
Teardrops fallen from my face.
Each one for pain of each heartache.
My heart beats loud, trying to escape my chest.
The teardrop river slowly flows away.

Friendships are gone, far away.
The love shared by some with the stroke of a pen,
I felt that when they left it was the end.
Forever is gone…was it ever really there?
You cry with a friend, talk with a friend, and love with a friend.
Who’s there to help with the tears?
Who’s there to understand?

Long time means nothing, our pain means nothing.
Cry out, reach out, shout out loud, is anyone there anymore?
It’s hard to belive it will happen again, all the hurt from the words,
the love and the pain.

What were your words to me as all is gone?
Is there any love in the world, today, yesterday, tomarrow?
Are any hearts feeling calm tonight?
Everyone must die, no matter when, no matter why.
My heart cries out with pain, felling alianaited, alone, afraid.
Take note my friend, for friends are gone.
We are alone, with the memory fading, but not the pain.