Body Switch

written by: Amy

It all started backstage after one of the Backstreet Boy’s concert. My friend, Kasey and I were waiting to meet them; we were nervous and excited at the same time. Finally they came down to where all of us were sitting. We got up as they walked toward us. A few girls screamed, especially one in my ear, and were talking so fast I don’t think it was words that they were saying. Kasey and I somehow kept our cool as we watched them sign autographs and talk to the other girls. As I was looking away I seemed to have noticed that two of them were missing. All of a sudden Kasey started pulling on my sleeve. “Amy it’s K-K-Kevin” I turned to see what she was talking about and right in front of us, was Kevin. “Hi, did you guys enjoy the show?” He looked right into Kasey’s eyes and from that moment, I knew that she was gone. I decided to speak up for her. “Yeah it was great! You did a great solo up there.” I couldn’t think of anything and Kasey was no help. “Well I’m glad you liked it. Have you been to one of our concerts before?”
“No unfortunatly, this was our first one” I said calmly. He looked back at Kasey. “Is your friend alright?” he asked, “She hasn’t said a word since I came over here” Before I could answer Aj came walking up to us. “Hey wuzzup!” he extended his hand. “The sky?” I asked totally spacing out. He started to laugh. “Good one I gotta remember that one.” I shook his hand, and hoped he couldn’t feel it shakeing. “So how did you enjoy the show tonight?” he asked. Kasey finally snapped out of her ‘Oh my god it’s Kevin’ stare. “It was great. You guys looked good like always.”I comented. I could see that Kevin was blushing from the corner of my eye. The four of us started talking about the concert when someone screamed.

I didn’t have time to say a word before a light fixture fell on top of us. It hit Aj and I pretty hard and knocked us both to the ground. When I woke up I had a splitting headache and a weird feeling that something was wrong. “What happened?” I looked around as I was helped up. “A light fixture fell and hit you on the head. Are you ok?” I couldn’t see my vision was blury. “Yeah I’m ok I just have a splitting headache.” I blacked out again before I could find out where I was. “He has a real nasty bump on the head.” was all I heard before I blacked out.

In the hotel room.

I awoke to find myself in a bed. I rubbed my eyes to wake myself up. “It must have been a dream.” I looked around the room, but there was something wrong. It wasn’t my bedroom! I was in a hotel room all alone. “Where am I? How did I get here?” Then came a knock on the door. The person came in and walked over to me. “Hey man how ya feelin?” I looked at him strangely as I tried to recognize him. “I’m feelin ok. Where am I?” I finally realized who it was, it was Howie D. “You don’t remember anything that happened after the show do you?” I shook my head. “You were hit on the head by a light, it knocked you and a girl out. You woke up ten minutes later and then blacked out again.” I was still confused. “Still don’t remember huh? Well the girl was taken home after the paramedics wrapped up her head. The light cut her head up pretty bad but they said that she didn’t need stitches. The others are still asleep so I decided to check up on you.”
I got out of the bed and went to the mirror, but it wasn’t my face staring back at me it was Aj’s. “How did…. Oh my god.” How am I in Aj’s body? I can’t be in his body. “Howie I need to ask you, did the girl that got hit say anything before she left?” He was silent for a minute. “She wanted to talk to me but a few of her friends picked her up and carried her to their car. Why?” “No reason.” I wonder how Aj is taking this back home if he is in my place.

Back at my house.

A woman walked into the room to wake me up. She lightly taps on my shoulder. “Amy the phone, it’s for you. You need to get up, It’s Kasey” She walked back out of the room. “Kasey? Who’s Kasey?” I looked around and saw tons of pictures of the guys and me. “Ahhh! Where am I?” I slowly got up and suddenly got a sharp pain. “Ow, man what did I do last night?” I walked out into the hallway. To my left I noticed a mirror, so I made a quick glance at myself before going to find the phone. As I started to walk away I realized that it wasn’t me. I ran back to the mirror. “Wait this isn’t my face! This isn’t my body! What in the world happened to me last night?” From the other room a voice called again. “Amy Phone!”
“Amy? I must have somehow switched bodies with that girl I was talking to last night when that light fell and hit us on the head. Oh no” I quickly walked around the corner and saw the woman appear from around another corner. “Hurry up slow poke, Kasey has been waiting for 6 minutes patiently on the phone. If I was her I would have hung up by now.” I walked into the room and saw the phone lying on the counter. It must be the girl’s friend. Just try and act natural. I picked up the phone.

