J-14 Article

This is from a special cover-to-cover BSB issue of J-14.

"C'mon admit it. You kinda like them." So said Entertainment Weekly on its cover last fall, declaring the Backstreet Boys their A number one "guilty pleasure." But if the twenty and thirty-somethings are only now coming out of the closet with their love for the BSB, the teens behind the groups mega success long ago got over any guilt they had about loving Orlando's gorgeous Fab Five. After all, they've flooded BSB concerts the world over for ages, showing their enthusiasm by doing just about anything to get the boys attention. Like throwing their bras at the stage! Or screaming their phone numbers at the top of their lungs!

Oh if their parents only knew.....

Except now, of course, parents do know. Many are standing outside their kids' rooms, tapping their feet, listening to "That's What she Said" blaring from the CD player inside. Some are even borrowing Millennium to play during their morning commute. Suddenly everybody loves the Backstreeters - even pets have been known to howl and mew their approval.

All of which may be a surprise to their ex-manager, Donna Wright, who left the Boys last year because she didn't share their desire to take the group to the next level. "There is no next level," she reportedly told them. "this is as big as you get."

Not by a long shot. This summer's BSB tour is their biggest ever. Last year, the readers of one national magazine bestowed BSB with Best Summer Tour honors, and the Boys are determined to defend their title! This time, there's even more happening on stage: Along with their beautiful voices and breakout dance moves, they've taken up instruments and song writing. And no one can get enough of them! With their album selling out of stores and their tour the hottest ticket of the summer - not to mention the buzz in Hollywood about a BSB movie - they've proven that they're here to stay.

FYI......the magazine is 100 pages total cover to cover, lots of pics and pin ups...articles on each guy, the management controversy, review of their videos and books and cds...etc...