Head on a Stick

One night a young couple were driving home from a party. they didn't feel like heading straight home so the boyfriend said "Lets go for a drive so we can spend some time alone together." His girlfriend agreed so they set off down a lonely country road and were soon far away from any houses and got deeper into remote bushland. Suddenly the car hit a log fallen across the middle of the road. The couple were startled when the car jolted to a stop, they had not seen the log in time. The boyfriend said "I'd better take a look to see if theres any damage", the girlfriend shivered with apprehension as it was so dark outside. "Be careful" she murmured.

After a while the boyfriend came around to the window. "The log we hit has damaged the car badly and we wont be able to drive it . I will need some help to fix it. I thought I saw a light on a few miles back so I will go and see if I can get help."

"No its too dangerous." said his girlfriend. "Don't worry I'll be fine, anyway we have no choice ". The girl said, "I'm coming with you". "No you stay here and lock all the doors and no matter what, promise me you wont get out of the car".The girl felt very fearful but agreed to do as he said.

More than an hour passed and the boyfriend had not returned. The girl began to worry and thought about getting out to go look for her boyfriend. Then she remembered the promise she made to him and decided to wait a bit longer. She put on the radio to try and take her mind off the rising fear she felt. The only station she could pick up was a was a boring local country station. She listened to a few songs and then a news broadcast came on. There was a story about an escapee form a local lunatic asylum. People were warned to lock all their doors as this deranged escapee was considered extremely dangerous. The girl became even more fearful but decided to stay put and wait for her boyfriend. She must have dozed off for she was awoken by a loud "tap tap tap" on the roof of the car. Startled she looked out the windows to see if it was her boyfriend returned, but she could see nothing but darkness. The sound came again tap....... tap.......... tap, and she wondered what could be causing it?. Too fearful from the events which had passed that evening she could not bring herself to get out to see what it was. The noise continued tap......... tap......... tap, this went on for some time.

Suddenly she was blinded by harsh light and could see headlights shining through the front windscreen. She hesitated wondering if it was safe to get out when she heard a voice over a megaphone 'You in the car, I want you to listen very carefully. I want you to slowly get out of the car and come toward me. I am a police officer and it is very important that you do exactly what I say. You are in danger. You must get out of the car immediately and slowly walk over here but whatever you do don't turn around and don't look back!" She heard the noise again tap........... tap.......... tap. Shaking with terror she slowly opened the car door . She climbed out of the car, the policeman said "that's it, now walk towards me without any sudden movement and remember whatever you do don't look back!" She quickened her pace as she got closer to the police car and as she almost reached the officer she couldn't help herself and turned around. There on the roof of the car was a bent over figure of a man holding a stick, on the end of the stick she saw to her great horror her boyfriends severed head, the figure was banging it on the roof tap............ tap............. tap.