Spider webs.
By: Tricia Fleming.
PART/CHAPTER: Part 1 Chapter 1-?

DISCLAIMER: Ok, for all those people who love to
complain. Laurell K. Hamilton creates Anita Blake and
company, there are like, 3 characters I created. And I
didn't draw the pictures either. But I did create the

SPOILERS: I'm one of the slow readers; I've only read
Circus of the Damned and Guilty Pleasures, in that
order, so any mentions come from those two.

DISTRIBUTION: I don't care if the Pope read it
(thought it might not be proper for him), it's up for
anyone to read or use or whatnot.

RATING: PG 13. Some swear and suggestive writing but
no sex.

FEEDBACK: Go right ahead and tell me what you think.
Anything and everything is welcomed.

(Note: all thoughts are underlined)

St. Louis, oh I hope you turn out to be what I need.
 Skid thought to herself as she entered the city. Here
I don't have to worry about everyone knowing me, and
here I will be accepted for being me.   She pulled up
to a Hotel. Parking her Harley, she grabbed her small
amount of luggage and walked inside.  At the desk, she
signed in, and dragged her stuff to her new room. Is
it just me, or is it that I always get stuck on the
highest floor and the elevators are out?   She asked
herself. Walking into her new, temporary home, and
threw her suitcase on the bed. She was more careful
with her leather jacket, gloves and helmet. After she
placed those away, she went to her suitcase and opened
it. Inside were tarot cards, a few spell books and
several other things, including a lot of cash. Looking
around the room, she noticed a crucifix attached to
the wall above her bed. With a snort she walked over
to it and held it. Stupid custom, there is no God out
there that will do any good.  She placed the cross in
the top drawer of the dresser. Being an atheist, she
didn't care for the `stupid custom. `  She grabbed her
money, gloves, jacket, helmet and keys and went
outside. Getting her Harley going, she sped into the
sleeping city. I need to find a place to get a job;
hopefully I can find a place that will use my skills.
She thought to herself.  I may be a 17 year old, but I
can't enter the school, and I need a job that won't
need a background. I can tell I'll be drowning in
choices.  She reprimanded herself.  Driving into an
area that was more lively then the rest, she looked at
sings, trying to find one that read, wanted. She
didn't find one, but did see a sign that read `Circus
of the Damned. ` It caught her attention, and she
almost ran over a dog that raced across the street.
Slamming on the brakes, the Harley fishtailed and
bucked. She was thrown off and hit the ground hard.
She slid along the ground for a few feet, and then
stopped. Her Harley stopped just before hitting her.
Trying to get up, a sharp pain ran up her left arm.
Damn!  She swore silently and clutched it to her.
Peeling her jacket off, as well as her glove, she saw
that her arm was bleeding, and that her jacket was
ruined. What a great first hour. She thought

People were asking her if she was all right. "I'm
fine, I just need clean water and a bandage." She said
to them. One interesting fellow told her to follow him
and he led her into the Circus. She couldn't figure
out why this man was so different from the rest until
she realized that he wasn't human. He seemed too
energetic. A shape shifter, oh goodie. She thought
without humour. He brought her to a first-aid tent.
"Wait here, I'll be right back with someone to help
you." He told her. "I'm fine thank you, I know on how
to use water and tenser bandage." She said to him. He
smiled suddenly, looking really good. "Sorry about
that, it's just that not a lot of people would be so
calm about being thrown from a motorcycle." He
explained. "I have a high pain tolerance, plus its not
the first time I've been thrown from the dumb thing."
She smiled. "I'm Skid." She offered her good hand.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Stephen." He took the hand. A
light haired lady entered the tent. "Hello, I'm
Magenta, the Circus' first-aid worker." She smiled to
Skid. "Hello, I'm Skid, the Circus' first-aid
patient." Skid greeted. This brought a laugh from
Magenta. "From what I hear, you did skid." Skid
laughed. "It's an abbreviation of my full name. Shelly
Kristine Iris Denelton. I hate my name, so I shortened
it to Skid."  Magenta nodded and started to work on
Skid's arm. After a few minutes, it was cleaned and
bandaged. "Your bike is just outside, but your jacket
is a complete loss, sorry." Stephen said, ducking back
inside the tent. Skid realized that she hadn't been
paying attention, or she'd have noticed him leaving.
"That's ok, I'll just get a new one." She paused. "Is
there any openings for a job here? I'm new in town and
really need a job." Stephen and Magenta looked at each
other. "Skid, this Circus is run but a vampire, most
of the workers are the same or lycanthropes, and
you're neither of those. Plus it's up to the Circus
owner." Skid sat there and smiled. "I figured it was
run by vamps and shifts, and I don't care. I'm a
mystic. Not born as one, but I like to do Tarot and
evokes and other things." Stephen raised an eyebrow.
"A mystic eh? Well, if you're a mystic, then tell me a
few things normal people wouldn't know."  Skid
laughed. "Easy, you're a werewolf, she's a were cat,
this Circus used to be tainted be an unkindly force
and the Easter Bunny doesn't exist."  Stephen and
Magenta laughed. "You're good." Magenta said. "So,
will you let me at least have an interview to see if I
can get a job?" Skid asked. "Tomorrow, come here at
10:30 pm and we'll let you meet the Circus owner."
Stephen said. "Ok, I'll be here." Skid got up.
Stephen walked outside and Skid followed. Her Harley
was right there; it's mother-of-pearl colour swirling
in the lights. "I'll walk the dumb thing back." Skid
said, eyeing it. "I don't entirely trust myself on it
yet." She explained. "I can drive you, I've got a
pickup truck parked out back." Magenta offered.
"Thanks." Skid said. Stephen helped load the Harley
onto the back, and hopped in with the 2 ladies.  The
drive back to the Hotel wasn't quiet. Stephen talked
about the Circus, leaving out just enough information
to make the explanation really annoying. "You know
what job might suit you, since you can tell
creatures," Magenta said. "What?" Skid asked. "The
spook squad. They're a special unit on the police
force. They deal with all supernatural activities."
Skid nodded. "I'll check it out."  They helped her
unload her bike and drag it to the parking spot. After
saying goodbye, she went to her room. Getting inside,
she collapsed on her bed and fell asleep.
When she woke up, she showered, fixed up her arm and
went shopping for new cloths. After her shopping, she
had a new wardrobe and was ready to check out the
spook squad but first she got a small apartment.
Entering the police station, she talked to a lot of
people and waited. After 3 hours of nothing, she
finally got to talk to the squad's commander, a man
named Rudolph. He asked her to call him Dolph. "Well,
Shelly, why do you want to work for the special task
force?" he asked her. " Well, I'm new in town, I need
a job, and I was directed here because I can tell all
types of creatures and track them." He looked at her.
"And what type of creature are you?" he asked her,
eyeing her curiously. "I'm human, I can just tell the
difference." She explained. After another few minutes
of interrogation, she was told she got a position, and
started on Monday. He handed her a beeper so that they
could get her attention at anytime.

