She Wanted to Dance
Chapter: 9

A couple of months later...

"Nick, I had so much fun at dinner tonight," Leah said as she entered her apartment. "And it was so much better than that hospital food I've been eating."

"Well, I hope so. I had some of that hospital food, and it wasn't exactly the filet mignon."

Leah laughed softly. "Well, at least you didn't have to eat it for months. I have to get up early in the morning. My physical therapist at the hospital is going to introduce me to my new trainer, the person who's going to keep me on this special diet so that I can get my weight back up and hopefully get me to dance again. Then I have to go to another one of those support groups."

"I'm very proud of you. It's good to see that you're taking care of yourself and going to these meetings. I know you don't really like going to these things every day, but it's really good for you."

"Yeah, I know. Every time I think of giving up, I just think of you and what we have. It makes me strong again. I don't want to do anything to jeopardize our relationship. I'm going to go bed. You coming up?"

"Yeah, I'll be there in a minute. I have to get up early in the morning too. That new group that Brian and I are writing some songs for are having a small studio session, and I gotta be there."

With that said, Leah headed up to bed. Nick called Brian to confirm the time that he needed to be at the studio, then he went to bed too. The next morning Leah got up and got ready to go meet her new trainer. Nick came into the kitchen to find Leah taking her pill. The doctor had prescribed Leah a medication for hallucinations such as voices in the head. So far the medication to seemed to be working perfectly.

"Good girl," Nick said as he entered the room.

Leah looked up at him and smiled. "Spying on me?" She asked jokingly.

"No." Nick smiled. He walked over and hugged her. "I was just about to leave. I came down to get something to eat. Did you have breakfast?"

"Yes, I had a bowl of cereal and some juice. Proud of me?"

Nick kissed her lips. "Yes," he said as he began kissing her neck. Leah smiled. She loved Nick's kisses. They were so perfect. Whenever Nick kissed her, she just felt so in love. She felt as if she was meant to be with him, and nothing else in the world existed, just Leah and Nick. Leah thought of all this as Nick still continued to kiss her neck and collar bone. Then suddenly he brought his lips back up to hers, and she quickly snapped out of her little trance. Nick stopped kissing her. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing. I just love your kisses."

"Well, it's just a little preview for later."

"Oh, is that what it is? Well, in that case, I better go so I can hurry and get back." She kissed him one last time and then headed out the door.

Nick smiled as he watched her go out. He really loved Leah, and he was so happy to see her well again. He was also expecially happy that she had asked him to stay with her while she fully recovered. He loved staying with her at night. This way he could keep an eye on her to make sure that she was taking her medication and eating right. But he also just loved being with her, like waking up in the morning and seeing her there beside him. As he thought of this, he reached in his pocket and pulled out the jewelry box that contained the ring, which he intended to give Leah. Since Leah had been going through all this trama, he had decided to wait until he felt she was fully recovered, before he asked Leah to marry him. He wanted to make sure that he didn't put too much pressure on her to make important decisions. As he thought of how things were now going between Leah and himself, he stared down at the ring. Is it time to give her the ring? He pondered. I have to be romantic about this, he thought. It has to be perfect. Leah deserves something perfect.

Nick finally shut the box and put it back in his pocket. He opened the pantry and discovered that there wasn't really anything good to eat for breakfast. Leah had just come home from the hospital, so neither one of them had even thought of going grocery shopping. Nick was running kind of late, so he didn't really have time to stop by and get something. When he saw what time it was, he quickly ran to the door. When he opened it, a girl was standing in the doorway. "Wow," the girl said. "I didn't even get a chance to ring the bell."

Nick found himself looking into the eyes of the most beautiful face he had ever seen. He couldn't speak. He couldn't move. All he could do was gaze at this beautiful person. Finally he managed to say one thing. "Looks like Leah."

"A lot of people say we look alike. I'm her little sister, Madison."

