Scene 1: Buffy and Riley are walking hand in hand down a path, leading to
the university.

Riley: So, enjoyed yourself tonight?

Buffy: Yeah, it was nice.

Riley: Nice?

Buffy: I would use a more nicer-sorry-better word, but watching two guys
fight in the park isn't all special.

Riley: I know, but I didn't plan that. I meant the picnic. Did you enjoy

Buffy: Oh yeah. The food was lovely. Thanks. Tonight couldn't have been more
perfect, but there's something missing. I don't know what.

Riley: (He's about to kiss her) Is this what's missing?

BUT then a vampire comes out from nowhere and without warning Buffy quickly
stabs it, as if she knew all along that it was gonna come anyway.

Buffy: That's what was missing.

Riley looks quite upset, as he thought she wanted to kiss him. Buffy sees
Riley all hunched up and she leans forwards and kisses him, passionately.

Buffy: That was missing too, you know.

Riley smiles as we cut to the theme tune.

Scene 2: Buffy and Willow are both in their dorm, talking like they usually

Willow: So, is this Buff-Riley thing gonna be serious?

Buffy: I dunno. I mean he's nice and all and he's cute, but-but I dunno.

Willow: You don't wanna fall in love again?

Buffy: (She stares out of the window) No. I've already lost one love. I
can't face losing another.

Willow: (She stares hard at the carpet) don't worry Buffy. I know what
you're going through.

Buffy: Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up Oz like that. Sorry Will.

Willow: No, it's okay. He's the past isn't he, so I can't care less.

Buffy: Willow, stop lying.

Willow: Your right. I do care. I care a lot, but I can't make him come back
can I, unless-unless I do a spell, but I'm not going to, cos I've already
tried that and.

There's a knock at the door and Buffy goes to answer it.
It's Riley.

Buffy: Oh.hey. I wasn't expecting you to come. What's up?

Riley: Not much, just popping in to say hi.

Willow: Hi!

Riley: Hey.

Buffy has an urge to kiss Riley and she does so.
All of a sudden, when she opens her eyes, she sees Angel there, not Riley.

Buffy: Angel? Is-is that you? (She hugs him).

Angel: Oh god, Buffy! I've missed you.

Buffy: How-how come you're here.

Angel: I did this spell.

Buffy: (giggles) you're not the one meant to be doing spells. Willow is.

Angel: I KNOW, but I just wanted to see you and-and, tell you that I love
you. This spell only lasts for 2 days and so I just wanna tell you that now.

Buffy: Oh Angel, I love you too.

She kisses him and when she opens her eyes again, Riley's there now, not

Riley: I mean, wow.

Buffy: You're not Angel.

Riley: Angel?

Willow: Oh no.


Scene 3: Still in Willow and Buffy's dorm, except Riley is gone now.

Willow: How-how come you were thinking of Angel all of a sudden, huh? I
mean, he's the past!

Buffy: I know, but Willow, you've gotta understand that I'm telling the
truth, when I said he was there, not Riley. He said he did some sort of
spell to come and see me and it only lasts for 2 days.

Willow: Oh god.

Buffy: What?

Willow: He's done a "Past-time" spell.

CUT TO Scene 4: In Giles house with Giles and Olivia there, cuddling on the

Giles: It's nice of you to come and visit me again.

Olivia: Oh, it's okay. (She leans forwards and kisses him, unexceptionally).

Giles: Oh. (Giles has his eyes closed for a second and when he opens them he
sees Jenny.) Jenny?

Jenny: Oh god, it's you, Giles! (She cries and hugs him).

Giles: How did you-you're dead-how did you get here?

Jenny: Angel did a spell. It's called a "Past-time" spell and whoever your
last romance is comes back from the past. I suppose he did it to see.Buffy.

Giles: Oh no. Angel is so much trouble. Buffy was doing fine without him.
With him she can not concentrate well.

Jenny: Yes, but if he didn't do it, then I wouldn't be here. You've got to
give him credit for that.

Giles: I suppose so. (He's about to kiss her).

Jenny: Don't kiss me.

Giles: What?

Jenny: If you kiss me, then I would go away and Olivia would return. To get
me back though, you have to kiss Olivia again. Complicated?

Giles: Quite. And this spell only lasts for 2 days?

Jenny: Yes, but no matter what I'm in heaven watching over you and I've seen
all the tough things you've had to conquer and you've raised Buffy well

Giles: Thanks. I'm kind of growing into that child's father aren't I?

CUT TO Scene 5, where Willow is out on a date with this guy called
"Matthew". He's cute.

Willow: So, ya into pop and all that stuff, cos I AM! (She wants to show him
that she's NOT a geek).