Skid was proud of herself; her first day here and she
already had a job and a house. Not a bad job for a 17
year old. But as soon as she reached her house, the
dumb beeper went off. Using a pay phone, she heard
Dolph's voice. "Well, I guess I lied. There has been a
supernatural attack down at Thunderstones sq. Meet us
there as soon as you can." Shrugging, Skid got back on
her bike and started over. Luckily, she didn't get
lost on the way. When she arrived, she saw what the
attack was. A child around the age of 10 lay naked on
the ground. Throat ripped out, and ribs slashed open.
The entire place reeked of blood and bugs. Skid saw a
women looking the body over. She looked up. "Hello,
I'm Anita Blake." Skid took the offered hand. "I'm
Skid, I mean Shelly." Anita smiled. "Well Skid,
welcome to the Spook Squad." Skid laughed. "Yeah, what
a warm welcome I'm receiving too." She indicated the
body. "It looks like a spider laid its eggs and left."
She said. This got a curious look from Anita and
Dolph, as well as others who were nearby. "Why do you
say that? I know a lycanthrope did this, but why did
you say spider?" Skid blushed. "Well, I read somewhere
that a female spider will lay its eggs in a trapped
victim, and when the eggs hatch, it explodes the
creatures chest and they kill it. That would explain
the odd eruption in the chest and the half chewed
insides." Anita nodded. "So you're saying we have a
giant spider that has laid eggs, and will kill to lay
more and to feed." Dolph said. "And those new
hatchlings will spread and lay more." Anita continued.
Skid nodded. "Such a merry thing to consider."  Anita
looked at the rib cage. "There seems to be one problem
with your reasoning though." "And what is that?" Skid
crouched down. "By the shape and marks on the remains
of the lungs and chest area, the creature is large,
and singular." Dolph's face paled a colour. "That
means that there is going to be more eggs laid?" he
asked calmly. "Yes." Anita and Skid said together.
"But first she'll have to.mate." Anita finished. "And
use the male to bear the egg." Skid finished. Both
Anita and Skid got up. "Well, it's been an interesting
first day." Skid commented. "At least you didn't have
to fight with a psychotic vampire." Anita said. Skid
looked at her, confused. "It's a long story." Skid
just nodded. "Well, you'll have to tell me it tomorrow
or some other day. I've got an appointment to keep,
and I need to get lunch." She rolled the sleeves of
her shirt up. Dolph saw her bandage. "Where'd you get
that?" he asked her. "Oh, I was thrown off of my
Harley yesterday when I swerved around a crazy dog."
"Does it hurt?" He questioned her. "Not anymore." She
replied. He nodded. "Do any of you want to join me at
lunch. My treat." She offered. Anita smiled at her.
"I'll join you." "Me too." Dolph agreed. "Ok, well
then, if we're ready, we can go clean up and then get
something to eat." She looked at the body. "That has
got to be one of the most disgusting things I've ever
seen. That is of course not including my science
teacher in a Speedo." Anita laughed lightly. "That
wins the price for sure." We peeled off the gloves and
coveralls after we left the body's guts zone. Getting
her helmet and ruined jacket on, she got on her
Harley. Anita looked at it. "Nice colour." She
complemented. "Thanks, that's why I chose it over the
other one." Anita eyed the bike. "You want a ride on
it?" Skid offered. Anita smiled. "I have my jeep to
drive." She told her. "That's ok, we can make a stop
at your house, drop it off and you can ride on the
back seat." She offered again. "Ok then." Anita