“Hello?”I said into the phone. “Hey Amy, what took you so long? I thought you didn’t want to talk to me or something,” she said. “I was asleep.” She started talking about the concert last night, and how she loved Kevin’s solo and how ‘Fine’ he was.
I still can’t believe this. I’m in a girl’s body, in her home, in her cloths, and talking on the phone with her friend. “I’m sorry but I need to leave. I’ll uh….call you later. Bye.” I hung up and ran back into her bedroom. I looked around the room and then opened her closet door. “Nope all of its jackets. Must be in the drawer of that dresser.” I finally found a shirt and pair of pants and put them on. “How am I going to explain this to the guys? I hope she doesn’t freak out and make them think I have gone nuts!” I walked out the door, telling Amy’s mom that I’ll be back. “Car… ah a car.” A new green eclipse was sitting in the driveway. It must be Amy’s. “Keys.” I reached into the jacket pockets that I had slipped on. “Yes alright now I have to get down there and try to fix this.”

Back at the hotel.

I went to the closet and saw Aj’s wardrobe. “Ooh nice clothes.” I picked out the nicest outfit he had and tried them on. “Ooh god he looks better in this outfit in person.” Howie looked at me strangely and spoke up. “Uh I think that we should go down stairs and wait for the guys. I’m sure they’re up about now.” I walked out the door following Howie. On the way down he didn’t say a word to me, he probably thinks that I, I mean Aj, has gone nuts by now. We got to the lobby and the three of them were sitting near a fountain.
Brian looks up to me “Are you ok man that was a nasty accident last night?” I looked at all of them. I couldn’t mess this up, I had to try and do my best to be Aj. “Uh… ya I’m fine.” “Are you sure you’re feelin alright? You’re not wearing any of your jewelry or hats today.” I looked down at my hands. “Oh um… I didn’t feel like wearing them right now.” Brain looked at Howie and back to me “Ok well lets go get something to eat before we hit the road.”
“How about McDonald’s?” I suggested.
“I thought you gave up on eating so much junk food. Anyways, you had McDonald’s just yesterday.” I looked around. “Oh yeah. Well I have a short memory. Ok well how about a salad?”

Back in the car.

I turned on the car and started to back out of the driveway but a car stopped me. I got out of the car. “Excuse me I need to get out, I have somewhere very important to go” Kasey got out of her car. “What’s the rush and why are you acting so weird?” “Can you please move your car?" I asked impatiently. She walked over to me and placed her hands on my shoulders and looked in my eyes "Not till you tell me what is going on, and why you aren’t in bed." I grabbed her hands and took them of my shoulders. “I don’t have time to explain, I need to go to a Hotel to find someone.” She just stood there with her arms crossed. She sighed and got back in her car. I got back into Amy’s car and pulled out of the driveway. As I was driving off Kasey yelled, “You better tell me EVERYTHING when you get back!”
I quickly drove through the streets trying to find my way around. “I wish this was home. Then I’d know my way around.” I turned on the CD player she had hooked up in her car. I listened as it picked a cd and started playing.
“Hey one of our songs!” It was I’ll never break your heart. As I stopped at a red light I saw a McDonalds. “Fight the urge AJ, you need to get to the hotel.”

Back at the restaurant.

I was feeling more nervous than ever. Not only was I eating with the Backstreet Boys, I was a Backstreet Boy! Never in my entire life have I thought that this would happen to me. Where’s Kasey when I need her! All of a sudden I see a hand wave close to my face. “Bone are you ok? You have been actin weird all day. We are startin to really worry about ya.” I looked around and saw them all staring at me. “Huh? No I’m cool just alittle out of it. So where is the next concert?” They all looked relieved as Kevin started talking about the next state they were going to next. Whew that was close. I looked around for a clock. 11:35. Great still a full day ahead of me. Ok Amy just keep cool and remember everything you know about the boy and you’ll be fine. Oh no, what if I forget something or they talk about something that I don’t know about? “Hey Bone I was wondering since we have the day off and theres a mall near by that you, Brian, and I go and check out the fashion down here. Maybe even find some girls?” Oh man! I’ll mess up big time if I go with them!

