Win My Awards

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Award

1. Site must be about Buffy the Vampire Slayer only.
2. no anti-sites.
3. Site must be original in design, content & graphics.
4. Extra brownie points for sites where the webmaster designed everything (graphics & layout) on his/her own.
5. Any stolen content or graphics from other sites are not acceptable (ie: flying cross from Buffy Cross & Stake)
6. Other sites's manipulated images or graphics may not be used to make your own graphics.
7. Credit must be given where credit is due.
8. No sound in the background whatsoever. If you must have sound, give visitors the option to download.
9. You must sign my guestbook and you must link to my site.
10. Please, no template sites or sites with just an image gallery, some links, and bios.


Angel Award

1. Site must be about Angel only.
2. no anti-sites.
3. Site must be original in design, content & graphics.
4. Extra brownie points for sites where the webmaster designed everything (graphics & layout) on his/her own.
5. Any stolen content or graphics from other sites are not acceptable (ie: flying cross from Buffy Cross & Stake)
6. Other sites's manipulated images or graphics may not be used to make your own graphics.
7. Credit must be given where credit is due.
8. No sound in the background whatsoever. If you must have sound, give visitors the option to download.
9. You must sign my guestbook and you must link to my site.
10. Please, no template sites or sites with just an image gallery, some links, and bios..


Harry Potter Award

1. Site must be about Harry Potter only.
2. no anti-sites.
3. Site must be original in design, content & graphics.
4. Extra brownie points for sites where the webmaster designed everything (graphics & layout) on his/her own.
5. Any stolen content or graphics from other sites are not acceptable (ie: flying cross from Buffy Cross & Stake)
6. Other sites's manipulated images or graphics may not be used to make your own graphics.
7. Credit must be given where credit is due.
8. No sound in the background whatsoever. If you must have sound, give visitors the option to download.
9. You must sign my guestbook and you must link to my site.
10. Please, no template sites or sites with just an image gallery, some links, and bios.


Site of the Month

1. Site can be about any subject (music, other tv series). Priority is given to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Anita Blake or Harry Potter sites.
2. No porn, no anti-sites.
3. Site must be original in design, content & graphics.
4. Extra brownie points for sites where the webmaster designed everything (graphics & layout) on his/her own.
5. Any stolen content or graphics from other sites are not acceptable (ie: flying cross from Buffy Cross & Stake)
6. Other sites's manipulated images or graphics may not be used to make your own graphics.
7. Credit must be given where credit is due.
8. No sound in the background whatsoever. If you must have sound, give visitors the option to download.
9. You must sign my guestbook and you must link to my site.
10. Sites that win this award have something really special about them. I go there and go "WOW!!" Only the best of the best sites will win this award!


How To Apply

Email me with, your name, the name of your site, you're site's address, your email adress where you can be reached most often and the reasons WHY you should win.


Good Luck! :)


Main Awards