After driving over to her apartment and dropping off
her Jeep, they all went over to a restaurant that
Anita suggested. Once inside, Anita looked over to
Skid. "So, how long have you been in town?" she
inquired. Skid looked at her watch. "Around 17 hours
and 56 minutes." Dolph looked at her. "And you already
have a job, you're good." She laughed. "If you promise
not to yell I can beat that." She stated. Dolph
nodded. "Not only is there that, I'm 17 and have a
high school and 3 year college degree." Both of them
stared at her. She blushed. "I know, I took the
College courses during high school and I got skipped 3
grades so..." Anita started laughing. "You are good."
They ordered lunch. They talked about lots of
different things, but never about the job at hand.
After lunch, Dolph went his way but Anita and Skid
stayed in the restaurant. Anita looked at Skid.
"You're not what you seem to be, you know that?" Skid
nodded. "I'm a mystic, not born, but I practice it.
How did you know?" She asked. "I have a talent to pick
out what a person is." She explained. "Oh, right. I
didn't know that. So, who do you know of the other
life forms?" Skid asked her. "I could tell you but
then I'd have to kill you. Actually, I know a lot of
people. Why?" Skid smiled. "Well, when I crashed last
night, I was right in front of The Circus of the
Damned. And after I talked to a couple of
lycanthropes, named Stephen and Magenta, I asked if I
could get a job there doing my trade and I got a
meeting tonight with the Circus owner and I was
wondering if you knew a few people I could talk to."
She explained quickly. "Oh, I see." Anita nodded.
"Well, I've met Stephen, is he as good looking as he
used to be?" Skid blushed ever so lightly and nodded
yes. "And I know a few other Lycanthropes but other
then that, I only know one vampire who could help you
and you're meeting him tonight." Skid looked at her.
"You mean the Circus owner?" "Yes, his name is
Jean-Claude." Skid nodded. "Thanks, I wonder what
they'll think of me already knowing his name." Anita
laughed. "Knowing them, mildly surprised." Skid
nodded. "You ready to go?" Skid asked her. "Yeah."
They got up and onto the bike again. "I love this
thing!" Anita said as they rode along. Stopping at
Anita's apartment, Skid came up with her for a drink
of good coffee. "No offence against the restaurant but
they never seem to make good coffee." Anita said as
they drank their coffee. "How very true." Skid agreed.
"Some of the places make it so bad that I think they
use tar in it." They both laughed. Anita's door opened
and a man walked in. "Hello Edward, nice of you to
drop by." Anita greeted the man. "Hi Anita, who's
this?" he asked, pointing to Skid. Skid turned and
looked at him a smiled on her face. "Trouble. My
name's Skid, nice to meet you." She greeted. "I'm
Edward." He smiled back. Anita looked at Edward.
"You're here because...?" she asked. "The usual, I
need to know something." "No I will not tell you who
the Master Vampire of the City is." She answered
before he could ask it. "Since that's covered, I'd
like to know something about the Shershanans." Anita
nodded. "Umm. all that I know for sure is that they
can change shape like a lycanthrope, but they can turn
into anything and they can change sex." Anita offered.
"I've met a few Shers before, they can move extremely
fast, they can endure a lot of pain, they absolutely
hate loud noises, and the best way to kill one is to
rip out it's heart, why?" Skid answered. Edward smiled
at her and raised his eyebrows. "I need to kill one,
and how did you know on how to do that, I heard that
they make themselves scarce?" It was Skid's turn to
smile. "Well, I've had need to kill several. They went
a little nuts and started breeding uncontrollably,
murdering innocents left right and centre and they
killed my best friend, why do you need to kill one?"
Edward laughed. "I'm getting paid to do it, it's what
I do." Skid now raised her eyebrows. "Really? Is it
fun?" Anita and Edward laughed. "Yes it's fun, but
it's also very dangerous." Anta told her. "Don't start
mothering me, please. I get enough of that from the
old couple next door. I don't care if it's dangerous,
I just wanted to know if it's worth it." Skid
defended. Edward chuckled. "I like her, she's good."
Skid turned on him. "I was including you in that Mr.
Rough and Tough." He glared at her. She didn't care.
"You come in here and order her to give you
information, then when you get the information you
start bothering people!"  Anita laid an arm on Skid's
shoulder. "Calm down." Skid blushed. "Sorry, it's just
that I knew a guy just like him and his attitude got
him killed." Edward looked at her. "You were trying to
warn me?" Skid blushed again. "Yes, you remind me
exactly like my best friend, the one I mentioned that
got killed by the Shershanans. And I thought that
since you're friends with Anita that I should give you
fair warning." "Ah, I see." Edward said. "Well, your
little break out will be remembered and thank you for
it." Skid nodded. "Thanks for the coffee Anita I'm
going to bring what's left of my pride and go home
now." Anita nodded. "See you later." "Yeah, see you
Anita, you too Eddie." And she left. "Eddie? I think
that's the first time I've ever heard someone insult
you and call you that and you didn't lose your
temper." Anita told him. He shrugged. "Does it
matter?" She looked at him and smiled. "You like her."
She caught on. Edward shrugged again. "And if I do?"
Anita shook her head. "So who do you have to kill?" He
looked at her. "A Shershanan, I thought I made that
obvious before Trouble's out break." Anita smiled. "Ii
wonder what she'll think of you once she knows who you
are." Edward looked at her. "It doesn't matter."
"Right, as far as I know, this is the first time
you've ever liked someone." Edward looked at her. "I'd
really hate to have to hurt you just because you're
bugging me." Anita stopped teasing him. He got up and
walked to the door. "And, I don't think Skid really
needs to know it." He said as he walked out. Anita
smiled. So Death has a crush, man, who would have
thought. Anita thought, as smile on her face.

