Chapter Two: Secondary

"Rage, would you please open my pants? My hands are busy."

And they were. Keeping Tohma down, enjoying the dominance of the man who usually dominated him; the only man who ever dominated him, controlled and told him what to do. He begins to bite Tohma. First his ear, then his nose, his chin, his jaw, down his slim neck and delicate shoulders, growling softly against him.

Rage went back to stroking herself, slowly as there wasn't much to watch and she didn't want to come before the show even got going again. She reached across and opened Eiri’s pants, letting her fingers brush slowly over him.

Tohma pushed up against him, seeking contact. He wanted to touch him, but was finding that difficult. He pushed his hips against Eiri's, a series of pleasured growls and cry’s pouring from his throat*

Eiri’s mouth came to nestle against the shell of Tohma’s ear, lifting his hips slightly. "Do you see that Tohma? This is my own little harem. I don’t even have to undress myself. I can focus entirely on you." He looked over his shoulder, jerking his head to the side a bit. "Don’t forget to remove them. Shoes first, then pants. I need them off. I’m sure Tohma wants them off… don’t you, Tohma?" He gave him no time to reply, clamping Tohma’s bottom lip between his teeth and slowly digging his teeth into it. But he stopped before Tohma would feel any pain, sucking on it with soft moaning sounds, broken and halting. Letting it pop back into place, his tongue came out, flicking against the swollen lip.

Rage moved down his body, hands caressing, stroking the leg she had access to, caressing his thigh, knee, calves, ankles. She slipped off his shoes and socks, kissing the sole of his feet, licking his ankles before working her way back up his body to work on his pants, licking, kissing and nipping her way down each bit of revealed flesh.

Tohma's response was a faltering cry. His nails dug into the writers shoulder, as he ground his hips against the other, the friction causing him to hold tighter. He wrapped his leg around Eiri's waist, pulling his hips against his own.

Eiri shivered under the light placement of expert feminine fingers and lips. It made him squirm more, which was in part purposeful since squirming meant squirming against Tohma, now with both bodies naked and free to touch without hindrance.

And he certainly did like a woman who could take initiative to get what she wanted.

Nose against nose, his head was light and dizzy. It was all he could do to focus on Tohma, giving him a lustful stare, full of intent. When Tohma’s thighs hugged his hips, he slid his knees up a bit to support him with the slight change in position. Able to prop himself up with the hands still clutching the thin wrists, starting to sweat as his temperature rose dangerously, he ground against Tohma. Torment him "You have to ask for it, Tohma. That’s the only way you’ll get me. "

Rage smirked as she heard Eiri's words to Tohma, shifting position to see both of them, wanting to see the Golden King fall, if just a touch.

"Guh…" Tohma was having trouble finding his voice, and he pulled Eiri's body tighter against his. "P-please..." He pulled at his hands, wanting so badly to touch, to feel. The pressure in his groin was now a throbbing sensation, almost painful. He ground his hips to Eiri's again, his breathing heavy. "Please, Eiri..."

Rage wanted to hear him beg more, but knew Eiri probably wouldn't make his old friend weight. Someday…she would get her chance to hear him. She smirked at the pair and pulled her boot off, removing a feather from the inside, leaning close to Eiri's thigh, absently running the feather over his flesh, enough to tickle, but not torture. To excite.

Eiri’s breath left him in a rush, like it was being forced out of him. That desperate ‘Please’ in Tohma’s voice made his back shiver. One hand at a time released Tohma’s wrists, setting them free. Each was placed flat on the cushion next to Tohma’s head, keeping himself propped. "Put your arms around me, Tohma." He liked a tight grip around him; it was one of that many changes that Shuichi brought about. Before, he could barely stand to be touched. Now, he needed it. "Just a little longer, Toh-"

Broken. A sharp gasp left his throat, face falling into the delicious curve of Tohma’s neck. A quick look over his shoulder revealed Rage and a feather. In an unconscious motion to get away from its tickle- even though he enjoyed the sensation- he pushed harder against Tohma. "Rage, I need you to fetch me something. Something that I can use to make him nice and wet. Come back here with something."

