She Wanted To Dance: Chapter 11

While Leah was in the kitchen cooking dinner, Nick and Madison were in the living room playing video games.

"Dammit," Nick said as his car crashed in to a wall.

"What's going on?" Leah asked as she came into the room.

"Nick's losing," Madison answered with a laugh.

"Oh, Nick! Is she beating you?" Leah laughed.

"No! Nobody's beating me. The only reason she's winning is because I'm letting her win!" "Letting me win! Oh really! Is that so?" said Madison.

"Yes, I'm sparing you a lot of embarrassment."

"You guys sound kinda like Brian and me," Leah commented. With this comment made, Nick turned to look at Leah. He still felt slightly uncomfortable when Leah mentioned Brian, because they had been friends for so long. It seemed as though he was always competing for Leah's affection, and he was still afraid that Brian might ask Leah to marry him.

Just then, the doorbell rang and in walked Brian. "What's up!" He said happily as he walked over to the couch to sit down.

"Madi's beating Nick!" Leah answered quickly.

"No, she's not!" Nick snapped back, as his red corvette was suddenly slammed into by a blue one.

"Alright, go Madi! Nick, you suck!"

"I'll go check on dinner." Leah got up and walked in to the kitchen. Nick gave Brian the controller and followed Leah back in to the kitchen. He came up behind Leah, put his arms around her waist, and began kissing her neck. "Nick, I'm trying to stir the macaroni." Leah said.

"Don't let me stop you," Nick said as he continued to kiss her neck. Finally Leah turned around and put her arms around Nick, kissing him lightly. Nick smiled. He saw so much truth in Leah's eyes. This was when he realized that he had really done a bad thing. He had not really thought of it as cheating on Leah, since it really meant nothing to him. It was a kind of "thrill for the moment" type of thing, and it was over. He really didn't feel guilty about it, but when Leah kissed him, he knew he could never do something like that again. "I love you, Baby!" He said as he kissed her again.

Brian entered the kitchen. "Hey Lee, you need any help?"

"No, everything's fine, Bri!" Leah answered, her arms still around Nick.

"Alright. Well, Madi and I are going to go for a little walk, if that's okay."

Great, Nick thought. Maybe Madi and Brian will have a love connection, and Brian will forget about Lee. He watched as Brian and Madison left the apartment. Then he got a vision of his previous encounter with Madison, the way she kissed him, the way she touched him.

"Nicky!" Leah shouted.

"I'm sorry! What?" Nick said. Obviously Leah had been talking, and he hadn't heard.

"What do you think of my sister?"

"Oh, she's very nice. And Brian seems to like her."

"She always liked Brian, but Brian was a little to old for her. Course now he's kind of just right for her, I guess."

Meanwhile Brian and Madison were walking around outside the apartment. "So, you and Leah never really got along too well when you were kids. What makes you want to visit her now?" Brian asked.

"Maybe I'm really here for you," Madison answered.

Brian smiled slightly and then stared down at his feet. He really didn't know what to say. Madison put her hand on Brian's shoulder. Brian looked back up at her. Her smile was so sweet, and her eyes were so bright. She looks so beautiful, Brian thought. "Ya' know," He said finally. "I always thought you were a pretty cute girl and a sweet kid. But let's face it, I was twenty-two when you were sixteen. I was just a little too old for you." He took her hand in his. "But now, I'm kinda' just right for you."

"I totally agree," Madison replied.

The two of them came slowly closer to one another. Brian really wanted to kiss her, but he was unsure. Madison put her hand on his face and caressed his cheek. It was kind of funny. Madison's touch gave Brian this intense feeling. It started a burning fire deep within his soul, yet as she touched his face Brian gave a sigh of relief. Like he was just waited for her to touch him, and now that she had, he was happy and relieved. He wanted to kiss her, but he wondered if it might be too soon. So instead he wrapped his arms around her. Madison really wanted the kiss, but she embraced Brian tightly. She had a crush on Brian for the longest, so being this close to him was definately a blessing in itself; kiss or no kiss. Brian finally let go slowly and gave her a light kiss on the cheek. Madison smiled sweetly at him.

"I guess we should go in now," Brian said. "Dinner will be ready."

"You're probably right," Madison replied. Brian gave a huge smile and took Madison's hand, and they walked back to Leah's apartment.