The next few hours, Skid slept. Waking up, it was
8:00PM. "Oh man I hate nightmares." She grumbled as
she got up. Every night for the last 4 years she woke
up from nightmares. It had calmed down a bit but now
they were back with a vengeance. She washed her hair
in a large sink and took a long, warm bath. Feeling a
little better, she brushed her tangled hair. After
getting it tamed, she blow dried it and left it down.
Ok, so I'm going to a meeting where there's going to
be vamps and shifts, what will I wear? She asked her
self as she looked in her closet. After a few seconds,
she grabbed out her favourite outfit.
So what if it's a skirt. It looks good on me.
She thought with a smile.

After choosing her outfit and getting it on, she
poured herself a cup of cream soda in a wine glass. I
hate the taste of wine and most alcohols so this will
have to do.  She raised the cup up and toasted
herself. "Knock 'em dead Skid." She drank from the cup
with a smile.  "I guess I'll walk there." She said to
herself, looking at her outfit. "I'd also like it if
Anita came with me, that way I'd at least have a
friend there." She shrugged and grabbed her keys.

When she reached the circus, it was 10:15. "Well at
least I'm not late." She murmured to herself as she
walked in. Stephen saw her quickly. Smiling, he walked
up to her. "Nice outfit." He greeted. Skid blushed.
"Thanks, the only thing I ever find wrong with it is
that I can not drive with it on." She smiled. Nodded,
he led her to a building. "You've got a 15 minute
wait, but I'll stay and we can talk." He told her.
Nodding, she sat down and he sat beside her. "So, what
made you move to St. Louis?" he asked her. "She
shrugged. "This place has the best opportunity for a
person with abnormal talents, in my old home, you'd
get hurt." He nodded. The next 15 minutes passed with
them talking about nothing her past. When it reached
10:30, he led her to an office like room. Inside there
was a couch, a bed and a desk. "Interesting office."
She said to Stephen with raised eyebrows. A man stood
up form the couch. "Hello, I'm Jean-Claude, circus
owner, and Stephen here has told me you'd like a job
here." He made it a statement. "Yes, Ii would like a
job here." Skid replied. Again she was asked a lot of
questions about herself, belatedly realizing that
Stephen had been asked to question her if he could, to
see if her story held true. At the end of the
questions, Jean-Claude and Stephen told her to stay
and that they'd be right back. As soon as they left,
Skid started to laugh lightly. "The only thing I need
in here now to make this interview completely wrong
would be balloons." She muttered to herself. This
interview was exactly like the one with Dolph, only a
few key differences, they asked about her mystic
talents. When they entered the room again, Jean-Claude
looked troubled but Stephen had a smile on his face.
"Let me guess, you were listening to me talk to myself
from somewhere and he didn't get what I meant." Skid
asked with a smile. Stephen nodded. "And here's good
news for you, you got a job. Every night at sundown to
3:00 you have a tent for your mystic show." Stephen
told her. Skid smiled. "Well thank you for the job.
I'll be here tomorrow night at that time and shall
begin. Will you want to watch to see if I'm just a
trickster?" she asked with mockery in her voice.
"Don't be mean." Stephen said, remembering when he
doubted her before. Jean-Claude just smiled lightly.
Evidently, Stephen had told him of the incident. "Yes,
we'll watch your show, just to see what you do
exactly." Jean-Claude answered her earlier question.
Nodding, Skid stood up, and Stephen led her back
outside and into the circus. He showed her, her tent.
Once inside, Skid turned to him. "That's the Master
Vampire of the City isn't it?" she asked him. He
looked at her, surprised. "You are good." Was his
answer. "Well, he just seemed so much like an
authority figure to just be a circus owner." She
explained. Stephen nodded.  "Well, I guess I'll see
you tomorrow then." Skid said after looking around her
tent. "And don't be so surprised if I do something
different tomorrow." She told him. He looked at her.
"What are you planning?" he asked. "Oh, you'll see."
She answered elusively, smiling. He nodded. "I can
hardly wait. I'll walk with you if you want." He
offered. She nodded. "Yeah, who knows what might jump
out of the shadows at me." She teased. "Are you
mocking me?" he asked her, laughing a little. "Maybe,
maybe not." She answered. "You are incorrigible." He
said, still laughing. "I am not impossible, just
annoying." She defended as she walked out of the

