Lover's Games

Summary: An afternoon of playtime (takes place the day after "Dance with Me")
Authors Note: This is written by four authors, originally done as a piece for a message board. It was transcribed for fan amusment with the permission of all the authors involved. These are NOT meant to be taken seriously. At times the characters are out of character. It's smut, just enjoy it.


Chapter One: Primary

"If you think you're so tough, we can always go again," Shuichi said, nuzzling Eiri’s neck playfully, smiling.

"How tempting... but don't you have some place to be in an hour? I suppose you'll just have to wait for tonight like a good boy. "

"I don’t want Mr. K to kill me... so... yeah…" He sniffled playfully, looking up at his lover.

"I don't either. I like you in one whole non-bleeding piece."

"Shuichi can go into work, and I can stay here. Because, y'know, Mika-san isn't to happy about last night. Tohma said, lying through his teeth about why he wanted to stay.

"Of course, Tohma. Besides, I wouldn't want to send you home to face the wrath of the Dragon Lady right now, anyway. " Eiri said, stretching out on the couch.

"Can I stay?" Rage asked from her position on the floor, staring at the ceiling cross-eyed.

"No. You can't stay, Rage." Tohma said, flicking a ball of paper at the young executive who glared and stuck her tongue out.

"Wasn't asking you, Seguchi. " Rage replied, tossing the ball back, knocking off Tohma’s "pimp hat".

"Hoping not to miss something?" Eiri asked, smirking at the girl before looking at Tohma. "Any particular reason you want to be alone, Tohma?"

"Yes. Because your ass is mine today." Tohma said, smiling.

Eiri’s eyebrows shot up, though he was assumed by the bluntness. "And you don't mean that figuratively, do you? Should I take that interpretation as literal?"

Shuichi watched the exchange, getting more and more flustered and whined loudly. "Grrr…you had better be alone when I get home!" He blinked, surprised at his own boldness.

"Of course! Hello, you and Seguchi...nummy. " Rage said, falling back onto the floor, smiling.

"When you get home? Alright, Shu-kun. I will be. I promise." Eiri said and a smirk formed on Tohma’s lips. Shuichi leaned over, kissing Eiri deeply, making his claim.

Eiri kissed him back, finding he rather liked the bold Shuichi…though not enough to let him behave like that all of the time. He wrapped an arm around Shuichi’s waist, placing a kiss against the boy’s ear, careful only to stretch his torso as to not upset the kitten. "I love you, Shuichi, be a good boy." He patted him on the top of the head.

"Yes. You should. Take it as very literal. I didn't get it last night, so I'm taking it today." Tohma said, laying back in his seat, smirking.

"Well, you know, I do have to think about how my Shu-kun would feel about this. Maybe you should be telling him that you intend to make my ass yours, Tohma. "

"I think he was well aware of my intentions, Eiri-san." Tohma replied, watching as Rage leaned against Eiri’s legs, fighting sleep.

"Then why are you wasting time, Tohma?"

"I'd say there are people around but that is not my real reason." Tohma shifted a little to look at Eiri, a small smirk on his face. "Just let me know when you want it, and it’s yours."

"What is your real reason? So, when I say, "Tohma, now," you'll come over here? "

"Of course i will." Tohma replied, licking his lips at the very idea.

Eiri gave a slight shrug, unbuttoning the top buttons of his shirt. "Tohma, come here, now." He ordered, smirking. Rage edged away from her Eiri pillow, not wanting to invoke the wrath of Tohma just yet, watching them.

In a second Tohma was beside to Eiri, more or less on his knees next to him. One hand lightly rested on Eiri’s knee, the other on his shoulder.

"You don't have to be tender with me, Tohma, I'm already broken in." Eiri grasped Tohma’s face under his chin, drawing him forward, stretching his back and pulling him in for a kiss. The other clamped tightly around his thin wrist, pulling his hand against his own chest, ordering him with a silent tug to undo the rest of the buttons.

