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Nick and Madison were sitting on the couch watching television and getting to know each other. Nick listened to Madison talk about the school she had been attending, and Madison listened to Nick talk about touring and singing and being with Leah. They were actually have a very nice conversation, and Nick was beginning to feel as though he had known Madison for a long time, like they were old friends.

"Do you want to dance with me?" Madison asked with an innocent smile.

"Dance?" Nick said.

"Well, we don't have to if you don't want to."

"No, I'd like to dance." Nick got up and turned on the stereo. Of course, Leah had previously placed a Backstreet Boys cd in the player, and when Nick pressed the shuffle button on the stereo, "I Need You To Night" automatically started playing.

"I love this song!" Madison said.

"Me too." Nick replied honestly. He then walked over to Madison and put his arms around her. He couldn't believe how perfect her body was. She was very slender, but not too slender; and short, but not too short. Nick looked into her eyes and gave his usual sexy smile. She smiled back at him innocently. When Nick saw this smile, he couldn't help but hold her closer. It just seemed right. Madison put her head on Nick's shoulder. Her hair smells so sweet, Nick thought. And she's so beautiful. So many thoughts ran through Nick's head. She did look very beautiful, and she looked so innocent and sweet.

Is Nick heard his own voice blare out of the speakers, "It doesn't matter if it's wrong or right," he went with his temptation and instinct, and kissed Madison. The kiss grew deeper and more passionate. Nick led Madison over to the couch and laid her down. He began kissing her neck and collar bone and running his hand up her blouse.

"Make love to me Nick." She said it so innocently.

"Really?" Nick said. He got up from the couch and picked her up. He then carried her into the room where he and Leah slept, and placed her on the bed where he would then take off her clothes and make hot, passionate love to her. In the back of his mind, Nick knew it was wrong, but there was something about Madison that he just couldn't resist. Maybe it was her smile or her eyes. Or maybe it was just the fact that he had not had sex since before Leah got sick, which was about two and a half months later. Nick wasn't sure which it was and frankly did not care at the moment. He was just so mesmerized; it was like he was under a spell. When he was with Leah, he loved every minute of it. They were so in love. This was different. It was like a burning flame. It was just something that Nick wanted and needed. It was a change. It was risque. It was passionate.

Afterward Madison went back into the living room to cut on the television while Nick retreated to the kitchen to hunt for food. As he looked through the cabinets, he suddenly heard a door open. Leah was home.

"Madi! What are you doing here?" Leah asked excitedly.

"I came to visit you!" Madison answered. Madison stood up and gave Leah a hug.

"Well, I'm so glad you did. I haven't seen you in such a long time. You look fantastic."

"Thanks, Lee. So do you."

"Wow, this is such a surprise! Um, I just went to the store. I thought I'd fix dinner for Nicky tonight, but since you're here, I guess it'll be dinner for three."

"Lee, you don't have to cook."

"Oh, don't be silly. I'd love to cook dinner for you guys. In fact, why not make it dinner for four? I'll call Brian. Nick, would you get the groceries out of the car, Baby?"

"Sure," Nick answered. He walked by and kissed Leah on his way out the door." Madison followed Nick outside to help him with the bags, while Leah called up Brian. So far everyone was acting pretty normal. Nick and Madison acted as though nothing happened between the two of them. Leah seemed rather thrilled to see Madison. For the most part they all acted like this was a normal, average day. If only they had known of the events to come.