Chapter 2
Back on the bus.
“Hey Kev, do you think that Bone is acting alittle strange since that light hit him on the head?” Kevin thought for a minute. “Well I don’t know. I mean Aj has always been alittle weird but I think your right, he has been acting real strange today.” “Well maybe we should give it a few days since he did get hit pretty hard. I wonder how that girl is doing? She looked like she was in a lot of pain when she left. I hope we see her again, I feel bad for the light falling on her like that. All she wanted was to meet us.” Howie walked to the front of the bus. “You know what, I’m gonna go check out the hotel. See if anybody knew her and could tell me where she is.” He walked out of the bus. Kevin walked to the table and took out a song he had started a few days before.

Back in the car.
“Where in the world am I? Is this concord? And why does my head hurt so much?” I looked around but didn’t see anything familiar. Next time I gotta pay more attention to where we are instead of playin video games with Nick.”

A few minutes later.
“Everybody (yeah) rock your body (yeah) everybody rock your body right. Yes the hotel! I hope they haven’t left yet.” I parked the car and quickly walked into the lobby. I found the front desk and waited for someone to help me. “May I help you?”a man behind the desk asked. “Uh yes I was wondering, did the Backstreet Boys check out yet?” The person looked through the records. “I’m sorry miss, I can’t tell you if they have checked in or checked out of this hotel.” Now what? I don’t know what rooms we were stayin in so I can’t go up there and see for myself. “Excuse me miss?” I turned around and saw Howie. “Yo D. it’s so good to see you. You wouldn’t believe what happened to me.” He looked at me like I was nuts. He thinks I’m her. “I’m sorry for staring, you sounded like a friend of mine. Hey aren’t you the girl that was at our concert last night? The one that was hit on the head?” It’s now or never. He needs to know. “D. it’s me Bone! I somehow switched bodies with that girl when the light hit us last night. I have been trying to find you guys so I can get back to my normal self but I had a lot……” Howie started backing away from me. “You are sick! I never met a fan that is this crazy!” “Howie, H-Howie, Yo D. It’s really me why won’t you believe me?”
“You can’t be Bone he’s at the mall with Nick and Brian.

“But I’m not at the mall I’m here talking to you, just in a girl’s body” How can I prove to him it’s me? “I can prove it. Remember that one time when…” “Don’t, just stop. You’re not AJ because he left and went to the mall. I think you got hit on the head too hard last night. Maybe you should go home and rest and realize that you are not Aj. I gotta go” He walked away before I could say another word. “Howie you always believed me. Now what am I going to do?” I paced around the lobby floor. “Excuse me miss?” I looked up and saw a man standing there staring at me. “I’m gonna have to ask you to leave. You are scaring the guests.” I didn’t say a word I just walked out of the hotel and back to the car. “Brian would believe me. I need to get to that mall.” I drove off hopeing that the mall was close by. To my luck it wasn’t. I decided that instead of getting more lost to just go back to Amy’s house and hope that she comes by. I pulled up into the driveway as her mom came out of the house. “Amy where have you been? You left without telling me. A few of your friends called. I didn’t know what to say to them. Are you listening to me?” “I’m sorry…Mom. I went to a hotel to talk to one of my friends.” I walked past her and into the house.
I walked into Amy’s room and sat down on her bed. “Why is this happening to me?”