 On the walk back to her place, she had him explain
his past and things about St. Louis. When they reached
her house, they stopped talking. Skid broke the
momentary silence. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow." She
offered her hand. He took it. "Yeah, and I'll finally
know what you're planning." He said with a smile.
Walking inside her house, she watched through a window
as he walked off. "Interesting. Meeting 2 guys in one
day who are charmers and good lookers." She said to
herself as she went to her room. The house was small.
One-floored unless you count the small downhill
"slope" that passed as a basement. It had 3 bedrooms,
2 bathrooms a kitchen the size of a large closet and a
small living room. The backyard was terrific though.
It was huge, having a small glen of trees in it,
attaching to a larger forest right outside of the
fence. The only real problem she had with it was the
fact that it had so many windows. She liked sunlight
and all, but wherever she went, someone could look in
a window and see her. Not a real key factor for
privacy. She solved that by having the curtains almost
always closed. Getting her organizer, she wrote down
all the important information she had about her jobs.
When that was done, she replaced the skirt of her
outfit with a pair of black pants, and put her ruined
jacket on. She rode her Harley over to Anita's place.
Buzzing her apartment, Anita opened the door, looking
like hell. Well, at 4J0 in the morning, you'd look
that way too. "Rough night?" She asked Anita. At
first, Anita looked confused, and then she looked at
her hands and laughed. "No. I'm an Animator at night,
and we have to sacrifice chickens to raise the
zombie." She explained. Skid nodded. "Well, I just
came by to tell you that I got the job at the Circus,
and that I know something that you might need to know
I know." Anita looked confused again. "Come inside and
explain that again." She said. Skid walked in and sat
down at a kitchen table with Anita. "Well, what I
meant by that was that I know who the Master Vampire
of the City is and I just felt that it was something
you should know that I know it." Skid explained. Anita
nodded. "It must be your talent as a mystic." She
mused. "No, I lied about being a mystic trained and
stuff. I've never met a mystic. I have spell books and
all of the equipment to pass as one, but I've never in
a moment trained by one. I just have a talent for odd
things." Skid explained quickly. "Then why is it that
you don't seem like a human to me." Anita asked her.
Skid looked hurt. "That sounded harsher than it was
meant to be. What I meant by it was, I can tell what
species a creature is, and you baffle me. You're not a
pure human, or you would seem different." Skid nodded.
"Well, I could be. I never knew my parents, they were
dead right after I was born. And I never wanted to
know about them." They talked about the specifics of
Skid's past. It was the first time Skid had ever told
anyone about her true self.

