Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer:


Buffy: Angel? Is-is that you?

Angel: Oh god, Buffy! I've missed you.


Oz: I've got-I've got a girlfriend now, Willow


Riley: So you NEED to kiss me? You really love this Angel guy, don't you?

Buffy: Yeah, so do you understand.

Riley: NO, but your important to me and-well-you basically get me, right?


Buffy: (To Angel) I will miss you


Riley: I wanted to tell you that-that I love you too.

Buffy: Oh god...

Riley: Oh and Willow there's a guy called Oz waiting to see you in your dorm

Willow: What?


OPENING: Buffy, Willow, Xander and Riley are still sitting on the University
bench, the same place as they were, when we saw them last time in the last
episode.  They are all speechless to hear that Oz wants to see Willow.

Willow: (Confused) Oz? Oz?

Riley: (To Buffy) is she okay?

Buffy: Yeah, sure she is.

Willow: Buffy, I'm just going to-to, you know?

Buffy: Yeah I do. I'll meet you back here around, say, 2-ish?

Willow: (Not really thinking) Ok.

Willow exits.

Xander: Wow. Oz's here? Man, I tell you, if he messes around with her again
I'll be doing some serious butt kicking.

Buffy: Xander, you don't have to do that, you know. I don't think that he's
gonna mess up her head again and if he does.(She says the next bit
proudly).I'LL be doing the butt kicking, okay?

Riley: (Puzzled) Who IS this Oz guy anyway?

Xander: He's just Willow's Ex.

Riley: Oh right. So why is he back here to see her?

Xander: Beats us.


ACT 1: Buffy, Spike and Xander are at Giles's house.

Buffy: So when is Anya coming back from the demon-hell-world then?

Xander: Hey! Don't say it as if it's THAT bad!

Buffy: I'm sorry. It just seems a bit strange that they all of a sudden have
to call her up. I mean, what for?

Xander: I don't know. She said that she wouldn't be back for a week or so.
It's just probably important demon business.

Spike: AW, looks like SOMEBODY'S missing their "demon-girlfriend".

Xander: You DARE call her that again and I'll tell everyone that you have a
major crush on Willow!

Buffy and Giles: What?!

Spike: (Obviously angry) Bloody Hell Xander. What did I tell you about
secrets? Fine! Everyone, Xander sleeps with his teddy!

Buffy and Giles start laughing at him.

Xander: Spike! OK, revenge time.Spike-Spike can-can.

Spike: Can't think of anything to say, can you mate? I'm glad that I didn't
tell you anymore secrets. Why did we play that crap secret game anyway?

Xander: I think we were pissed.

Giles: Gosh. Spike do you really have a crush on Willow?

Spike: (mumbles) Yes.

Xander: What was that?

Spike: (somewhat louder) Yes.

Xander: Was that a yes?

Spike: (Losing his temper) To hell and back, YES!!!

Buffy: God, someone didn't have their blood.

Spike: One more time Buffy and I'll slay you!

Buffy: How, by lovingly sucking me (She strokes her neck softly, while Spike
looks at it, enviously. He, absentmindedly, goes over to bite her, but he
gets another big pain, in his head, and starts to get paranoid).

Spike: GILES! Tell her off for me NOW!

Giles: Come on you two, break it up and Xander don't you cause anymore
hassle, okay? Now, I've been reading and it looks like Buffy's gonna have to
work hard today.

Buffy: Don't I do anyway?

Giles: Well.yes, but Buffy it's quite different this time.

Buffy: How?

Giles: Death is returning to us.

Buffy: (worried) I'll phone Riley to come over.

CUT TO Buffy and Willow's dorm. Willow is just walking into it and spots Oz
on the bed right away.

Oz: Willow.

Willow: Oz. Why are you here?

Oz: I guess that Past-time spell knocked some sense into my head.

Willow: Oh god (She runs over to him and hugs him). Oh god, yes I'll love to
get back together with you. So how-how did Veruka take it?

Oz: (Obviously confused) What?

Willow:  The break up.

Oz: (Suddenly realising what Willow means) OH, no Willow, I've haven't come
back to get together with you.

Willow: (Let's go of Oz) But-but you said the Past-time spell put some sense
into your head?

Oz: I know, but not that kinda sense. I came back here to say 'Goodbye' to
you properly and to see-to see if we can still get along as friends.

Willow: (Hurt) Oh. I see. So are you going back to LA then?

Oz: Of course, but we can still stay friends, right?

Willow: (mumbles) Of course.

Oz: (Awkwardly) Well I've um, better be off then.

Willow: Yeah, sure. I'll come wave you off, okay?

Oz: Ok.

Willow and Oz both exit the room and are soon outside the University
Entrance Door. Willow is devastated and we can see that, by the expression
on her face.

Willow: Well, goodbye.

Oz: Bye. (He gives her a quick hug, but Willow clings onto him hard and we
can see that on her face). The van's parked across the street.

Willow: Right. Have a safe journey home. (Oz leaves).

Oz is in the middle of the street and he turns around, suddenly, to wave a
quick goodbye again. As he is doing so, we can see in slow motion that a car
is coming up the road and the next thing we see is Oz lying face down on the
pavement. The car has drove off, not realising what it's done.

Willow: (Cries) OZ!

CUT TO: Riley had joined the gang now in Giles's house. Him and Buffy are
getting all their equipment ready for Death.

Riley: But I don't understand. If you've already killed him, why is he

Buffy: Well Giles said that when Death is killed for the first time, he
comes back to life in every 100th full moon we have, but the second time
he's killed, he's dead for good.

Riley: I see. So, is he here now or tonight?

Buffy: I dunno exactly.

Giles: Well I've been doing some more reading and it looks like that you can
tell when Death has arrived.