At the mall.
“Why is this happening to me?” I mumbled more to myself then out loud. We walked into a few stores looking for clothes. All of a sudden I hear screams. Oh no, not fans! Not now! “Nick, we love you! can we have your autograph?” I tried to duck out of sight so they wouldn’t see me, but a girl saw me. “Oh my god AJ! Can I have your autograph? I have gone to tons of your concerts and I’m a huge fan of yours.” There’s no way that I can get out of it. Here goes nothing. I started to sign the book. “You have really beautiful eyes. Why do you wear those sunglasses all the time so noone can see them?” “That was a nice thing to say. I am so used to them on. I try to have them off in some of the pictures but someone is always telling me to put them back on.” “Oh cool well I think you look great with them on or off. Thank you Aj” We hugged and she walked off. WHEW! I guess that wasn’t so bad after all. “You sound like your old self again” I glanced over at Brian signing a girl’s cd. “Yeah I’m fellin a little better, my head doesn’t hurt as much anymore.” “Hey Bone… let’s go over there and find some girls.” Nick said and started to walk away. Is that the only thing that boy thinks about?
“Uh no that’s ok I wanna stay here. I need to get some clothes. Hey B-rock are we gonna shoot some hoops or somethin later?”
“Hmmmm…. Sure I guess. I don’t think we are doing anything until tomorrow or we would have heard from Kev.” “Speakin of Train where is he?”

Back on the bus.
“Finished.” Kevin said then looked up as Howie walked back onto the bus.
“Did you have any luck?” Howie plopped down in the back and closed his eyes. “I guess not. Hey Howie what’s wrong?” He walked to the back of the bus and sat down across from Howie. “I was walking around the hotel and I found her. That girl that got hurt. I walked up to her and she started sayin she was Bone! It was crazy. She sounded so much like him but she wasn’t. It was like they switched bodies or somethin it was totally creepy.” They sat in silence for a few minutes. “Well something is up cause it sounds like both of them are actin really weird and who knows….” The phone rang. Howie picked up his cell phone that he had placed on the arm of the couch. “Hello?” “Howie? It’s me Am….AJ. I was wondering if we were leaving tonight?” Whew almost messed that one up. God how I wanted to tell someone what I was going through. It’s not easy being AJ. “Uh I don’t think we are leaving until around 2:00 tomorrow why?” Silence. “I was just wonderin cause me and Bri were gonna shoot some hoops. But if we need to get back, I need to know so we can start now.” It was set. I was able to play basketball with Brian.

At the court.
“B-rock is on my team and I guess Nick is by himself. Sorry Nicky.” He reached into his backpocket and pulled out a piece of paper. I dribbled the ball across the court as Nick called someone on Aj’s cell phone. “Who is he callin?” We watched him as he turned his back to us as he started talking.
“Yo Nicky you game or what?” no response. Now would be a good time to show Brian my funny side. “My hair is losein’ it’s bleached look. Now it looks like something a two-year-old mixed together! Come on I think I just turned five years older and don’t even know it!” Brian laughed and I can faintly hear Nick doing the same. Yes I made them laugh. For awhile I totally forgot who I was. I was no longer the funny, making everyone laugh, but quiet Amy anymore. Finally Nick got off the phone and walked over to us. “Ok my team mate will be here but until then we are gonna play ball and I’m gonna win ya!” “Oh yeah right. In your dreams!” I started to dribble the ball. Nick tried to knock it out of my hands.
I threw it to Brian and as Nick ran towards Brain, the ball was thrown back to me. (Sounds like Monkey in the middle doesn’t it?) I made a basket then dribbled over to Nick. We played for awhile until a car pulled up. Kasey got out of the car and walked over to us. “Kasey?” Nick looked at me. “How did you know her name you were unconcious all night?” uh oh. “I heard it from Amy before I blacked out.” He walked over to her. Whew! I’m so sorry AJ where ever you are right now. We played b-ball for awhile with a few stops because of Nick. Eventually it started to get late and I had gotten pretty tired from all the running around. We called it quits and decided to get back to the bus. As soon as we reached the bus, I thought of my mom. I wonder how she is? Has she even noticed that I am not my usual self? Poor AJ I need to find him. “Uh guys, I need to go somewhere real quick. I forgot something and I want to go and get it.” “I’ll come with ya” I looked at Nick with frustration. “No I need to go alone. Give my self some time to think about a few things. I’ll be back. See ya!” I hopped into a car and drove off toward my house. “Please be home.”

