She Wanted To Dance: Chapter 2

About a year and a half earlier, Brian met Leah for coffee. "I ordered you a piece of cheesecake," Brian said as Leah approached the table.

"Brian, thank you, but I just ate. I'm stuffed."

"Oh, come on. Cheesecake is your favorite. It's just a little piece. Come on. Take a bite." He waved the plate in front of her face. "Come on," He teased.

"Do you want to dance with me?" Leah asked.

"Here?" Brian asked.

"Well, there is music playing, and it's a dark room." Leah answered, as she stood up and reached for Brian's hand. Brian followed her over to an empty space on the floor, and Leah put her arms around Brian's neck. The two of them slowly swayed to the music, and when the end of the song came, Leah nonchalantly kissed Brian's lips. They smiled sweetly at each other and then went back to the table where they were previously sitting. The two of them talked for a few minutes, and Leah then left, after finishing her espresso.

That night the two of them met at Nick's house to watch some movies. "Okay, before we start watching the movies, do you guys want to order a pizza or just make popcorn?" Nick asked.

"I don't care," Brian answered.

"I could eat some pizza," Nick's friend, Allie, answered. "But popcorn would be quicker. Then we could have some ice cream or something later. What do you want, Leah?"

"Get whatever you guys want," Leah answered. "I'm not that hungry."

"I've heard of dieting, but Leah, no cheesecake today, and no pizza or popcorn either," Brian stated.

"Actually I've got a headache. I'm just going to take an aspirin." Leah reached in her purse and took out a pill bottle. She pulled out a white pill and went into Nick's kitchen to get a drink.

After Leah left the room, Nick sat down on the couch beside Brian. "Is something wrong?" Nick asked Brian.

"What would be wrong?" Brian asked.

"I don't know," Nick asked. "Leah's just acting different."

"She's fine. She's just tired. She's been doing a lot of dance practice lately. Ya know? She'll be fine when she gets some rest."