit the ropes which tied her and ran at Kakistos. She yelled in fury and knocked him down and punched him hard. A vampire yanked her off him and she spun and knifed it. She pulled out a stake and thrust it through his heart. Kakistos grabbed her from behind and threw her on the floor and advanced on her. Terror surged to her and made her adrenaline run. She got up and charged him. She saw a an open door out of the corner of her eye and made to run to it. Kakistos followed her quickly and she spun to face him. She brought her hand up high and sliced the knife down to his face. He screamed as the knife cut into flesh, drawing blood and wounding him near his eye. She wanted to slice his eyes out but instead her need for survivial pushed at her and she ran. She kept running until she reached a secluded hedge and there she collapsed. A thought it her. What had happened to Melanie could have happened to her. Then the full knowledge of what had happened to Melanie filled her and she couldn't hold herself any longer. She turned and began to retch in the hedges. She wept and cried and howled for her Watcher, the only person who had ever truly cared about her, was gone.

Faith stood up and paced her room. It had been a week since she had run from Kakistos, a week since Melanie had died. She was so tired of running. She had left her town for fear for fear of her life. She had gone into various cities, even different states but he always found her. She'd always been able to escape but she didn't know how long it would be until she finally messed up and get caught and fall into Kakistos' waiting arms. Her days of running had taken a toll on her. A toll that could cause her to make a fatal mistake. She HAD to find a place where she could hide and be in peace. Or at least find a place where she could have help, allies. She racked her brain for a perfect place to hide. Then suddenly she remembered something the Melanie had told her. She ran around ehr room and began to pack her things. Then she left the motel room and ran for the bus station and purchased a ticket.

She woke up when her head hit the window as the bus jerked to a stop. She blinked a little sleepily when the conductor yelled out. "All off for Sunnydale. All for Sunnydale get off now!" She scrambled for her things and alighted off the bus. She was in Sunnydale, home of the famous Slayer, Buffy Summers. 'Yes.' she thought. 'I'm here and this is the perfect place to hide. Sunnydale.'


Inny's Diary