Howie Quotes

There's a scene toward the end, where Rick Moranis comes in and sings to his wife, and you can see me right in the very front of the screen. I'm pulling this weird face as he sings.
-- in where he was in the movie "Parenthood"

If you blink, you miss me because I played a messenger boy and I ride past the screen quickly on a bike as Burt is being chased.
-- Howie in "Cop and a Half"

I can sleep a good 12 hours, no problem.

My hair has to be perfect and nobody can touch it. I like to look good always.

I kind of knew I was a performer since I was seven.

We knew that would hit us, but once we start singing, it squashes a lot of that negativity and pessimism.
-- on being compared to New Kids On The Block

I finally got me a new car! They all beat me -- I held out the longest. I bought a Corvette.

In sixth grade, at a party, I got kissed by the two prettiest girls there.

In Europe, there's no walking -- anywhere -- without a bodyguard.

On my 18th birthday, this girl I was seeing asked her parents if she could have the house to herself and she invited all my friends around for a surprise party. That was romantic.
-- being asked "What's the most wonderful thing a girl's done for you?"

I try to drink a lot of herbal, hot teas with a lot of honey and lemon.

Some of the ballads I've written have been about past experiences and I even sang them to the people concerned. When I was in high school, I was walking along the beach with my date when I started singing the song I'd written for her. It's always very heartwarming when that happens.

I prefer to talk from my heart and go with the way I feel."

Hey, I'm Mr Romantic! I have Spanish relatives, so romance is in my blood.

When I was younger, my dad told me to clean up the backyard if wanted to go out and play. So I raked all the leaves up, but I didn't know what to do with them. I really wanted to go out, so I just threw them over the wall into our next-door neighbour's yard. The thing was, the woman from the next door was standing there and the leaves went all over her!

...couldn't imagine her as my girlfriend. I like more natural-looking girls. I'm into girls I can talk to for hours without getting bored. My dream girl has to have great sense of humor. Girls who don't talk at all aren't very attractive , but she shouldn't be Miss Chatterbox either!...It's great if a girl is confident and accepts herself...She's got to be intelligent and shouldn't be afraid to speak straight from her heart. Confidence is very important. I've got to be able to trust my girlfriend and be able to talk to her.
-- first talking about Cindy Crawford, then about his dream girl