Up To Bat

He steps up to the plate.
And waits for his pitch.
The perfect pitch that could give him a hit.
The first pitch is thrown.
It's a ball up and away.
He steps back for a moment.
Then steps up to the plate.
And waits for his pitch.
The ball is thrown.
It's a strike.
He steps back for a moment.
Then steps up to the plate.
And waits for his pitch.
He sees the ball coming towards him.
He strikes, and the ball is fouled away.
He steps back for a moment.
Then steps up to the plate.
And waits for his pitch.
Once again the ball is on it's way.
But this time, it's in the perfect spot.
This is his perfect pitch.
The perfect pitch he's been waiting for.
He swings with all his might.
And watches as the falls soars through the air.
The bat is thrown down, and he runs toward first.
He looks up and smiles, knowing that this ball is going over the fence.
As he looks up the cheers of the crowd dies.
And he sees the outfielder jumping up at the fence to make the catch.

©1999 Up To Bat
©1999 Spanish Eyes Productions
All Rights Reserved.