She Wanted To Dance: Chapter 4

I eventually nursed her back to health, but I never really helped her. Why didn't I see that she really had a problem. If I had seen the problem and helped, that could've made all the difference." Brian said.

"Brian, don't blame yourself. You're not the only one that could have help, ya' know? I knew she had a problem, but I never really helped either. I tried too, but let's face it. Leah's stubborn. Like all other girls, she has this need to be independent. She knew, deep down, that she really needed our help, but she was too proud to admit it."

Nick thought, for a moment, about some of the times he had spent with Leah. His favorite memory with her was their very first date. Nick had gone down to the dance studio where Leah worked, and while he was there, Leah suggested that the two of them go out sometime. At first Nick wasn't sure if going out with Leah was such a good idea. What would Brian think about it? But Leah assured Nick that she and Brian were just friends, and he would be okay with it. Nick thought, why not? It could be fun,and it's only date. So they decided to out that night. They went to dinner and a movie. They were having a great time together, and it was beautiful night, so they decided to go for a walk on the beach. That's when Nick discovered that this was more than just a little date. He suddenly saw Leah in a whole other light. The gentle breeze blew her hair back. There seemed to be a sparkle in her eyes, and the moonlight seemed to hit her face in this perfect way. Nick felt as if he was walking along a beach in Heaven with a perfect angel beside him. He wanted to kiss her, but for the first time in his life, he felt like he was unworthy. All he could do is look at her. She sat down on a big rock and gazed out at the water. Her hair still, slightly blew in the breeze. Then she looked up at him and spoke. "Aren't you going to sit down with me?"

Nick didn't know what to say. What could he say? He came over and sat beside her. "Nick, I've really had a nice time tonight." Leah said, reaching out to touch his hand.

"I've had a nice time too," Nick answered quietly, and kind of shyly. Leah smiled brightly at him, and then looked at him in such a way, that made Nick know it was time. It was time for him to let down this guard he'd put up. There was no reason for him to feel shy or insecure around her. Apparently she was very much interested in him. Nick smiled back, took a deep breath, and leaned in to plant a small kiss on Leah's lips.

"I was beginning to wonder when you were going to do that." Leah said with a smile. "I've been waiting for it all night."

"I'm sorry," Nick said.

Leah smiled, "No, it's alright." She ran her fingers through Nick's hair. "It's perfectly alright." She then put her arms around his neck, and they shared a very passionate kiss.

"Yo, earth to Nicky!" Brian was saying. Nick finally came out of his transe and tuned in to what Brian was saying.

"I'm sorry, Rok. I guess I was spacing out. What were you saying?" Nick answered.

"It's about time. Man, you were totally gone for a minute there. What were you thinking about?"

"Oh, umm nothing. It doesn't matter."

"Oh. Okay. Well, are you hungry? Maybe you should go downstairs and get some food or coffee. It could be a long night." Brian suggested.

"Brian, maybe you should go get something to eat. No offense or nothing, Man, but you look terrible."

"I feel terrible, but I'll be okay. I would like some coffee, though, if you could get me some. I can't leave her in here alone."

"Alright, Bri. I'll be back in a few minutes. Do you need anything else?"

"No, just coffee," Brian replied. Brian sat down in the chair beside Leah's bed and placed her hand in his. "It's okay, Baby Girl," he said.

Nick quickly exited the room.