Chapter 3

Back at home.
I paced around the room. “Maybe I should go out looking around town to see if she went somewhere to eat or something. I hope they haven’t run into any fans. No I should stay here, she’ll come back.” I finally sat down to calm down some. I looked around her room trying to take my mind off of things. I noticed the stuffed animals lying around the room. I noticed a little dopey figurine on her dresser. I looked about her room some more and saw figurines of all sorts and a binder lying close to her bed. I picked it up and opened it. I started fliping through the pages. It was a scrapbook of us. It seemed that she was real interested in us. She had all sorts of articles from magazines and newspapers. In the front pocket of the binder were tons of papers that she had typed up on us. Our Profiles, how we started out, chats where fans asked us questions. This was a truly devoted fan. I could tell she had kept up for along time because it was rather large and heavy. Finally I was able to see what a fan feels when they hear our songs or just our voices. As I looked through her binder more I heard the doorbell ring. “Please let that be her” I walked out of the room and stood behind her mom. “Hi is Amy home?” “Uh yes hold on”

She turned around and asked me if I knew him. I wanted to say of course I knew him it was me but it would only be confusing and it’s already been confusing enough as it is. “Hi Aj! Would you like to come in?” I opened the door and let her in. We walked back to her bedroom after a brief talk with her mom. “It is sooo good to see you. You don’t know what I have been through” he laughed. “Of course I know what you have been through. I go through it everyday. Except the part where I switch bodies with a fan. That one has never happened before.” We sat down on the bed in silence. “So how are we going to fix this mess?” AJ just stared blankly out into space. “I don’t know. All I know is that we need to switch back because there is no way that you can probably go another day in my place and there is no way for me to be in yours. You know what? Even though I was in your body and you know this town well I still got lost. I guess when we switched you took that part of you with ya so I would stay here and worry.” I laughed. “It isn’t all that bad actually. I mean if you think about it, we both have learned something from this. I know alittle more about the music career ahead of me and you probably learned what its like inside of a fan’s mind like you wanted.” He looked at me blankly. “How did you know that I wanted to get inside of a fan’s mind?” I just smiled and looked away. It felt so weird looking at myself but hearing Aj. There has to be someway that we can fix this. I got up and pulled him off of the bed. Before he could reply we walked out into the living room and out the door. We got in the car and headed back to the hotel.

Back at the hotel.
We got to the hotel and walked to the bus, where everyone was sitting. “Here goes nothing. Everyone should be in there and this is the time that we need to tell them what is going on” We walked onto the bus and saw everyone talking in the back. I turned back and looked at AJ, smiled, and walked to the back. Everyone looked up and said hi all at once.
“Ok ya’ll need to hear something.” Kasey saw Aj or should I say me behind me (Is it confusing yet?)“Amy what are you doing here? I thought you left?” he looked around at everyone. “See it all started when the light fell on us last night. You all remember that I’m sure. Well somehow when that light hit us and we got knocked unconcious, Amy and I switched bodies somehow.
Now I am in Aj’s body and he is in mine. I know it sounds impossible and believe me I thought so too.” They just stared at us blankly.

"What a minute so your telling us that you two somehow switched bodies and I have been actually talking to Amy the whole time instead of AJ?" Nick asked. I nodded. "I thought Aj was acting really weird lately now we know why!" He said. "Good going Nick you solved the mystery now there's only one problem I'M STILL IN HIS BODY!" I started to get hestericle. I just couldn't take all of this anymore. "Someone please help us switch back!" I looked around at all of them when they all started talking at once. Kasey walked over to me and wispered in my ear. "Don't like being in AJ's body? I thought you would like it since you LoVe him sooo much" "For one I don't LoVe him and two your getting on my nerves. I just want my body back ok? It's all just so weird." Finally through all the noise. "I know I know! All you got to do is, get hit on the head again that should reverse it" I looked at Howie. "Ooohh No I'm not getting hit on the head again! Are you NuTz! Im not much for pain." Everyone smiled these big grins "Uh uh no way! I don't want to switch that badly."
They started to walk closer to me "Stop looking at me like that!
NOnonoNONOno!" I tried to stand my ground but everyone picked me up and carried me off the bus and out into the open. "I don't like this guys" Aj had a look of fear in his eyes as well. Kevin walked back behind the bus as Brian pushed me close to AJ. Normally I wouldn't have minded being so close to him but this just wasn't the time. I couldn't calm down and AJ knew it, he grabbed my hand and held it tight telling me everything was going to be ok. Kevin came back with a huge object in his hands.

