One Sweet Day (Third in three Heroes fics)
SPOILER WARNING:  Big time for "Heroes" (ep9)
~ Sorry I never told you, all I wanted to say
~ And now it's too late to hold you
~ 'Cause you've flown away, so far away
~ Never had I imagined living without your smile…
~ …Darling, I never showed you
~ Assumed you'd always be there
~ I took your presence for granted, but I always cared

~ And I miss the love we shared
~ And I know you're shining down on me from heaven
~ Like so many friends we've lost along the way
~ And I know eventually we'll be together
~ Together, one sweet day
~ Although the sun will never shine the same
~ I'll always look to a brighter day
~ Oh, I know when I lay me down to sleep
~ You will always listen as I pray … ~
           ~ Mariah Carey, "One Sweet Day" ~

Allan Francis Doyle, don’t you DARE be thinking what I
think you’re thinking!  Don’t you DARE leave me now
we’ve just found each other!  You *CAN’T*… You don’t
have to prove you’re a hero…. I know you are… I know
you’re an amazing, special, kind caring guy… I’m sorry
I was such a bitch!! If you do this I’ll never forgive

Oh, God, Angel… Not you, too! I’m surrounded by heroes
and to think I thought chivalry was dead!

"Angel, its suicide!" I protest… Why don’t I say
‘Doyle’ too? ‘Cus if this is what he feels he has to
do… as much as it hurts me, I won’t stop him… We all
have to follow our hearts… and as the man I love
speaks to our friend I *KNOW*… deep in my heart an
ache begins that I don’t think will ever stop.

"Fight the good fight? You never know what you’re made
of until you’re tested…?"

I close my eyes tightly to stop the tears from
flowing… I know I will cry, but I’m damned if I’ll let
tears rob me of my last seconds seeing him. I heard
the punch and the dull thud as Angel hits the deck. I
*WOULD* be sympathetic to the vampire…. Really I
would, if I wasn’t trying not to fall apart… Trying to
let him see I’m strong, and though I need him, I

Doyle looks at me, a wealth of unexpressed passion in
his eyes… passion and his apology for leaving me.  His
hand snakes into my hair and our lips meet in an
earth-shattering, heart-wrenching
goodbye-and-I-love-you kiss… I don’t want to let him
go.. God! Its so unfair! Oh God, Doyle. Its not enough

He looks at me, seeing into my soul.. seeing all the
things I’ve never said and have run out of time to
say.  His eyes mirror my own.

"Too bad we never found out…" He starts in the soft
brogue I’ve come to love… Never found out what? Never
found out how good we could have been together? Never
found out what just holding each other would be like?
Never found out how we’d fit together?

He morphs his face into demon-form. It startles me a
little, but honestly - its not that horrible… He
doesn’t repulse or frighten me… and despite their
current redness I can still see the love in his eyes.
It breaks my heart.

"…if this was a face you could learn to love."

LEARN to love? Doyle, I DO love you! I let my eyes
communicate that last piece of information, holding
his gaze until he turns away…

I bite my lip hard as I watch him struggle with the
cables,  feeling his agony as if it were my own… My
stomach churns as I smell his flesh burning and I
start to sob uncontrollably. I can hardly bear to
look!  For an instant, his scream changes to a yell of
victory and even before the flash I know he’s done it…
My hero saved us all at the cost of his own life.

He’s gone.. But I PROMISE you, Allan Francis Doyle - I
love you and  I’LL NEVER FORGET! I’ll NEVER forget!
I’ll never forget…..

~ Sorry I never told you, all I wanted to say  ~

Prophesy's Diary