Hallowe'en 1999!

Hallowe'en Dance

My friend invited me to go to her school (Lakeport) to her school dance! Yay! Philip is also being invited, and Sarah might come, and if she can't, Fergie might. The dance is gonna rock!

Hallowe'en Week

At our school, we have Hallowe'en week. It's gonna be cool. Everyday is a different theme.
Thursday: Scary Movie Night
Friday: Dress Up Day


I am going to be that butterfly/angel thing Drew Barrymore is in ever after. I am gonna buy some weeks, and wear all white makeup and glitter. Yay! Hehe.
Things I was suggested to be: Ian told me to be a sanwich.
Andrea told me to be some cat from Alice in Wonderland or a card.
Fergie told me to wear this short skirt we saw at some store (typical guys), my pajamas, or be Dark Mauth.
Kathleen said she would lend me her pink crayon costume from first grade.
Carly said I should be a chicken.
Sarah told me to be a vampire.
After much deciding, I am going to be that butterfly/angel thing Drew Barrymore is in "Ever After". I am gonna buy some wings, and wear all white makeup and glitter. Yay! Hehe.


I am not going out this year for Hallowe'en, last year was my last *sniffle, sniffle*. But my friend Sarah is having a Hallowe'en costume party/dance at her house! It's gonna be cool. It's on the 30th, though.