Matthew: (Finds her a bit weird) No, actually I prefer animal work. I
research on them a lot.

Willow: What kinda animals do you like researching on.

Matthew: Weird animals like big birds, crocodiles or even wolves. They're
kinda cute things.

Willow: (She's thinking about Oz, when he says that). I KNOW what you mean.
(She looks sad).

Matthew: Come here. (He kisses her).

When Willow opens her eyes she sees Oz.

Willow: OZ!

Oz: Willow.(He hugs her).

Willow: Oh my god. This must be part of the "Past-time" spell. Please stay

Oz: I don't know if I can. I mean, if this is part of a spell, me being
here, then I'd probably vanish sometime.

Willow: Oh I know. In 2 days, but please promise me when you go, come back.

Oz: I don't know if I can.

Willow: Why not?

Oz: I've got-I've got a girlfriend now, Willow.

We see Willow's face upset and hurt as we CUT TO Riley's dorm. Buffy knocks
on his door. Riley answers it.

Buffy: Sorry if I'm interrupting anything.

Riley: No, of course not. So-so.(Buffy kisses him and of course Angel

Buffy: Angel.Giles told me how the spell works and all and I just had to see
you again. (Buffy hugs him).

Angel: I've been waiting for you to kiss Riley. (He grins). But-but Buffy I
have to tell you something.

Buffy: What?

Angel: I don't wanna see you again.

We leave seeing Buffy's hurt face and CUT TO Willow and Oz. They are both
still in the street.

Willow: Another-another girl? Oh yeah, I'm just a freak, don't love me
anymore. I'm just your FIRST love. Well that's that you said, I dunno if
that's true anymore.

Oz: It is true, Will, but-but you've got to move on. WE'VE got to move on. I
will always love you and being with Veruka is different. I wanna be-

Willow: Veruka? That-that were-wolf girl I caught you sleeping with? (She's
VERY angry.of course!)

Oz: Willow-Willow.

Willow leans forwards and is about to kiss him, but she whispers something
in his ear first.

Willow: You've broken my heart.(She kisses him and Oz disappears confused.
Matthew is brought back).

Matthew: Did you like it?

Willow: (absentmindedly replies)-Yeah, thanks for the present. It was great.

Matthew: Huh?

CUT TO Giles house, where Jenny is still there.

Giles: Jenny, do you love me?

Jenny: Of course I do! Don't be ridiculous.

Giles: Well, love me enough to give me away.

Jenny: WHAT?!

Giles: I have fallen for Olivia and I know I sounds harsh, but I can't go on
another day, not knowing if you mind or not or care.

Jenny: Well.I-I don't know. Giles, aren't I always gonna be your-your girl?

Giles: Of course Jenny, but please, please say that I can love Olivia, as
well as you. I will always love you and you know that.

Jenny: But I love you TOO much to give you up and away.

We fade out, as we CUT TO Buffy and Angel.

Buffy: You-you don't-don't wanna see me again? Why would you do this spell
in the first place? To hurt me, is that it?

Angel: Buffy-Buffy no. You know it's not that. I did the spell to tell you
and it's hard, but we-we aren't supposed to be for each other. You and Riley
are like-like a match made in heaven.

Buffy: NO. You've got it wrong. How can you say that we're not supposed to
be for each other after all the things we've been through? (She starts
crying and goes over to hug him). You said you loved me and I returned it
back. Why can't we be together Angel?

Angel: I have a job now Buffy. I-I need to help people.

Buffy: (crying) Help me. Help me be with the man that I will always love,
even if he's a vampire or demon.

Angel: Please, understand.

Buffy: NO! You understand that love is way more important then a job. Way
more important, even if it's helping other people. Don't you think I do that
enough my days, but I still put you way in front of it Angel?
(She leaves, slamming the door behind her, but then comes back and kisses
Angel, as she doesn't want him hanging and Riley returns).

Riley: Have I been a good boy or what?! (He sees Buffy with tears in her
eyes). Buffy, what's wrong? (He wipes her eyes with a tissue).

Buffy: Love-I-don't understand it.

Riley is left confused as we CUT TO the break.

We come back seeing Xander and Anya watching telly.

Anya: Kiss me.I'm ultra bored.

Xander: Alright (He doesn't sound bothered either way).

When Xander opens his eyes, guess whose there, yes, Cordy. She's as shocked
as he is!

Cordy: OH GOD! I KNEW I hada be here! Angel and his spells! GOD XANDER! Do
you have to kiss your girlfriend?

Xander: (Surprised) What?

Cordy: I was doing office work one minute and zoom, the next I'm here
kissing my ex-boyfriend, the Pratt!

