It's A Start
SUMMARY:  Family fluff with our fave Slayer and Vampire
SPOILER:  My LSS series....pure fluff and I'm proud of it!.......check out
previous parts at
DISCLAIMER:  Angelina belongs to me, but everyone else, as far back as I can
remember anyways, is a creation of Joss.
AUTHOR'S NOTES:  This was supposed to be sent out AGES ago, but I forgot
about it and couldn't find it.  It takes place like thirteen LSS stories ago,
and for those of you who haven't read LSS in the past, here's a quick
run-down.  Buffy & Angel are engaged and have a baby daughter named Angelina.
Willow and Oz are together but she's screwing Xander every chance she gets. 
Xander and Cordy aren't broken up by this story, but they're broken up now in
the series and trying to find their way back. Giles & Joyce are screwing but
no one knows it yet.  This takes place about two weeks after (my version of)

    "Buffy!" Angel called her into the living room.

    "Just a second," she finished peeling a potato and washed her hands. 
"I'll be right back," she promised her mother.

    "Two minutes," Joyce said in a frazzled voice. She was a basketcase.  The
gallery was hosting a dinner for a hot new artist the next night and the
caterer Joyce always used had canceled due to some family emergency.  No one
else was available on such short notice so Joyce had enlisted Buffy and
Willow to help her out. They had known better than to call Cordelia, but
Willow had brought Amy along, but so far, she wasn't much use for anything
'cept reading the recipes aloud.

    Buffy took off her apron and walked into the living room.  "What's up?"

    "I can't get this camcorder to work," Angel said, trying to press a lever
over to the left.  "It was working fine yesterday, but...."

    Buffy looked at her daughter and laughed.  Angelina was sitting up on the
floor, trying to pull her hat onto her head.  "What is it you're trying to

    "I just want to film her, just in case." he kept playing with the unit,
growing angrier by the second.

    "Let me try," Buffy said.  She took it from him and looked through the
lens.  She pressed a couple of buttons and the lever flew over, locking the
tape in and enabling the system to record.  "There you go."

    He took it from her, amazed.  "How did you do that?"

    "I pressed the right buttons?" she guessed.

    "I know *how* you did it, but I just mean...I'm the guy. I'm supposed to
help you out with electrical problems."

    "That is so sexist." she folded her arms across her chest.

    "I wasn't being sexist Buffy, I was--"

    "Yes you were, and I know you know it."

    "I don't!"

    "You do!"

    "Buffy, time's up!" Joyce called.

    Angel smirked.  "Are you on a time clock in there?"

    "Why would you care? Isn't my place in the kitchen 'cause I'm a woman?"
she snapped.

    "Buffy, I never said--"

    She tuned him out and began hitting his arm as to not distract their
daughter.  He kept right on talking until she finally jerked his head in
Angelina's direction.

    She wasn't overly stable, but she was crawling across the living room

    "Wow," he whispered.

    "Angel," Buffy said as she got down on the floor.  "Angel, come to Mommy."

    Slowly, she turned around and fell flat on her stomach.  Angel watched
his daughter in awe as the camera rolled, catching her as she slowly pushed
herself back up and made way to her mother.

    Buffy tried to hide a single tear as she picked her baby girl up and
kissed her.  "I love you baby," she whispered.  Then she looked at Angel.  "I
love you too."

    "Buffy, when you agreed to help me, you--" Joyce walked in and saw the
sentimental looks on all their faces.  "What?"

    "Angelina just started crawling." Angel said softly.

    "I remember the first time you crawled," Joyce said.  "We were at your
father's office and he wouldn't let you sit on his lap. I set you on the
floor but you immediately crawled over to him and tugged on his pant leg
until he picked you up."

    "I'll be right there, k Mom?" Buffy asked.  "I need to talk to Angel for
a second."

    "Sure." Joyce left and Buffy sat on the couch, readjusting how she held
the baby.  "Angel, I'm sorry we had such a stupid fight just now. It sounded
like Xander and Cordelia bickering."

    "That bad?" he asked.


    "I'm sorry too honey." he gently touched his little girl's head as she
struggled to get down on the floor and back to her toys.  "I can't believe
she's crawling."

    "Me neither.  She's growing up so fast Angel, and there's nothing we can
do to stop it."

    "And just think!" he went on.  "She'll be talking more soon, and

    "Walking?" Buffy asked.  "I thought babies didn't do that 'till they were
in their terrible twos."

    "Nope, anywhere from twelve to twenty-two months as a rule." she arched
an eyebrow at him.  "What?" he asked.  "I read a book."

    "Well, you have to remember, Angelina's only six and a half months old."

    "Don't you think crawling is a predecessor to walking though?" he asked.

    Buffy smiled as her daughter began making her way across the living room
on all fours.  "It's a start."

Isa's Diary