Beso de la Muerte (Kiss of Death)

*Disclaimer in Chapter One.

    Chapter Two:

    I was mentally kicking myself already, and the plane had yet to take off.
    What the hell had I been thinking when I agreed to let not one, but both
of my boyfriends take me on vacation, to Mexico, no less?
    I was effectively cornered, with Richard in the window seat to my right
and Jean-Claude in the aisle seat to my right. I was pretty sure they'd
gotten me the middle seat on purpose, to keep me from bolting for the exit at
the last second and getting my ass off of the plane.

    I was dressed in my office clothes, since Bert had demanded that I take
my five appointments for the night before I could abandon him for the two
week vacation. At least he'd scheduled them to leave enough time for me to
wash the chicken blood off of my hands and face.

    Jean-Claude was sitting beside me, completely still. If I didn't glance
at him from time to time, I wondered if he'd disappear completely.
    Every time I looked at Richard, he was smiling to himself, like he had
some little dirty secret and was very happy with himself.

    Knowing that Jean-Claude and Richard had planned this little adventure
together, I was betting he did have some dirty little secret. One that I
wasn't going to be happy with when I found out what it was.
    The plane began taxiing down the runway, picking up speed and I looked
down at my hands, gripping the armrests so tightly that my knuckles were

    "What is the matter, ma petite?" Jean-Claude asked, humor lacing his

    I turned my head to glare at him. "Nothing," I said.
    He raised an eyebrow, but wisely didn't argue with me.
    Richard did it for him. "Are you still afraid of flying?" he asked,
sounding mildly surprised.

    I turned my head slowly to look at him. "Fuck off," I said sweetly.
    Richard grinned. Some people you just can't insult.
    I could feel Jean-Claude smiling as I turned back to face him. "Not one
word," I said threateningly.

    He spread his hands and gave me his best innocent look. It wasn't very
good. "I was not going to say anything, ma petite."
    I was going to say something else, but instead was sucked against the
back of my seat, still clutching the armrests for dear life as the plane
rocketed into the air.

    I could feel my heart pounding in my throat and stubbornly told myself
that I was being irrational, that flying was safer than driving. But, phobias
aren't swayed by logic, and I was still fighting to keep myself from letting
out a little whimper.

    I relaxed my death-grip on the armrests when the plane leveled out and I
couldn't feel the dizzying speed any more.
    "Are you okay?" Richard asked. I could hear the smile in his voice.
    "Shut up," I said irritably.

    Jean-Claude chuckled softly on my other side and I resisted the urge to
pop him in the mouth.

    Ignoring both of them, I settled back into my seat and waited for the
captain to come over the intercom system and say something to the effect of
'hold on for dear life, we're going down'.
    After an hour without an announcement of any kind, I relaxed a little,
suddenly glad that Richard had the window seat instead of me. If I had to
look out the window, I was going to be sick.
    I was feeling a little woozy already. Looking out the window would have
been it. Someone would have gotten the coffee I drank spewed all over them.
Come to think of it, maybe that wouldn't have been such a bad thing. At least
I'd have gotten to see the look on their face.
    I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to pretend that I was in a car on the
highway somewhere, not in a plane twenty thousand feet off of the ground
going six hundred miles an hour. It didn't work, but,hey, I tried.
    When we got off of this plane, I was going to kick Richard's ass. For
some reason, I felt like the plane had been his idea. Jean-Claude was too
technophobic for it to have been his.

Kiss of Death: Part III

Trace's Diary