Tohma undid each button smoothly, and pressed against the kiss with a hunger that could only be sated by the other man’s touch. He slid his fingers down smooth skin, varying the pressure. He moved to straddle Eiri’s lap, still not breaking the kiss.

Eiri laughed softly, breathlessly, his heart pounding heavily. His hand reached around, sliding over Tohma’s hips, squeezing his thighs, running his fingers up the back of his shirt to feather fingers over naked skin. The cloth, though fine and expensive, was annoying. With insistent tugs, he forced Tohma’s hands away from him so he could yank the shirt off. He was already kissing Tohma’s chest, tongue flicking out to taste the salty skin.

Tohma tangled his fingers in Eiri’s hair, the motions of the other’s tongue against his skin allowing him to slip further into the small world in which they currently existed. The fire that spread from the points of contact was slowly growing unbearable, but he didn’t mind in the slightest.

Tender bites leave rows of red marks in a straight line from one nipple to the next. He flicked with his tongue, biting the tip of one with a hard, sharp clamp. He pulled away, letting his fingers linger over the nipple he sensitized with his teeth, pulling on it.

He slid his hands down, slow and light enough to slightly tickle Tohma’s stomach. They rested against the waist of his pants, fingering the fabric before plunging forward to pop the button open. He only slid them down a few inches past Tohma’s rather boyish hips- an odd and starkly appealing feature for a 30 plus year old man.

Every touch left a burning trail, and Eiri’s skill was amazing. Tohma pushed up to gain more contact from the writers hands, small, pleasured growls escaping his throat.

Eiri’s fingers playfully twirled through the hair, looking down the triangle of exposed flesh to where his fingers disappeared inside. Of course his heart was racing; having Tohma close to him always made it pound. He hid it with expert scowls, but now he didn't have to revert to such pretense. "Tohma, it looks like you just might be the one on the bottom tonight." As he spoke, he pulled the pants further down the hips in rough, quick motions. Down, grabbing his hips with hard fingers, pulling him forward, sliding his tongue around the delicate hollow where his hip met his pelvis.

"Uhn...That's…whatever… it..." Tohma dug his nails into the writers shoulders, not having bothered with pushing the shirt away. He pressed for more contact, a low growl escaping his lips, a wildfire raging through his veins. His eyes were closed, and the look on his face was pure ecstasy

Eiri purred against the hipbone, breathing in the scent of Tohma's heated skin, memorizing it for future recall. "That's always the way it is with you, Tohma. 'Whatever you want, Eiri.' But it's always what you want, Tohma. You just have a way of letting me choose what you want me to pick. Rare to see you abandon that." He spoke in a voice barely above a whisper, sliding his hands up the smooth skin of his inner thighs. His grip locked around the erection, clutching tight with slow, slight strokes. "What do you think, Rage? Which side of Tohma do you think I should be on tonight?" Not one to waste moments in silence, he leaned forward to lick just above where his hand slides, around the circumference.

"Top, always." Rage said, spreading her legs slightly as she watched, rubbing her thigh.

Tohma was panting by this time, trailing his nails down Eiri's exposed chest. Every little touch made the fire hotter, and the pressure growing in his groin was greater than he'd felt before. His fingers were tangled in golden strands, in an attempt to guide what he wanted done*

Eiri was responsive to Tohma’s subtle guiding, robbed with the tingles shooting through his nerves. Limbs felt heavy and numb, but alive at the same time. Everything was beginning to dim in light of the lust that took away sight and sound, unless Tohma’s noises and breathing counted as the only sound worth hearing. "I’ll decide what I want later." His mouth was already slipping around, enveloping, trying to cover completely. Placing a palm flat against Tohma’s lower back, using it to guide him forward as he gave a soft groan of appreciation, invitation, and encouragement.

Rage rolled to her knees, crawling closer to the scene, watching hungrily. She pushed her glasses up her sweat slickened nose as she licked her lips. She leaned against the table, her feet just barley under the couch edge, legs falling open.

