I recently watched the movie, "Saving Private Ryan". In that movie, a group of soldiers is called to risk their lives to save the life of another soldier. Near the end of the movie, a dying officer tells Private Ryan, "Earn this." He is saying to him, "Make our sacrifice worth it by doing something with your life."
I was struck by the thought...am I living my life as though Christ had said, "Earn this"? We can't earn salvation, of course, but how many of us actually live our lives with that goal in mind....to show Christ that we know what He sacrificed..and that we are grateful enough to try to live the best lives we can.
Heavenly Father, let me live my life so that at its end I can look into the face of Christ with joy as He says, "Well done...it was worth the sacrifice." Amen.
Enjoy the pictures. God bless.