"Get ahold of yourself, man." He whimpered inwardly, staring at the door.
"You have never been a wimp, Ethan Rayne..."
He laughed out loud, momentarily forgetting his nervousness. "Yes you have!"
Suddenly, remembering what he was there for, he felt his palms collect moisture. He rubbed them briefly on his slacks, then reaching up to adjust his tie. Reaching up, he smoothed his hair down, checking for any last minute grease that might have collected. Finally, he pulled out his handy tube of Binaca, spraying his breath four times.
"Gonna do great, old boy. Yep. Now just knock on the damn door!" he whispered angrily under his breath. He moved forward, ignoring the gelatin that had become his knees, reaching out to knock on the wood. But before he could, the door was thrown open.
"Took long enough, mister."
The sound of his jaw hitting the ground was audible. Ethan ran his eyes over Dru, taking in the short scarlett dress, the long, muscled calves, the sandals that were barely there. He stared at the smooth white flesh, the sloping neck, the tendrils of hair curling over her skin. He restrained himself from drooling at the look of her smirk. "I was..."
"Hesitating. Well, come on, love, lets do dinner. I'm starved."
"For blood?"
"For food. It's been a while since I've had a fat prime rib, and my mouth is just dyin' for it. I need the taste, babe."
Ethan smiled, some of his nervousness abating. But, he realized slowly, the sweaty palms syndrome was being quickly replaced by the throbbing groin trauma. Pushing that thought aside, he took Dru's waiting arm and led her to the elevator.
They sat in the restaurant, listening to country MUZAC while snacking on fried mozzarella.
"Xavy's cute, isn't he..."
Dru smiled widely through a mouth of melted cheese. "He is the cutest. I so love that little kid. And he's smart! He knows how to do all of these things that no one taught him, like how to rig a hidden microphone. And he's only five!" She swelled with her pride.
"Well, erm.." Ethan folded and unfolded his napkin.
"Yes? God, I love these things!" She reached for the last mozzarella stick. "Oh, did you want this?"
"No... and... nothing." He smiled, signaling the waiter for a beer refill.
"So I told this guy that I saw his wife being run over by a truck. And when I told him that he was the *driver*, he asked me where the nearest truck rental place was. Pretty damn cool, if you think about it." She placed a piece of beef in her mouth and chewed contentedly.
Ethan snickered at the story, spreading butter on his bread. "Yeah, one time some guy asked me to blow up his mother-in-law's house... with her in it. When I asked if she was annoying, he said no. Apparently, the chap wanted to get into her pants, but she was too busy screwing her daughter. The world's bloody fucked up, if you think about it."
"Yeah. That's the stuff that makes life livable. Or unlife, if you know what I mean." She stared at her plate, at the rind of fat left over from the prime rib. "Wanna head somewhere and work these calories off?"
Ethan felt some... many... things stir at her level stare. "Sure... my place?"
"Sounds good to me, hun. I know how much you want me to see your ohsosecret collection chains and whips."
"You know, Drusilla, this whole psychic thing doesn't do much for the first date."
"You didn't think I *knew* that?" she replied, winking.
Letting a breath out, Ethan picked up the bill.
Dru sat gingerly on the sofa, trying not to make the plastic coating squeal too much. "You know, I may be psychic, but I never knew you were a neat freak."
"Just a habit I picked up from my mum." Ethan walked swiftly into the kitchen, looking for glasses or wine or napkins or anything to take her mind off of the thick plastic furniture covers.
"Don't bother. I *know* what I want for dessert."
In moments, Ethan was out of the kitchen and on the couch. "What, pray tell?"
She raised an eyebrow, grinning. Before Ethan could say another word, she pounced, pushing him against the cushions, making a ruckus. She reached down, unzipping his pants quickly, tearing them down. As she worked, her other hand pulled at his shirt. When she couldn't get it over her head, she snarled.
"Time for a few gymnastics..." She used both hands to pull his shirt up, moving her leg higher until her foot began to push his pants down. Ethan sat back, silent, trying to move, to help, but unable to get any movement through her onslaught. As her toes brushed roughly past his erection, he shuddered, his hips bucking.
Dru laughed through a mouthful of men's button up Oxford shirt. "Mmmphly!"
Ethan translated that as "You are silly." Or, "I want chili." His mind wasn't exactly the clearest, considering that Dru's knees were lightly kneading his cock.
Finally, his clothes were on the floor. Smiling, happy that it was *his* turn, Ethan leaned towards Dru. "Your turn, Miss-"
But before he could touch her, the slip dress was flung on an armchair, and she was all nude white flesh, grinning at him. He sighed loudly, leaning back on the couch, waiting for her to attack him again. When nothing happened, he looked at her blankly. "Well?"
"Well what? Expecting me to just jump your bones?"
"That's what you seemed to be doing!"
"Oh, so you expected a relaxing fuck where you didn't do anything. You've been spoiled, m'dear."
"Aw, hell, you look too good to stay virginal." And with that, she was apon him. Ethan had never experienced anything quite like it. She leaned over, slurping on his cock with a hurried frenzy, teasing and torturing him as much as pleasuring him. Her tongue was everywhere, yet nowhere, firm, yet feathery. His cock was confused and come-happy all at the same time. He reached out, attempting to stroke her smooth back. When he finally found purchase, his mind settled some. It was nice to have SOME sense of control in this situation. But before his brain let him gloat over his small victory, he realized that she was no longer sucking him off.
She was, in fact, positioning herself over him, preparing to thrust down.
"Dru... I..."
"Need to be fucked." Her smile was as wide as the Equator as she plunged down on him, taking him up to full hilt.
Ethan yowled. There was no other response. He yowled so loud that the paintings(encased in glass, of course) nearly shook on their nails. He began to thrust his hips upwards at a maniacal pace, needing to get his frantic issues OUT. Dru clutched his hair, pulling his face blindly to her breasts, letting out breathy gasps. Suddenly, she came, her walls clamping down on him ferociously. It was too much for his confused cock. He came in huge spurting floods, throwing his head back, holding in his screams.
They collapsed in a heap on the couch, satiated. Well, partly satiated.
"Wanna go at it again, sugar?"
Ethan braced himself.