BSB: A Boy Band? I Think Not!

Backstreet Boys---a boy band? First of all, I hate the term boy band. Most people define a boy band as a group of four or five guys who sings and dances. I try not to use the term at all, because I think a band is group of four or five guys who play instruments and sing. I think of the Backstreet Boys as a male vocal group. Although they do play instruments sometimes, most of the time they do not.

I think fans should try to stop using the term "boy band" to describe BSB, not because the Backstreet Boys don't play instruments, but because the term has become so stereotypical(i.e.-some people believe that all boy bands are exactly the same). I believe that the Backstreet Boys are the best male singing group out there. Their harmony is so solid. They also concentrate so much on their vocals and less on their dancing. (the guys said that themselves) I think the dancing is just an added bonus. The singing and the harmony is the most important thing. They put so much energy into every performance; and no matter what song they're singing, they're bodies and their facial expressions can tell everyone the mood of the song before they even begin singing. I say this because I had absolutely no idea how much I really loved BSB until I bought "A Night Out With The Backstreet Boys" and then later saw the Pay-Per-View concert in January of 99. Both just completely blew me away...they were amazing!

By calling them a "boy band" you're saying that they're just like all the rest, and they definitely are different. Every guy singing group is different. There is something that makes each group unique.

Backstreet is also more mature; they're older. They're not boys; they're men! They're also very stylish, and suave and sexy(Note: I did not use the word cute.) They are so polished, and even when they're not, they still look great. I love it when Nick's hair is messed up! The guys also have the perfect personalities, and they're all so different, yet all sweet and kind. They are true performers, entertainers, and arists! They have the potential to be around for a long time, and although they may have defined the term boy band for the 90's, they've definitely outgrown the it.
