Last Kiss (One of three Heroes fics)
SPOILER WARNING:  Big time for "Heroes" (ep9)

~ …Something warm flowing through my eyes
 But somehow I found my baby that night
 I lifted her head, and then she looked at me and said

 Hold me darling just a little while
 I held her close, I kissed her our last kiss
I found the love that I knew I had missed ~
             ~ Last Kiss, Pearl Jam ~

I’m no’ gonna cry… this is when I prove to us all what
I’m made of… This is when I redeem m’self from
th’cowardly life I’ve lead… This is to save those
innocents, for the innocents I turned m’back on… for
Harriet.. for Angel - you were a good friend, man -
and for her… My Princess. My Cordelia… I c’n hardly
believe I’ve just found ya, and I’m leaving ya..
forgive me, darlin’?

Angel thinks he gets to be the hero again.. nuh-uh,
man. He puts his hand on my shoulder, saying goodbye.

"Fight the good fight? You never know what you’re made
of until you’re tested…?"

 I gather me thoughts.. yeah.. I’m gonna do this. I'm
a little afraid, but I'm gonna do it. I deck me
vampiric friend with a straight right… he falls off
the platform - tha’s *gotta* hurt, sorry man.. I *am*
savin’ ya here… Take care o’ Cordy fer me, huh?

My Cordy…. She looks at me with kinda of a
disbelievin’ horror. Those dark eyes beggin’ not ta be
doin’ what she’s afraid I am… I put my right hand in
her silky dark hair, and gently, b’with all the love
in the world, kiss her… our first and last kiss… I’ve
heard it said that when you’re dying - or know you’re
about to die- you experience everything with 10 times
the intensity that ya normally would… The sparks leap
between me an’ me princess… But I gotta pull away.
There's no' enough time fer this…

Again, Cordy’s eyes compel me to wait another second…
to say g’bye.  Gotta be strong Allan Francis… I let
her know I’m regetting everythin’ we never had the
chance to do, too..

"Too bad we never found out..

 Stay focused! I slip into me demon face.. Her eyes
widen with surprise… surprise, but not a glimmer of
horror.. My brave, beautiful, tough, tender darlin’…

"…if this was a face you could learn to love."

I c’n hear Angel yellin’ at me.. tryin’ ta get me ta
stop… Not a chance, buddy.  One last moment to gather
me courage…. And I make my leap into the arms of
death… my leap of faith.

I grab the cables and wrench at them with all me ½
demon strength…
~ And it starts to burn…~
God, what if I’m not strong enough? Not good enough ta
save them? Not enough of a hero?
~ I feel my spikes searing away… God, the agony..~
Help me! I beg any Power that may be listening… Don’t
let them die ‘cus I fucked up again….
~ My skin chars away.. I’m dyin’… I c’n feel it! ~
Gotta succeed!  Fer once in me miserable life, let me
do somethin’ right!
~ I open my mouth and scream out this pain.~
I did it! I finally did somethin’ right.. finally
learned I can be a hero! I save them… I save her…
~ The scream is now part victory cry as I feel me body

Cordy, darlin’… I love ya…

Prophesy's Diarys