The Eldery Woman

I saw an elderly woman, with a grocery bag, quietly cross the street.
I wondered, "Why does she look so sad?"
Is it because she's all alone?
Has her family moved away?
Maybe she's mourning over the passing of a loved one.
Or does she miss the way things used to be?
Maybe she remembers days where children had more respect for their elders.
She remembers when prices were low, towns were small, and everyone was hospitable.
I walked over to her as she stood on the curb.
Then I said, "Can I help you, Miss?"
The woman just smiled as I took her bag.
I felt crazy; after all I didn't even know the woman.
But when I saw her smile, I felt warmth inside,
And felt comforted, knowing that I had made this sad person happy.

©1999 The Elderly Woman
©1999 Spanish Eyes Productions
All Rights Reserved.