When Nick her this, he quickly snapped out of the trance he was now in. "Her sister! I didn't know she had two sisters." He said in a dumbfounded manner.

"She never tells anybody about me." Madison laughed. "That's Leah for you. Well, like I said, my name is Madison. I'm twenty years old. I'm from Kentucky, and now I'm going to live in Florida so that I can be a star. I'm a dancer and an aspiring actress. I love Chinese food. I don't smoke, and I'm totally single."

She's cute, Nick thought. She's got a great smile and obviously a sense of humor. "I was just leaving. I'm working with this up and coming group, and I have to meet with them."

"Really? Well, if you don't mind, I'd like to come with you, if that's alright."

"I thought you came to visit Leah."

"Is Leah here?"


"Well, then I guess I'll see her later. Can I come with you?"

"I guess." Nick thought that it seemed strange the way Madison acted, but he thought it would be a good idea if she just acted friendly toward her. On the way to the studio, Nick talked about how Leah had been recovering. He found out that Madison had no idea Leah had something wrong with her. "I've been doing the college thing. I guess that's why Mom and Steph never called to tell me about Leah. I don't know why they'd have a reason to keep it from me."

When they got to the studio, the group had already wrapped up a recording. Nick didn't realize how late he actually was until he got to the studio. One of the members of the group walked over to Nick. "Nick, they're talking about us shooting our first video. Are you and Brian going to choreograph the song?" the young girl asked.

"Well, I figured we'd hire somebody to choreograph it, but then again, I just got here, so there's no telling what kind of plan we've got going now. Where's Brian?"

"He's in the sound booth with everybody else."

"Oh. Madison, this is Emily. She's a member of the group."

"Emily, this is Madison. She's Leah's sister."

"It's nice to meet you," Madison said.

"Same here," Emily answered.

Just then, Brian entered the room. "Brian!" Madison screamed.

"Oh my gosh. Madison!" Madison ran over to Brian and hugged him tightly. Brian picked her up and swung her around. "You've really grown up! You look so beautiful, but what are you doing here?"

"I'm moving to Florida. I'm going to be a dancer."

"Really? That's great. You've always been the most beautful dancer."

"Now Brian, don't lie. I could never compete with Leah."

"In my eyes, you're both one of a kind. So have you got a job, dancing?"

"No, not yet."

"I've got a job for you. This group we're managing is about to do a video, and I think you'd make a good choreographer. I had thought Nick and I would do it ourselves, but since you're looking for a job, I'd love for you do it."

"Brian, I'd be honored to work for you, but I don't want you to give me a job just because we're friends or because I'm Lee's sister."

"That's not my reason. I've seen you before. You're talented."

"Well, thank you. Do you really want me to do it."


Madison hugged Brian again. All Nick could do was roll his eyes at this spectacle. Emily took Madison to the booth to listen to the song. Brian grinned at Nick. Nick glared back at Brian with a look of suspicion.

"What? She really is a great dancer. Did she ask you to bring her down here?" Brian said.

"Yeah. How'd you know?"

"Just a shot in the dark. She used to have a crush on me. She and Leah don't really get along well, but I think she's a pretty good kid, a little spoiled maybe. Course she seems to have grown up very nicely."

"Oh, I'll say. Brian, do you think you could get a mop and clean up the drool you left in the floor while she was in here?"

"She's my best friend's little sister."

"Oh please! It was like you were standing in front of the all you can eat seafood bar. And you could've asked me before you just hired her on as our choreographer."

"Sorry, I just got really excited. Don't worry. She is a great dancer. Leah is my best friend, and I really believe in her talent, but Madison is wonderful."

This whole incident made Nick curious. Brian had seemed like he really loved Leah. He even wanted to marry her, but when he saw Madison he acted like a completely different Brian. He also wondered why Leah and Madison didn't get along that well, and if they didn't get along well, then why did Madison seem so excited to be visiting Leah. She's got a motive, Nick thought. She wants something, probably fame or Brian--or both. Whatever it is, I'll find out.