Lay Off The Girls

Sure, it's easier to fantasize about the Backstreet Boys if they're single, but there is a reality that must be faced. They are going to have girlfiends. They're nice, good-looking guys. If not even one of them had a girlfriend, or none of them even mentioned girlfriends from the past, I, for one, would be convinced that there must be something terribly wrong with them.

Why do people bash the girlfriends? We have no right to judge Leighanne Wallace or any other women that come in to the picture. Sometimes it's absolutely amazing to me how a person can dislike another person so much when they've never even met this person. Did anyone ever wonder how Leighanne may feel, knowing that people dislike her, simply because she's the girlfriend of Brian Littrell. We should not criticize anyone until we've walked a mile in their shoes.

The real fans will accept the fact that the guys will have girlfriends. It's their life, and they'll do what they want. We should trust the guys' judgement. If their girlfriend makes them happy, we should be totally behind the relationship. There will be girlfirends and eventually wives. As a fan, you may be envious of the girls, but as the saying goes, "Somebody is going to win the lottery, it just won't be you". You have to accept the fact that your favorite Backstreet Boy will go out with someone, and they will eventually marry someone, but that someone is not going to be you or me.

And why should their be pages dedicated to the girlfriends? It's okay if you've got a fan page for Leighanne Wallace, devoted to her acting career. But why should she have her privacy invaded just because she's Brian's girl friend. She should have her picture in magazines in recognition for her acting--not for her current relationship with Brian.