His eyes never left Tohma’s, refusing to let the man break contact. Eye contact was important. He was back to the simulated grinding, the movements invasive but promising.

Rage stood and left the room, returning with a bottle from the bedroom, pouring some out into her hand, tossing it back onto the floor, reaching between the two males to stroke Eiri slowly, coating him from tip to base and then giving a few more strokes just to be sure.

She then moved her attention to Tohma, first coating two fingers before sliding them into the older man one at a time, watching his face as she wiggled them around, using his moans and facial expressions as a guide.

As she slipped a third finger into him she started coating his erection, jerking him in time with her thrusts. She slipped her fingers out when he was as stretched as she could make him, giving a little flourish to Eiri, smirking.

Tohma placed his arms around Eiri’s neck, a tight hold. He still pressed against Eiri, still begging.. His voice cracked under the strain of keeping his control, and it wasn't easy to keep such control*

"That’s it." Delayed response? Inability to meld his mind cohesively to the present moment, having to access them seconds later than normal. Chalk it up to the overwhelming pressure inside of him, which was to be expected, with Rage’s hand sliding against him with slick, wet sounds.

Sensuality demanded that every sense was inundated with stimulus. Ears, touch, taste, eyes, smell. He loved the sound of Tohma, the breathing of the others in the room, the sounds of Rage’s expert preparatory administration. Tohma’s skin was sticky with sweat, and every motion he made peeled them apart only to stick them back together when he settled. Tohma’s mouth was sweet and warm. He was undeniably beautiful, more so naked and vulnerable. And the smell of his cologne and skin, the hot smell males produce, was delicious.

He was gentle as he pushed at Tohma’s legs, one at a time, up enough to position his hands just right. He couldn’t suppress a wicked smile to Tohma, panting softly as time slowed down around him… a most aggravating effect. It was nice to feel Tohma’s arms around him. He always felt safe, which was rather rare, despite his outward stoicism. With one last groan, he wiggled himself against Tohma.

The entrance was unnecessary slow, but he had learned the slower it was, the more the body responded in time to it. He didn’t know what Tohma’s body would do, but they tented to arch, to press down, to seek to quicken the intrusion and get to the act itself. It was all but impossible to hold in his groan, so he let it go against Tohma’s lips.*

Rage slid back as Eiri moved into Tohma and continued to run her now slick fingers across his hips and thighs, too light a touch to hinder his movement, but enough to enflame the nerve endings. Her slick fingers drew a design across his left buttock, moaning as the muscles moved under her touch.

This would be Tohma’s undoing. He pushed against Eiri more, wanting him. His voice broke as he begged for the author to hurry it up some more. He arched up against him, the fire raging in his veins making the throbbing in his groin that much harder to ignore.

Forehead to forehead, Eiri closed he eyes. Tohma was there; those were Tohma’s arms and legs locked against him, Tohma’s breathing and flexing muscles. His world was shaped into the supine figure of the older man, nothing existing past the flesh, the body, and the very capability of pleasure to heighten every body function like blood flow and breathing while slowing down the brain until thought in itself had to be abandoned.

He couldn’t hold back even if he tried, quickening and hardening his pace, certain that a rough rhythm wouldn’t hurt Tohma. Easily propped up by one hand, the other snaked between them, finding the slickened length to wrap his hand around. The stroke was smooth by the lubrication.

But the entire world hadn’t quite faded; he still felt the distinct feathering of fingers on him. It kept him squirming, shifting, and groaning deeper.

Rage leaned forward, running her tongue across the tip of Eiri’s back, moving down across his muscles, tracing her way towards his thighs before moving up on another path, giving gentle nips as she moved

Tohma growled against the others throat, and moved his hips in time to the others thrusts. His nails dug into his shoulders, and the cries that escaped his lips gave away every last bit about him at the moment.

