I'd Give Anything

I'd give anything if I could be
Living a life of luxery.
I could live in Hollywood
And meet all the big stars.
And be driven around in my own fancy car.
I'd eat the foods that rich people eat.
And jump in the pool to get away from the heat.
I'd buy expensive dresses cut down to there.
And go to dinner parties with a new look in my hair.
Then I realize that this life style isn't me.
All I really need is my friends and family.
The money is nice and the dresses are sweet.
But these high heels are too tall for my feet.
I like Chinease-takeout, even if it's not caviare.
And to get my friends back, I'd even give up the car.

©1999 I'd Give Anything
©1999 Spanish Eyes Productions
All Rights Reserved.