In the parking lot.
Kevin walked closer and closer and I could see what he had gotten from behind the bus. The same light that hit us the first time. Soon he loomed over us hanging the light above our heads. I closed my eyes tightly waiting for it to hit, but it didn't. "I can’t do this. I can’t purposely hurt someone. Here find someone else to do it." Noone else was willing to to hit us with the light either. Brian quickly ran off toward a building near by then came running back with a real big guy following him. "OH god we are not only got get hit, we are gonna be knocked out cold!" "Amy this is no time for jokes!" Kasey said sternly. "Who's joking?"

The man took the light and did the same as Kevin had done. I squeezed AJ's hand as the light was dropped and hit us on the head. Both of us were unconcious. "Oh god someone pick her up and put her on something soft quick! I'll get a washcloth and an icepack." They picked me up and moved me back onto the bus, laying me down on a bunk. Kasey came running back and wiped the blood of my bottom lip. "Is it bad if she's bleeding from the mouth? You guys might want to check on AJ" Howie and Nick walked back outside to get him. "Is she gonna be alright?" Kasey glanced up at Brian then put her attention back on me. "Amy? Can you hear me? Please wake up!" She turned around as Howie and Nick came back. "How is he?" They layed him down on the bunk across from me. "He's fine. He opened his eyes for a few seconds but then he just passed out again." "Great! I knew we shouldn't have dropped that light on them...Wait a minute where's that blood coming from?" She lifted my head and saw a puddle of blood on the pillow. "Oh my god! Someone Call an Ambulance! Her head is bleeding!"

At the Hospital.
"Amy" I could hear a sweet voice calling to me and a bright white light.
"Amy please come up to the gate so you can be judged" I opened my eyes wider as I saw the big pearly gate with tons of clouds around it. "Where am I?" A man dressed in white looked down at me from a podiem and smiled. "Why Amy don't you know? You're home, in Heaven. We have been waiting for you. You should have come home a long time ago." "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M IN HEAVEN!? No I think you have the wrong person. I can't be dead! I just met the Backstreet Boys! You can't end my life now. I-I-I have barely began to live. I wanted to grow up become a singer and eventually find someone settle down and have a family. I'm not ready." He opened a big book and started searching for something. "Please I beg you. Let me go back, I want to see my mom, my friends, I want to drive a car, experience things in life that are still awaiting me. Please!" He closed the book and looked down at me. "No has ever had such a strong will to live like you have shown here today. That is why I am sending you back. You're not ready to come home but when you are I will be waiting. Go back your mother and Kasey both need you right now and I can tell that Aj needs you too. Go back and I hope you get everything you want out of life.”

"Amy please wake up" I heard another familiar voice say. I slowly opened my eyes. "Oh thank god your alive! The doctors were gonna pernounce you dead if you didn't wake up." Kasey hugged me as I looked around at all the people in the room. "Where am I? And how long have I been away?" I noticed all my relatives and friends had gathered around my bed. "You have been out of it for a few days now. Everyone got real worried." Kasey looked up at Aj. "I think you need some rest. Come on everyone, you can talk to her later when she feels better." She pushed everyone out of the room leaving AJ and I alone. He cleared his throat "I'm glad to see you feeling alittle better." "Uh...I just wanted to say that I um..." he looked around the room "I got you the roses." He shook his head and took a seat next to the bed. "That's not exactly what I wanted to say but for some reason I just can't say it around you. You're so different from any other girl I know." I smiled. "Yeah not many girls switch bodies with you everyday." He laughed.

I noticed that he was nervous. "What are you so nervous about? You should have no problem talking to me, I mean you were only in my body for what a day?" "Yeah I know but it doesn't help with what I want to say." No matter how hard he tried he couldn't stop looking away. "What is it? Aj you can tell me." He looked over at me and looked into my eyes. "I want to get to know you better. The real you. Maybe sometime when you're back on your feet we could go to dinner?" I smiled but before I could answer Kasey walked in. "Uh I'm sorry to interrupt but someone out here wants to talk to you. Alone. Sorry AJ." He looked at her and got up. "Well hopefully we can finish our conversation later." He leaned over and kissed my forehead then left.

