Where the Free Souls Go-Part II

Angel walked outside and into a nearby alley. There the girl
stood, leaning against a wall, causally chewing on a piece of gum. In the
light of the street he saw her more clearly then he had before.   

           She was beautiful. Her hair was up to her shoulders and as Buffy's
had it when Angel first meet her. Only this girl's hair was brown. Her eyes
were also like Buffy's a deep rich green that seemed to know the world at
only 15. She was tall around ''5'6 and seemed very thin yet toned. There girl
wore a cross around her neck, a yellowish dress with thick straps, ankle high
brown boots and a leather jacket.

       Angel's eyes narrowed on her. "Who are you? How do you know what I am?
You're not a vampire or demon that much I know."

  The girl seemed to laugh. "You know for a guy that's all brooding, you sure
do ask a lot of questions." She thought a moment. "You can call me J for now.
Everything else will be told in time. Listen I hope you have a nice place
because I don't feel like sleeping in an alley or anything." J looked Angel
up and down. "And my God man when was the last time you feed?!"  She started
walking. Angel followed her, knowing there was more to this kid then she let

 As he walked beside her his eyes narrowed on her face. "Did the Cousail send

 J gave him a side ways glare. "As if! It will all be told in good time." J
smiled and popped a bubble of her gum. "All in good time."

                                       *         *           *

   They got to Angel's apartment 20 minutes later. Angel opened the door and
J walked right in and headed straight to the bedroom. Angel followed only to
find her bouncing on his bed.

Angel's eyes grow wide. What wasthis girl's game? What she insane? "What are
you doing?" He asked her folding his arms.

J stopped bouncing and give him a look that said "Duh". I'm making sure I can
sleep on this." Angel was getting annoyed, but she went on before he could
stop her. "Do you have running water? I really hope so, I smell soo bad." She
rised over and turned on a lamp.

The vampire blinked at the light. He had to find out what was J's game. "All
right," he sighed. "Where are you from?"

 J flopped down into an Indain-style position. She chewed her gum
thoughtfully and looked at Angel's black shirt, her eyes traveled up to his
eyes. "I summer in LA." She told him.

Angel smiled at her humor. "I have running water. Tell you what, you go take
a bath. Then you can sleep in my bed, I'll take the sofa. And tomorrow you'll
tell me where you come from. Deal?"

J nodded. "Deal... Angel."

"Good. I'll go get you something to eat."

 Angel walked back into his room with a glass of milk and a sandwich. He
smiled when he saw J asleep on his bed. The vampire put the glass and
sandwich down on his dresser. Then he carefully removed her boots and put
them on the floor. Angel covered her lovely and turned off the lamp.

Angel looked down at the sleeping teen. He pushed a stray hair out of her
face. And before he knew what he was doing, Angel was leaning down and
kissing her forehead.

The vampire went quickly to the chair by the window and sat down.  Angel
sighed to himself as he looked out the window and into the New York night.
Inside he was feeling something he had only felt once before. And in that
moment Angel knew he would protect J forever at any cost, no matter what
happened to him.

 End of Chapter 1

Where the Free Souls Go: Part III

Oak's Diary