Out of a purely physical response to the warmth, Tohma bucked his hips. His breathing was rough, heavy, incomplete in a sense. His eyes remained closed, and the fire raged, sweat trailing down his back. He pulled Eiri closer by what he could mange to hold on to, the fabric of the shirt slipping from his sweaty fingers.

Eiri would have whispered Tohma’s name if he could have, crushing against his legs as thin fingers pulled him closer. Pliant and unwilling to put any focus beyond his mouth, Tohma’s erection, and the tongue that gave heady licks with each steady caress of carefully tightened lips.

Now he knew what Tohma’s lips and flesh tasted like.

And he fully enjoyed this. Feeling the thrills of Tohma’s body in response to his ministrations, knowing he was the source of pleasure for the normally plastic, pallid, vicious older man. This alone flared his lust, quickening his pace and urging his hands to slide around Tohma’s skin. Down the back, the butt, the thighs, over the stomach as it gave those predictable involuntary flexes, up the chest. One of his fingers wandered far enough up to touch Tohma’s lips.

Rage let her hand fall between her legs, stroking as she watched the two men. A soft moan slipped past her lips and she clamped her mouth shut, not wanting to make the slightest sound that might distract them...not that it seemed as if they could be distracted.

Her eyes roamed over their bodies, drinking in every piece of flesh, every hair, every freckle for later recollection. She shifted slightly, pushing her shirt up, her free hand caressing her breasts slowly as she tilts her head back to slide her glasses back up her nose, letting her fingers run over her neck before letting her gaze fall back on the pair, her breathing increasing as she matched the pace of their touches, their movements.

She swallowed hard, mouth still rather dry, making the movement hard, throat sticking slightly, sounds aching to break free.

It was so easy to lose control, especially given the years of restrain Eiri had suffered dutifully under. There was always something in the way: age, status, and then time. And it was truly as if he were trying to make up for those six years all at once, despite the fact that none of the barriers had changed. It still wasn’t really right.

His sister.


They would both be mad, if they knew on an unspoken level that this was bound to happen sooner or later. Tohma made no secret of his feelings, and while he himself did, the fact that he let Tohma so close knowing the nature of his feelings was testament to his own secret interest.

It was with a great summon of force and will that he managed to loosen the grip of his hand and pull his mouth away, looking up at Tohma, blinking slowly at him. "I think this would make Shuichi cry."

Not that making Shuichi cry was a hard thing to do, that nevertheless mitigated his dislike of seeing it.

Rage froze, reality rushing in at Eiri’s words and she rubbed her neck, waiting for the men to decide what they were going to do. She hopped it would be soon as her body was still humming and she wanted a show to watch

"Who said he had to know?" Tohma asked, fingers still tugged lightly at the others shirt, and he hung his head slightly, his breathing still heavy. "Would it be better if he was here too?"

That made Eiri laugh, just a rush of breath that passed his lips. It was such an utterly Tohma thing for him to say. He ran his hand up Tohma’s ribs, tickling him. "I don’t make it a point to lie and deceive. At least not to him. It would be better if he were here, but I promised him that when he comes home, I’ll be alone. Lie down on the couch, Tohma."

Tohma quickly moved, as Eiri had told him. He usually wouldn't listen to such an order, but it was Eiri, and he would do anything for Eiri, no matter the situation. He watched the blonde novelist with rapt attention*

"That’s a good boy, Tohma." It amused Eiri to treat Tohma in that manner, even playfully. With Tohma on his back, he was able to peel away the man’s shoes, dropping them to the floor. Then came the silk socks. Discarded of these accessories, the pants were able to slip away from his thighs, down his calves, and into a puddle on the floor. "I guess I am just a selfish bastard." He grabbed Tohma’s wrists, lifting them up above his head, pinned down by the weight of his body as he stretched his longer body and lowered himself on top of Tohma. No space is left between them, skin stuck to skin.

Tohma really was a thin man. His power came from his presence, from the severity of his soft voice. He liked that. But not as much as he liked having Tohma underneath him.

Chapter Two