As a result of some challenges to the Watchers Pet and Faithful lists, I wrote some *ahem* dirty limericks... Enjoy!
YAY! The Giles/Xander limericks won the Silver Big British Cock ® in the WatchersPet contest! Woo hoo!
One day whilst staying out late at school Xander pulled Giles into the pool Then granting Giles' hope Xand took his soap on a rope And the lather became a good tool. Giles, who with his big dork Tried to pop Xander's arse like a cork However, it seems He had to try other means... Who knew that could be done with a spork? I know that you think I'm on crack Or perhaps just a pointless hack But think of dear Giles And his librarian wiles Doing fun things to Xand with his whack. ***** There once was a Slayer named Buff Who thought that she was the most tough Then Faith came along And with a dance and a song Taught Buffy just how to play "rough" While laying with Xander in bed Faith's eyes began to see red She slept with a guy And can't figure out why She left Buffy, who gave the best head.