Nothing happened the next day. No calls from the Spook
Squad, no visitations from lycanthropes. Nothing. So
Anita and Skid stayed at Skid's house and talked. This
time they talked about the stuff that's happened to
Anita. They went out for lunch again. And when they
got back to Anita's place, they found Edward again.
When Skid saw him, she winked at him. He shot a look
at Anita but she seemed as surprised by the action as
he was. Skid laughed. "What? I'm teasing, I can tell,
you obvious about it." Skid explained. That didn't
make Edward's mood about it any better. "What are you
here for now?" Skid asked him. "Information." Anita
and Skid rolled their eyes. "About what Eddie?" Skid
teased. "You're being cruel." Anita told her. "I know,
and I'm loving it." She smiled. "You're going to get
yourself into trouble with an attitude like that."
Edward told her. "I know, that's why I'm called
Trouble by my old friends." He raised his eyebrows.
"So that's why you said Trouble? Interesting. And do
you know what I'm called?" he asked. She looked at
him, eying him up and down openly. "Other than the
obvious, you're called Death." She smiled at his mild
surprise. "You said you came here for information
Edward, not to flirt, what do you want?" Anita asked
finally. He shot her a look but Skid laughed at her
comment. "But we were having so much fun." Edward
ignored her. "Just more information on the
Shershanan." He told her. "I told you everything Ii
knew last night." He shook his head. "No, you didn't."
She looked at him. "What do you mean?" "You never told
me that you were dealing with a Shershanan with the
spook squad." Now Skid and Anita looked surprised.
"'We didn't know it was a Shershanan, we hadn't even
figured out what it wasn't." Skid replied. "'How did
you find out that it was a Sher?" Anita asked him. "My
sources." He replied. "Remember, I know most of your
sources." She said, remembering the freak parties. He
shook his head. "I have different ones as well." Skid
sat there, looking very confused. She was about to say
something when her and Anita's beepers went off.  The
number was the same. "Well I guess we know what that
means." Skid said, turning hers to quiet mode. Anita
nodded. "And what does this mean?" Edward asked, when
they stood up. "Another attack, another embryo." Skid
said. Edward nodded. "The Shershanan is breeding?" he
asked. Anita nodded. "Yes, it is, but what we need to
know is where it stays." They walked outside and Anita
locked her door. Walking outside Skid turned to
Edward. "Are you coming with us, I really don't think
Dolph will like it." He nodded. "Just say I've figured
out what it is doing this and I'm an expert on them."
He said. "Right, I'm sure they'll believe it." Skid
said sarcastically. "Will you 2 shut the hell up and
get moving?" Anita said. Skid got her Harley going,
Edward looked at it with a slight smile then got in
his car and Anita in her Jeep. Before they started,
they all got out. "Why don't we just go in Anita's
jeep?" Skid asked. Anita nodded and they got in it.
Anita was driving, Edward was in the back and Skid was
in the passenger seat yet they all managed to almost
miss seeing the spider-like creature running across
the road in front of them. It was disgusting looking.
Half human, half spider, all hair and legs, covered in
blood and some kind of secretion. Anita hit the brakes
and the car stopped abruptly. "That is a Shershanan."
Skid said, not disgusted by its appearance at all,
she's seen worst but then again the memories didn't

"Are you ok?" Skid, come on say something." Anita
shook her friend. Skid's head snapped to look at her.
"Yeah, sorry. I was just remembering the last time I
saw a Sher." Anita was going to say something but
Dolph's car pulled up beside them. "I guess you saw
the creature." He said when they got out of the car.
"Yeah, it was a Shershanan." Edward said from his
spot. "And you are?" Dolph asked him. Edward offered
his hand. "I'm Eddie Timpson, Anita contacted me to
help deal with the Shershanan problem." Dolph shook
his hand. "Well Eddie, why did she contact you about
something we weren't sure of?" he asked. Skid
answered." Well I told Anita of my suspicions, having
dealt with a Sher in my hometown. And I guess she
contacted him just to investigate." Edward and Anita
nodded yes to it. "Ok then. How do we take care of
this?" he asked Edward.  "Well, first we take about my
pay." Edward said simply. Dolph laughed. "Yes, a real
professional here. After we've settled that, do follow
its trail to its lair?" Edward shook his head. "No,
you didn't see the Sher with its kit so that means it
had to leave it, we use the kit as defense." Dolph
nodded. "Well let' go get that kit." They got back
into their cars. As Anita drove, Skid looked over her
seat to Edward. "How did you know to look for the
kit?" she asked him. He smiled at her. "Well, you're
not my only source of information." She nodded. "So
your other information knows about its habits but not
on how to kill it. Not a real reliable source." Edward
laughed. "You're telling me." They reached the body
soon. Getting out, Anita wished that they hadn't eaten
lunch; the scene was horrific. The body this time was
that of a man, around the late thirties. That was
about all you could tell. From his waist to what was
left of head, was blood and guts ripped open and
spread everywhere. Anita and Edward have seen things
like it, so has Skid but she has memories of it that
are fresh, so needless to say, she threw up. After she
was done, Anita handed her a towel. She seemed
embarrassed that she'd gotten sick.  "Sorry." Was what
she'd said.

They found the kit. They were wrong, the Sher didn't
have to leave it, and the kit was a stillborn. "Damn!
That makes it a bit harder." Edward said when he saw
it. They told Skid to go back to the car, she didn't
like it but she didn't argue. She got in the car and
pulled her knees to her chest and laid her head on her
knees. She fell asleep like that. Edward and Anita
came back to the car and smiled seeing her like that.
"She looks so young when asleep." Edward said to
Anita. "She is so young, Edward, she's 17." His looked
shocked. "Oh, I didn't know." "Let's get her home,
she's got to perform tonight and we're not getting
anything done here." He nodded and got in the back
seat. When the doors closed, Skid woke up. "Sorry for
falling asleep." She said, stifling a yawn. "It's ok
kid" Edward said. Skid shot Anita a look. "You told
him my age didn't you?" Anita nodded. "I'm not a kid,
I can drive, I have my own house, and 2 jobs a high
school degree and a 3 year college degree, if you want
to find a kid, go look in a daycare." Skid defended
herself. "Hey, no offence was meant by it, kid. But if
you call me Eddie, I call you kid. Deal?" Edward
offered his hand. "Deal." Skid said taking his hand.
The rest of the ride was quiet; each was in their
thoughts. Skid broke the silence. "Are you 2 coming to
my performance tonight?" she asked them. "Sure, we'll
come." Edward said. "Nothing else is happening." Anita
nodded. "When do you perform?" "Well, Stephen told me
to be there at sunset and I leave at 3:00." Skid
explained. "Isn't that a long time to perform a few
parlor tricks?" Edward asked. Skid laughed. "It's not
tricks and it's a performance, you'll see."  Edward
nodded his head. "I'm sure I will."

