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Instructions Page 2

This page is for you newbies out there who don't know how to use my Tubes =0P



Many of the tubes won't download. I'm trying to fix this problem...but i really don't feel like it because i had everything working..then angelfire did something that messed up how zipped files download. I spent over 16 hours fixing that problem and now you are downloading .psp images. They take up ALOT of space and i had to get 3 new pages just to upload them all. And i'm just plain tired of fixing problems that i didn't create and shouldn't have to fix.


• The best way is to simply click on the jpg image of the flare and you SHOULD get a download screen.

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• Save the .psp to a folder you can reach easily in Paint Shop Pro 5

• If you don't get a download screen, try right clicking and selecting "save target as...", sometimes that works

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• 1st click on the picture and download the .psp file

• then open the .psp file in Paint Shop Pro 5

• then click on file>>>export>>>Picture Tube (a new screen called "Export picture tube" should show up now)

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• then name the tube what ever you want where it says "Tube Name" on that new screen and click ok

• then yer done


• 1st have psp5 open

• then click on the tools button called "Picture Tube"

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• then click on the button called "Toggle Control Palette" (You can use this to pick which tubes you want to use)

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• then just simply click on on the image n it pastes the tube on it

• And your done

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