I watched the door as a girl came in. She walked over to me and sat down in the chair. "Hi Amy. I heard what happened to you when I got the email I rushed over here." "I can't believe you came down here just to see if I'm ok." She laughed "Girl it was the only chance I could find to come over here! Anyway you still got a story to write for me remember? Everyone loved the last one!" "I know Amanda but you don't have to worry I'm almost done with it. At least I think I'm almost done with it. So how's your website coming along?" I could hear a lot of talking outside the door. "Fine but what's more important right now is if there's a thing going on between you and AJ"

I couldn't help but laugh. "Oh so that's the REAL reason why you came." She looked around the room "No not at all I came to see how my little sis was doing" "I am doing fine had a collision with death took it on and won! HaHa no really I'm fine but I have a spliting headache. And if you really must know about Aj and I, all I can say is that he is as worried about me as much as everyone else."

Back at home.
"Mom! I'm home!" I walked into the kitchen and looked around. "Nope not in here" I walked down the hallway towards my parent’s room. "Dad? Are you home?" There was no answer. "How dumb of me I forgot that they went out to dinner with a few friends." I went into my room and turned on the stero. I turned around towards my bed and saw a dozen red roses and a card lying on my pillow. I picked up the card and read it.

Amy I heard that your parents are out tonight and I thought you should be too. By the time you start to read this I will be standing outside your bedroom door. Tonight is going to be special so close your eyes and wait for a big surprise!

I heard the door open. "Close your eyes" I closed my eyes as I was lead out of the house. I heard soft music as I was helped into a car. We started to drive off. My head started to fill with all of the possibilities of what awaited me ahead. "Don't open your eyes we're almost there"

The Surprise.
The car started to slow down as I heard gravel under the tires. Where were we? The car stoped then my car door was opened and I was pulled out of the car. "Where are we? Can I open my eyes now?" The guy took my hands into his "We're almost there don't open them yet" He lead me down what seemed to be a path leading up hill. "Ok now stand and open your eyes." I opened my eyes and saw the most beautiful view of the city of San Francisco that I have ever seen. The thousands of lights lit up the city while tons of little cars crossed the Golden Gate Bridge and drove around all of the streets. The view also reached out past San Francisco and into the next town. I turned around.
Aj was standing there with a smile on his face. "It's so beautiful. Thank you for bringing me up here. How did you know?" "Oh lets just say I have ways of finding out things." "You talked to Kasey didn't you?" We laughed. "Well there goes my secret. Now I'm just gonna have to find another person to tell me what ya like." I turned around back to the view of the city. "You don't have to find anyone. All you need to do is ask and I will tell you truthfully."

I shuddered as a gust of cold air brushed past me. "Are you cold?" I looked at him. "Yes it's a little chilly up here." He took off his jacket and draped it over my shoulders. "That better?" I smiled "a little." He moved closer to me and put his arms around me. "How about now?" "Much better." We stood there for what seemed like forever. "Come on this night ain't over yet." We got back to the car and drove off leaving behind a memory that will stay in my mind for the rest of my life. We pulled up to a resturant and sat there for a moment. I leaned over and kissed him on his cheek. "Thank you for taking me up there" "No problem”