Xander: How?

Giles: Well whoever killed it before, Death can track the person down, but
he doesn't kill the person who killed him, that's Buffy (He reminds
everyone), he kills one of her friends.

Spike: I'm glad that I'm not Buffy's friend.

Buffy: Death doesn't need to kill you, I will.

Giles: STOP IT! Buffy and Riley concentrate in getting prepared, Xander call
up Willow and tell her what's going on-

Xander: (interrupts Giles) but she'll still be with Oz.

Giles: Well, just still call her. Spike stay with me to research more and,
oh I'm I done?

Xander at this point goes over to the phone and start to ring Willow.

Spike: And do I have to stay with you?

Giles: (Lying) Spike, you'll be able to help kill Death as well.

Spike YEAH! That's what I wanna do!

Riley: Buffy, you know what you're doing right?

Buffy: I was going to ask you the same question and yes I do know what I'm
doing. Riley, I've been a slaying for like most of my teenage life, I know
what I'm doing.

Riley: Okay, but promise that you'll still be alive tomorrow.

Buffy: I promise.  (She kisses him)

Xander: Oh my god!

Giles: What is it Xander?

Xander: Oz, he's-he's been in an accident.

Giles: (mumbles) Looks like Death has hit us early.


ACT 2: Willow is sitting by Oz. He's in a hospital bed. The Doctor enters.

Willow: So doctor, how, what, is he alright? (She's confused for words).

Doctor: I haven't quite finished the check up, but he may survive, with a
lot of a miracle.

Willow: So he hasn't got a good chance of surviving?

Doctor: Not to many questions young lady.

Willow: I know what that means.

Doctor: You do?

Willow: Yes, he's not going to survive.

CUT TO: Buffy and Riley just about to enter the hospital.

Buffy: Riley, do-do you think Oz is okay?

Riley: I'm not sure.

Buffy: I hate going into hospitals. It freaks me out, you know.

Riley: Well be brave, I'm here.

They enter the hospital and they search for Oz's room.

Buffy: (To a nurse passing by) Excuse me, do you know where we could find a
guy whose just checked in, by the name of "Daniel Osborne?"

Riley: (whispers to Buffy) Daniel Osborne?

Buffy: Oz.

Riley: I see. I thought Oz was quite an usual name.

Nurse: (To Buffy) I'll go check  for you now and your name is?

Buffy: Buffy Summers.

Nurse: Is that your full name?

Buffy: No. It's Buffy Anne Summers.

Nurse: (She gets out a pad and writes down Buffy's name then to Riley she
asks) And you?

Riley: Just Riley Finn.

Nurse: Right, I'll go see. You two wait here and I'll be back in a moment.

She leaves.

Buffy: (To Riley) huh, you don't have a middle name?

Riley: I don't really no. You never told me your middle name was Anne.

Buffy: It's because it doesn't suit me, that's why.

The Nurse returns, interrupting their conversation.

Nurse: Yes, we do have a Daniel Osborne. Does a Miss Willow Rosenburg
accompany him? (Buffy nods a yes) Okay then. You'll find him in Room 30,
upstairs. Take the elevator. Daniel seems to be in a lot of trouble.

Buffy: (To Riley) Oh god. Come on.

CUT TO: Giles's house. Giles, Spike and Xander are there.

Giles: I hope Oz is alright.

Xander: I wonder how Willow feels.

Spike: Probably torn to.I shouldn't really use the word death, but I'm evil
right, so, death.

Giles: Spike, shut up. You're giving me a headache.

Spike: Ha. Told you I was evil, didn't I?

Xander: Should we go to the hospital?

Giles: No. I don't think there should be a crowd at the hospital.

Spike: (moans) I wanna go! I'm bored!

Xander: Go watch Passions!

Spike: Shut it!.(Starts to mumble).And anyway, it's not on today.

CUT TO: Willow still sitting beside Oz and Buffy and Riley entering.

Buffy: (On seeing Oz) Oh god. (Looking at Willow) Are you okay?

Willow: Not really. It doesn't seem that he has a chance of survival.

Riley: He looks okay though. I mean, he doesn't look bad, bad.

Willow: I know, but-but, I dunno.

Buffy: It's Death. He's making Oz die. I bet he's around here somewhere or

Willow: Huh?

Riley: Should you are I explain.

Buffy: Well Willow-

She gets interrupted as Death appears and we see flashes of Buffy and Riley
trying to kill it and Oz's heart-machine bleeping and Oz himself. When it
gets nearer to the end of the fight, everything is in slow motion and just
before Buffy kills Death (He disappears, when she kills him, this time. Like
a vampire does, but a bit differently), we hear the heart-machine just
bleep. The doctor and Nurses come in.

Doctor: Another one lost. (He looks sympathetically at Willow) I'm so sorry.

Willow starts to cry.
We hear that song that we hear near the end of Becoming 2 and see Buffy and
Riley going over to Willow. Buffy hugs Willow and before the end, we see
Oz's sad, lonely face and Willow whispering to him,  "I love you".


ACT 3: Willow is walking round on her own, on the street. We hear in the
background the same music and Willow starts to cry, remembering Oz. She
passes a guitar shop and just gazes sadly at it. Buffy sees her and joins

Buffy: I've been looking for you everywhere. I just wanted to apologise, it
was my fault that Oz-that Oz passed away. I was late, killing Death, I mean.

Willow: (Completely ignoring her) That guitar. It looks like the one Oz used
to play. (We see a flashback of him playing the guitar in the Bronze).
I miss him.

We see flashbacks of Willow and Oz together and lastly we see, before the
end, Oz getting hit by that car again.


Katie-Louise Jone's Diary