Big Brother: Chapter 5

The Next Morning

"Help!" screamed Catrisa, as she stepped into the bathroom. Darry was there with a gun and a gag. "Shut up, you belong to me and that's all there is to it OK!?" he seethed. "I don't, so leave, please..." cried Kat, sobbing. "No, bitch!" he replied angrily, slapping her and forcefully kissing her. He closed the bathroom door and locked it.

Meanwhile in Nick's Room
"Wha!?" he yelled sleepily. Naomi came running into his room. "Nick, Nick, Kat's in the bathroom with Darry and he's yelling and she's yelling and he's got a gun and he's going to hurt her and--" Naomi blabbed on. Nick slowed her down and soon caught on. "Sweets!" he yelled, running to the bathroom in her room. "Nick, Nick!?" he heard her whisper. "Yea, it's me girl, what's happening?" he replied. "Darry, he's in here. But I knocked him out with the blowdryer. I can't get out. He jammed the door shut and I'm afraid to make a move." she told him. "OK, let me get something and I'll get you out. Naomi, called the police already so everything's going to be alright." he said. "Hurry..." she whispered back. The police were delayed, due to a gang riot on 5th street involving all the gangs in Orlando. Nick got a crowbar and pried open the door, but just as he did, Darry came into consciousness. "Hey girl, get over here." he grunted. "Hey Kat, it's op--" Nick began to say, but stopped mid-sentence. "You ass!" Darry yelled to Kat, before knocking her unconscious and slinging her over his shoulder, and socking Nick in his stomach. Then, he ran out of the house leaving Naomi hunched over crying and Nick, coughing out blood. He was hit hard.

In Darry's Room
Catrisa woke up to find herself tied up. Her arms and legs were tied with leather straps to his bedposts. Frantically trying to recollect what had happened, she glanced at her attire- Nick's old boxers, and a BSB cover-up shirt. "Thank God..." she muttered under her breath, as Darry walked in, noticing that she was awake. "Ooh, baby, you're looking mighty tasty. Mind if I try you?" he playfully asked, feeling her up. "Get your hands off me!" she cried out loud, arching her back in an attempt to knee his groin. "Ooh, fiesty, I like it." he replied. "Now we have to teach you a little lesson now don't we?" "No, please Darry, no..." she begged, as he tugged on the garter of the boxers she was wearing. "Nuh-uh, you disobeyed. Now I have to punish you." he grinned, leaving the boxers and scampering away to the closet and came back with a tape. "What are you going to do with me!?" she asked softly. "Oh, you're going to like this. This is the tape I used to record how I killed....Darren." he slyly replied, nonchalatantly. Kat immediately started sobbing as he put a pair of headphones on her head and pressed the play button. On the tape, Catrisa could hear stabbing sounds and Darren's last words- I love you Catrisa...

In Darry's Living Room
"Naomi, wait here. I'm gonna kick the living shit out of that punk!" Nick said through clenched teeth. "Ok" she replied, as Nick slowly approached Darry's bedroom door.

Back in Darry's Room
The tape was done. Darry was grinning. "Now it is time for us to express our love, baby." he whispered into her ear. "No, please, don't Darry..." she begged. But he ignored her cries and stripped her of her t-shirt and boxers. And just as he was getting undressed himself, Nick couldn't stand anymore of what he heard and caught Darry offgaurd, kicking and punching and cussing at him. After 15 minutes of rage, Darry fell to the ground unconscious. "Kat, you OK?" he asked, his face softening at the sight of his shivering sister. "Yea, Nick. Let's go home." she shakily replied. The got into his car and went home with Naomi.

At the Carter Home
"Naomi, it was horrible, just horrible.." confessed Catrisa, still in tears. "It's OK, honey. Let it all out." Naomi cooed. They sat and talked in her room for the rest of the day, with the occasional sobs and crying. It was 10:00 PM when Naomi finally decided to go to bed in her room and left. "Sweets?" Nick asked. "Yes...Nickers?" she asked. "I know you're a young woman, and soon, you'll forget all about our sibling relationship. But 'till then, please, just come into my room and we can talk. Bye little sister." he said, bidding her good-night. "Nickers, I could never forget you. You're my hero, my idol, my best friend, my shoulder to cry on, and so much more...I'd never ever stop loving and partaking in our sibling relationship. Never, Nick. Because you're, my, big brother..." she replied, turned out the light and went to sleep.