She Wanted To Dance

"I guess she really did have a problem. I just didn't want to see it." Brian said, wiping a tear from his eye.

Nick put his hand on Brian's shoulder. "You were her best friend, and when you really love someone you can't help but see only the good in them. You don't want to think anything bad at all. It's like your blinded or something."

"But you tried to tell me. You confronted me. You said that she had a problem. I just didn't want to believe it, even though I saw it. I knew it was wrong, but I just kept thinking that she'd be alright, that she'd be able to get through it."

Brian began thinking back around a year earlier. Leah had convinced Brian to go rollerblading in the park. It was a sweltering day. Leah skated over to the water fountain for a drink and suddenly collapsed. Brian rushed over to her, picked her up, and took her back to his place. When she came to, Brian said that he was going to take her to the hospital, but for some odd reason, Leah just did not want to go. She asked Brian if she could stay over, and Brian could not find it in his heart to argue with her. For the most part Leah's stay at Brian's house was very much quiet. Brian sat in a chair, as he watched Leah sleeping soundly in his bed. She just slept, which was okay with Brian. He knew that she needed the rest.

Finally he came in one morning with a big tray of food. "What's going on?" Leah asked.

"It's okay, Lee. You've been staying at my house. You had a little accident. Remember?"

"I think so." Leah answered.

"I brought you some soup to eat. It's homemade, and when I say homemade, I do not mean that I opened the can by hand. This is the real deal."

"Thanks Bri. You've always been so good to me."

"You're welcome. Now you got to try the soup."

Leah slightly sat up. "Oh no, I can't. I'm sorry Brian, but I'm feeling a little sick."

"Well, it's probably because you haven't eaten in days. You've been asleep. You need this to keep your strength up."

"No, please Brian. If I eat that I'm sure I'll just be sick. Please. Just let me rest."

"I really think you should eat, but if you're sure that you'll be sick, I guess I you know what's best for you. I trust your judgement, but you have to eat later."

"I promise I will. I love you, Brian. You're like the brother I never had. You're always here when I need you."

"And I'll always be here." Brian replied.