Xander: Hey that's NOT very nice! Apologise!

Cordy: (Does a baby voice) I'm so sorry.Dad!

We leave them arguing with each other when we CUT TO Buffy and Willow's
dorm. They are telling each other what has happened.

Willow: Then Oz says he's got another girl and that's not the best thing he
tells me-no-he also tells me that this "other" girl is, the one and only,
Were-girl Veruka!

Buffy: (hardly listening) Huh?

Willow: Oh Buffy, Angel is a terrible vampire. Leave him be, okay?

Buffy: I can't. I love him Willow. I love him to death.

Willow: Well, we all know that and he loves you to, to death. (Thinks about
the sentence she's just said) That's not really a good sentence. I mean,
he's already dead, so it-it makes no.

Buffy: I-I get you, Willow.

Willow: Sorry. I always do that!

Buffy: I need to go see Riley again.

Willow: No, don't dare kiss him and bring the evil Angel back, wait for at
least 3 days more, when Angels spell is finished.

Buffy: No, I need to say goodbye to Angel and tell Riley what's going on.

We CUT TO see Giles, Jenny, Cordy and Xander at Giles apartment. They're all
discussing the spell.

Xander: Oh. So that's why my stupid EX-girlfriend is back! Whoopeedo! (He's
being SOOO sarcastic!).

Cordy: Shut it you!

Xander: (mimics her voice) Shut it you!

Giles: STOP IT the pair of you or-or else I will make you go over there! (He
points to a corner. He's TOO soft!)

Jenny: So, can you two behave?

Xander: Alright.

Cordy: I suppose so (under her breath)-> Yeah, as if!

Xander: I heard that! Now say sorry!

Cordy: Shut up big hair!

Giles and Jenny look hopelessly at each other, while we CUT TO see Buffy and
Riley talking.

Riley: So you NEED to kiss me? You really love this "Angel" guy, don't you?

Buffy: Yeah, so do you understand.

Riley: NO- (He puts his hand on her cheek)-but your important to me
and-well-you basically get me, right?

Buffy: Yeah. (They kiss and Angel, once more, appears).

Angel: Buffy-

Buffy: Angel, it's okay. Right, we can't see each other EVER and I've got to
face that, plus Riley is a great guy, I suppose.

Angel: He IS Buffy.

Buffy: Why don't you wanna even try you and me out anyway, Angel?

Angel: Cos I don't want you to get heart broken.again.

Buffy: I see. Angel, before I kiss you for the last time, will you do me a

Angel: Anything.

Buffy: Say that you'll visit me on my birthday?

Angel: But-

Buffy: I know the deal, but I want all my love ones there. Please Angel?

Angel: Then you need to do me a favour.

Buffy: Yeah?

Angel: Say for the last time that you love me more then anyone you've ever

Buffy: I've been saying that ever since I saw you Angel. (She starts crying
again). I love you SO much; not even Riley can beat it.

Angel: kiss me Buffy.

Buffy: No-no.

Angel: Buffy, DO IT!

Buffy: (Buffy starts crying SO much and she hugs Angel and she whispers to
him->) I will miss you. (And she kisses him).

Angel: I will miss you too. (And we know that the spell is finished and gone
and we see Jenny disappearing and Cordy disappearing).

Xander: Cord-! I-I love you!

Cordy looks astonished, as she fades away.

Giles: JENNY!

Jenny: Giles don't worry.I'm always here beside you.always, okay?

Giles nods his head, agreeing.
When they both completely vanish, Olivia and Anya come back and Giles asks

Giles: You do love her then.

Xander: Always have.

Anya and Olivia look curious and puzzled as we CUT back to seeing Riley and

Riley: You said goodbye to him then?

Buffy: Yeah.

Riley: So how did it go?

Buffy: (signs deeply and starts crying).

Riley: I'm sorry.

Buffy: (stops crying) It's okay. I've learnt to move on.

Riley: That's good.

Buffy: And love you.

Fades out as we see Buffy and Riley smiling at each other. Riley looks very
happy though.


End scene: We see Willow, Xander and Buffy talking.

Willow: It was weird seeing Oz and I'm gonna miss him.

Xander: I know how you're feeling. I'm actually missing Cordy too. I mean
she's a great girl.

Buffy: WE KNOW!

Xander: Sorry. I've said that like 100 times, haven't I?

Buffy: Yeah.

Riley runs up to Buffy.

Riley: (Out of breath) Buffy.

Buffy: Yeah.

Riley: I wanted to tell you that-that I love you too.

Buffy is shocked.

Buffy: Oh god.

Riley: Oh and Willow there's a guy called Oz waiting to see you in your dorm

Willow: What?


Katie-Louise's Diary