Eiri froze, back arching into a downward curve as the pair of lips stole down his bare back, eliciting a soft groan from his chest. Captivated by the front, teased from the back; it was a delightful mixture of sensation.

His lips were moving, though on their on volition. It took him a moment to realize that it was Tohma’s name, whispered, broken in halves to complete itself with a hitch in the middle.

Beautiful Tohma.

"Do you love me, Tohma?" Did he even hear the question, or was it too soft? His forehead was pressed to the man’s plump cheek, eyes sealed shut against the searing heat behind them. Why the hell was he so needy? Why the hell did he insist on making a complete ass of himself when he did this?

His fingers curled around the edge of the couch cushion, squeezing it in his hand as he fought to keep himself level, to maintain some balance of order in his motions. It was becoming too much at too rapid a pace. The pain and pressure in his stomach was coiling, his discomfort increasing at an exponential rate, threatening to simply break him apart. All held together by a thin straining thread that snapped, resounding through him with the sound of a grunt and the syncopated spasm of his hips.

It made him tug on Tohma faster, his body naturally matching the motions.

Rage bit down a bit harder at his question, almost in punishment before letting her tongue lap at the wound, soothing it before moving back on a new path, adding more nips, but none to painful.

Every movement drove Tohma farther and farther, nails raking smooth flesh, his head thrown back in pure ecstasy. The broken sounds spilling from his throat, partial begs, half spoken name. His voice kept breaking, and he wasn't sure how much longer wit would take before he gave in completely to the younger mans skills. "Yes…I do...I…I love…you…need you... "

Loved. Needed. There was nothing better. Even if Eiri had always known, it was nice to hear. Nice was far from the sentiment. It thrilled him perversely, and he found himself nodding against Tohma’s face, agreeing, insisting that it always remain just that way.

Bright lights were behind his burning eyes, hot spasms shooting through his limbs, though it collected at the center of his body. Jerking, crying out against the flesh soon caught between his lips, loosing control entirely and wanting to take Tohma down with him. Misery loves company, as do the miserable, just as much in pleasure as in anything else.

He was light headed. He could barely breathe, but that didn’t stop him from tugging roughly on Tohma, squeezing too hard. His world had already come apart, and he was content to lose himself in it, stomach fluttering with a thousand butterflies that sent pleasure through his nerves with every beat of their buzzing, vibrating wings.

Rage felt the change in Eiri's muscles and moved away with a final, gentle kiss, licking her lips, savoring the last taste of his skin.

Tohma was on the verge on just letting himself cry out loudly. He didn't care who'd hear it, or anything. He pulls on his body, the touches, they pushed him farther. The pressure in his groin was getting to be painful, as was the throbbing of his arousal. "Please! Eiri!" He clawed at him some more, his breathing heavy and uneven.

Eiri was still reeling, panting heavily from the high peak he had just come down from. The after glow was amazing, his entire body transported to a state of relaxation never gained by any other means.

He less than carefully pulled himself out, though it wasn't as difficult softening as it would have been otherwise. His hand kept a tight grip, lips closing around the tip. The taste of the lubrication was bitter and foul, but that didn't stop him. He had one goal that he intended to see to the end, knowing any longer would be too much for Tohma.

Rage watched them, smiling slightly, fingers itching to run through blond hair and trace sweat soaked skin but she resisted, clenching her fingers around the carpet.

Tohma cried out at this, thrusting for the contact. His fingers tangled in the others hair, pulling. He was crying out in pleasure, and a variety of sounds, from growls to whines, were pulled from his throat.

Eiri lapped with his tongue like a cat, stroking blood enfused flesh, groaning with a different sort of heady excitement. He knew where to let his tongue linger, swirling wet traces that made no difference on an organ already completely covered by his mouth. Pulling with his lips, using pressure, force, and his hand petting in time against it.

Chapter Three

Chapter One