At the Club.
We arrived at the club after dinner. As we walked in I heard one of my favorite songs playing. I looked around for anyone I might know. Aj grabbed my hand and led me to the dance floor. I should tell him that I couldn't dance. "I can't do this I can't dance!" I yelled so he would hear me. "That's alright I'll teach you!" He taught me some of his moves as a song of theirs came on. Everyone watched as we danced. Soon everyone picked up on it and started dancing. A slow song came up next and as I was dancing someone tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Kasey. "Hey! What are you doing here? I thought you weren't working tonight?" See Kasey mixes at a club and performes, everyone loves her. Tons of people from around California and even other states come down to see her. "Yeah well I got bored back home so I decided to come here and they asked me to mix a few songs! I just finished a few minutes ago when I saw you two so I decided to come over and say hi!" "Hi!"
"Don't be a smart allic. I know I saw Lisa around here somewhere wanna help me find her and then maybe we can go up and sing a little something!" We looked around but couldn’t seem to find her. I couldn’t believe that she was there one minute then gone the next. As I walked around a guy walked up to me and stood in my way. “Excuse me. May I ask what sign you are?” I looked at him. “Yes you can ask but I’m not telling you.” I tried to move around him but he blocked my way. “Why won’t you tell me? I’m sure a pretty lady like you can tell me at least your name.” He put his hand on my shoulder. “Look I’m not in the mood to play any games or listen to your stupid pick up lines. I’m looking for someone” He started to rub my arms and play with my hair. “Well Sweetheart you don’t need to worry your pretty head over that we can just go to my place...” I slapped him. While he was still in shock I started walking away but before he could grab my arm I warned him “Oh did I forget to mention that my boyfriend is here? I wouldn’t waste my breath on some jerk like you!” In the corner of my eye I could see Kasey and Aj standing there staring in disbelief. I ignored it and went on with my search. Minutes later I found Lisa at a table near the stage. “Lisa! We have been looking all over for you. Kasey wants us to sing tonight” She shook her head. “I’m not singing tonight” I looked up to find a guy sitting with her at the table. “Alright I’ll see ya later”

I walked back directly through the dance floor not knowing that the same guy will try to get me to dance with him. He pulled my arm and put his arms around me. “Hey let go of me!” He laughed “Your gonna dance the night away with me!” I tried to wiggle out of his grip but it was too tight. He wasn’t letting go for anything. He started to get real close and close enough to the point where he tried kissing me. I tried kicking him but he moved. “Uh uh no kicking. Don’t even think about biting me either Now your going to dance with me whether you like it or not.” I looked around for someone to help me. I saw Aj walking towards us. I looked at him with a plead for help on my face. He tapped on the guy’s shoulder. "“Excuse me but that's my girl you’re dancin with.” “Oh yeah and what are you gonna do? Run and tell mommy?” He was getting mad at this point. If only I could get free.

“Why don’t you run home and hide under your bed.” The man told Aj. Finally he took his attention off me long enough for me to get loose. “You know you really shouldn’t comment about running home to your mom.” They both stared at me. Kasey came up to us “Amy you don’t need to start anything. Just drop it he ain’t worth anything” The stranger grined with a reply. “Why don’t you listen to your little girlfriend. I’ll take care of your guy here.” “Don’t ever mess with my friends!” Kasey swung at him and hit him so hard I heard his nose break in two. He covered his nose and tried to swing at her. I ran up and kneed him were it really counted and he quickly walked off. “Don’t foget to pick up your pasifer on the way out!” I yelled.

Aj was still staring at us. “You are two tough woman! I have never seen a girl hit a guy like that!” We laughed and before I could explain I heard our group being called to the stage. “Looks like Lisa has to sing tonight even if she’s with a guy. It won’t take too long right Kasey?” She nodded. We quickly ran backstage fixed our hair and makeup then walked out onto the stage.

Everyone cheered us on and sang along during the first songs. “Now everyone should know this next one. It’s one of my favorites from a guy group that we all know and love. I am dedicating this one to a special friend of mine out there tonight and his name is Aj.” As we were singing we hopped off of the stage and walked around talking to the people. Instead of walking to the back of the club and picking someone to talk to or sing with I walked over to Aj and grabbed his hand and led him back to the stage. We all made it back to the stage while Aj joined in. Let me just say the boy never sounded better. He-he-he.

Back home.
We pull up to my house around 4:30 in the morning. He walked me up to the door. “Thank you for a great evening. I know we had a few problems here and there but it was still a lot of fun.” He smiled “Well I’m glad you had fun.” “Am I going to see you soon?” He looked at his watch. “I don’t know. We will be leaving in a few hours and who knows when we will be back.” I hated to see them go already. I still needed to get Kasey and Kevin together. “Well I know I will see you again. Don’t forget us when you’re around the world ok?” He smiled “How can I forget? I will think about you all the time” Before I could say anything he leaned over and kissed me. We said our goodbyes and as he walked to his car I walked into my house. I wonder if I’ll ever see him again? I know I will. Someday.

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