The tent is packed. A new performance is always
packed, but then the entire Circus is always packed as
well so this is to be suspected, but that doesn't help
Skid, her nerves are as taunt as they've ever been. If
she were to look up to the best seats of the house,
she'd see Anita sitting with Edward, Jean-Claude and
Stephen. Hers was an interesting predicament. In love
with 2 men, but she couldn't laugh, it was happening
to her too. Just before the performance, she asked if
any of them would mind being in the performance, none
of them said no. That was good, this was the best way
she knew on how to perform first and prove she was
capable of it.

The audience waited in darkness, a faint light was on
the center of the open area but no one was in it. The
only sound other than the occasional whisper was that
of a small drum beat, steady and never changing. Then
she stepped into the light. To the audience, she was a
broken part of the shadow, except for the slightly
pale skin; she blended in perfectly. Then the light
spread out more and she showed better. Not so deathly
looking. The drumbeat continued but now another sound
was catching attention. It was a flute, or at least
sounded like a flute. It was Skid's small wooden
shepherds pipes. She quit playing against the drums
when the audience was completely quiet. Looking up you
could see the paint on her face, the white was
natural, and it was the swirling glitter that you saw
most, however. Stepping towards the crowd gasps escape
a few people's lips. When she moved, the only sound
you heard was the pipes and drums and she was no
longer playing pipes. Raising her voice to the crowd,
she was heard all over. "What do you wish to see?"
Startled silence. "Feel free to ask me to do
something. If you want to see something, ask; it is up
to you." The entire audience was quiet until a little
girl around 3 yelled out "Fairies!" and pointed up to
the ceiling of the tent. There, working a path
downwards, were dots a light, swirling and racing.
They weren't fairies or any mythical creature, it was
an illusion but the audience didn't know that. The
lights raced into the crowd. Gasps were heard when the
"Fairies" ran into you and disappeared, leaving
glitter where they hit. This got the audience's
attention. "Do you wish to see more?" Skid asked. The
audience said yes. Most of them anyways, some were
staring in amazement, awe, fear, whatever they felt.
"Alright then." Skid said to the audience and raised
her arm. A swirling blue light seemed to reach forward
and touch each audience member, bathing them in its
glow. When it reached the 4 people Skid wanted it to,
they got up and came forward. Walking where the light
showed them to, Anita, Edward, Stephen and Jean-Claude
reached the center quickly. The audience gasped as the
light disappeared, showing the 4 new people there, and
they hadn't seen them come down.

Slowly, Skid started to dance around them. The little
lights swirled with her. Instinctively, they started
to dance too. Moving faster and faster, she set the
steps and they followed, only to find themselves
dancing alone. Skid had stepped back and was watching.
I managed to spell a vampire. She thought, proud of
herself. But of course Jean-Claude was the first to
break the spell, by stopping quickly. The audience
still saw them all dancing by an illusion while in
reality they had all stopped. No one knew exactly why
Jean-Claude had stopped dancing until they looked
where he was staring.

In the shadows was the Shershanan, moving along and
watching them. Skid's little spell made this hunt easy
for it, but it was either that or let the audience see
it and cause a panic, not exactly what this circus
needs again. Stephen looked to the rafters and made a
curt signal. Quickly, around 3 vampires made there way
down, these were vampires who Skid hadn't spelled
incase of an emergency. Anita had met all of them
except for one. He was obviously a new vampire because
he was nowhere near as graceful as the others. At
first he just stared at Skid, then he started moving
again. The audience clapped, seeing another spectacle.
"Ladies and Gentlemen. It was wonderful to perform for
you tonight but it is time for me to pack up." Came
Skid's voice. The audience started to file out, and
they almost lost the Shershanan.

