Big Brother

Summary: Catrisa Carter is heartbroken. Her BF of 3 yrs. was just murdered. But by who? She finds out soon enough in this story of love, loss, and family ties...
Prologue: 2 Months Earlier

Kat Carter was watching her bro, Nick, dance to a catchy tune called 'Genie in a Bottle' in his room. As luck would have it, he forgot that she was under his bed, hiding from BJ, who was pissed. Catrisa just ruined BJ's Ryan Phillipe Fan Club jacket. But, by watching this hilarious sight, she completely forgot for a moment. "Nice moves big brother, Nicky!" Kat yelled, before bolting out the door of his room. "Why you little--" Nick began to say. But he was cut off by her singing. "If you wanna be with me, Baby, there's a price to pay. I'm a genie in a bottle--" The phone rang, so Catrisa ran to get it. "Hello?" she said. "Is this Miss Catrisa Carter?" the voice said. "Yes, this is she. Who's is this?" Kat replied. "This is Jerry Conowell from the Miami Beach Morgue. Your BF, Darren Strong, was just murdered and we need you to come here and identify the body so we're sure..." "This isn't happening!" Kat cried. "I'm so very sorry, ma'am" "Thank you. I'll be there in an hour or so" she replied. "Bye." "Bye" she said. Then she started to cry uncontrollably. Nick, hearing all the commotion, called BJ, and went downstairs. They found Catrisa sobbing in a corner. "Kat, what's wrong?" BJ and Nick asked in unison. "Da-r-r..." was all she could manage to say. "If it's about my Ryan Phillipe jacket, I forgive you." BJ said. "It's not about any damn jacket. And if you have to know, Darren is dead! He was murdered!!" Catrisa screamed icily at BJ. "How could you be so self-centered!? Nevermind, you don't give a damn BJ!" "Peachie, I'm--" BJ began, using Kat's nickname, as an effort to help her cheer up. But she was cut off. "Nickers, can you come with me?" Kat said shakily, completely ignoring BJ and all her attempts to console. "Sure, Sweets, just let me go change" replied Nick, leaving to go to his room. "Thanks" she said, trying to crack a smile. BJ, silently went to the phone in her room, calling her parents, who were in Canada with their Aunt Angelique with Aaron, Angel, and Leslie.

Present Day

Kat Carter was an emotional wreck. Her eyes were red and puffy most of the time, and her love for life had faded a bit.
"No, no!" Catrisa screamed while tossing and turning in her bed. The same nightmare. The one she had over and over again ever since Darren died. This what she saw every night in her dreams: *beginning of dream*

The clouds started pouring rain Then Darren's house came into view A shadowy figure went in to the house She followed him in And then she saw the flash of a knife blade An ear-piercing scream Then, the shadowy figure coming toward her, cackling *end of dream*

Little did she know, today would be a day that would change her life dramatically.
"Oh God" Catrisa moaned, stretching her aching muscles. She looked at her clock. 5:30!? I'm toast. Mona is gone so I don't have a ride. Now I have to ride with Naomi. That stuck-up hoochie! Why did she have to come and stay with us for a few months!? Jeez! She was fine in Toronto! Well, maybe I can ride with Nick or BJ, Kat thought.
"Mornin' Sweets!" hollered Nick, bounding into her room, grinning. "Hey bro!" replied Kat cheerfully as possible, hoping to get a ride. "Need something? You don't act cheery much anymore and your eyes aren't puffy." Nick said concerned. "You okay?" "Yea, silly, but can you give me a ride to school?" she asked putting on her best puppy-dog face. "Oh, not the face! Why can't you drive? Your DURANGO is running fine" he answered. "Well, no, it's just that I can't drive. I'm too much of a wreck to drive. I haven't been able to since Darren-uh-um.." she stuttered, finally crying. "It's OK, Sweets, I'll give you a ride, just wait. Now go and change while I go put on some clothes and shower. You don't expect me to drive you to school in my boxers do you?" he said smirking and walking out the door.

Chapters 1 & 2
Chapters 3 & 4
Chapter 5