It was turning to attack someone, but Edward caught it
with a small dagger thrown at it. Turning around, it
lunged for him, faster than anticipated, and Edward
almost got landed on, but Skid tackled him. Rolling
away from it, it landed with a loud thud and crack,
the ground under it broken. "Damn!" was what they all
breathed. They managed to circle it without it
attacking again. It started to shift forms but Anita
shot at it. It went after her but Jean-Claude caught
its attention by moving. The other vampires were
moving as well, keeping it distracted. Skid brought
her pipes to her lips but this time hit a high-pitched
note off-key. It hurt everyone's head but the Sher was
screeching. Anita shot at it again and so did Edward.
This got it mad and it attacked Anita, throwing her to
the ground. Jean-Claude was there instantly, pulling
her to safety. She had a dozen cuts but nothing broken
or bleeding badly. But the sent of blood was enough to
send the Sher to attacking again. This time it went
for one of the vampires. The vampire defended herself
as best she could, but still got ripped to shreds. The
Sher seemed unaware of the bullets shot into it by
Edward. Skid used the pipes again and it turned on
her. She played it harder and louder, brining the Sher
charging at her. It ran right into her as she tried to
dodge it. Claws were ripping into flesh but Skid
pushed and managed to roll away from it. She left arm
was completely ripped up, but she could still use it,
it was just missing skin. The vampire that Anita
didn't know grabbed her by her good arm and pulled her
into the shadows. The Sher was stalking around. Of the
extra vampires that came, all but the new one and an
injured one were dead.  "Thanks." Skid said softly to
him. He smiled. "We'll introduce ourselves later,
right now we've got to kill that thing." It was
stalking Edward, seeing that he was the biggest
threat. Skid stepped out of the shadows and started to
play the pipes again. The Sher spun around. She caught
Edward's attention by moving her hand to her heart and
making a stabbing motion. Edward caught on. As the
Sher advanced towards her, Edward and the others
quickly grabbed it from behind, pinning it down. It
lashed out once, catching Anita and breaking ribs.
Edward quickly grabbed Anita's dagger and promptly cut
the things heart out, it thrashing as he did so. When
it lay dead, they all were panting from exertion, and
not a few of them were injured. By the looks of it,
the only ones not injured were Stephen; he had stayed
out of it, and Jean-Claude. The new vampire had a cut
down his face, which was healing quickly. Skid looked
at each of them and suddenly grinned. "Well that was
an interesting first day at the job. I hope no one
minds me not showing up tomorrow as this heals." She
moved her left arm slightly at choked back a gasp. The
others looked at her, and then she noticed Anita. "You
dying over there?" She asked lightly. "Sure feels like
it." She managed to reply to Skid. "Let's get you both
to a hospital." Edward said, looking at Skid and
Anita. "I just practically got out of the hospital
Edward, I'm sure they don't want to see me again."
Edward smiled lightly. "Well to bad, I'm not letting
my best source of information die because she's
stubborn." An odd smell was noticed by all of them.
Skid's head got up. "Oh stars, get away from that
body, it's rotting." She said and helped move Anita.
They watched as the body turned into liquid mulch, and
then into nothing.

After 2 days in the hospital, Anita was getting mad.
Skid had been let out with her arm wrapped up on the
first day and she was still here. Skid walked in, with
something behind her back. "Please tell me that's not
something from Jean-Claude." Anita said when Skid
stopped grinning. "It isn't, it's from me." She handed
her the gift. Inside was a black journal with red
stitching on it. "The etching's a ward so that the
only person who can read it is you, unless you tell
someone to read it of your own accord." Skid explained
when Anita looked at the stitching. The she held out a
t-shirt with tarot cards and other symbols on it. "The
shirt'll bring your nerves to calm and clear your
head. I figured that's what you needed most." Skid
explained again and smiled. Anita smiled. "Thank you,
and sit down before you make me nervous." Skid sat at
the foot of the bed. "So, how's everyone?" Anita asked
Skid. "Well, Duggan, or Duggy, the new vampire, is
fine not even a scar. Edward's as annoying as ever.
Jean-Claude's still is hitting on you. Stephen's
hitting on me. And the other vampire, the injured one,
died, too young and got herself killed." Anita nodded.
"Well, it has definitely been a most interesting first
week for you here in calm old St. Louis hasn't it?"
Anita asked her. "Hell no, but I wouldn't leave here
for the world, I love the excitement." Anita laughed
and looked out her window and frowned. "It's
night-time, which means that Jean-Claude will be
coming to bother me again." As she said that,
Jean-Claude walked in. He saw Skid and nodded. "Well,
it's good you're here too." He said to her. Anita
raised her eyebrows. "Well, you remember when I
explained about my nightmares and whatnot to you when
we had the half day off?" Skid asked her. "Yes." Anita
replied, smiling again. "Well, I've figured out why
and she's yet to find out." Jean-Claude finished.
Skid looked at him sharply. "Well, first it was just a
hunch. But then I met you, talked with you, and when
you were injured, I had Stephen keep a little of your
blood for me to test." He made a face that made both
women laugh. "Well, I don't know whether to be proud
to tell you this, or upset but," "This is starting to
sound bad." Skid interrupted. Jean-Claude ignored her.
"I found out that, your mother was a demon and your
father a vampire." Skid looked at him, went very pale
and then passed out.

Waking up with tubes in her arm did not improve Skid's
already bad mood. Then she saw Anita, Stephen, Edward,
Duggan, and Jean-Claude. "I guess you know, and why
the hell didn't Ii realize it sooner." She said to
them. They smiled. "She'll be fine, if a little rough
at first." Stephen said, winking at her. "Go to hell
Steve." She said. "I guess that my life is never going
to be normal again." Skid said. "As if it were ever
normal to begin with." She then added.

Tracia's Diary