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My Saints Page

Nothing is more misunderstood by non-Catholics than our reverence for saints.With the exception of the Archangels, saints were people like you and me...people with failings,totally human.The difference between saints and the rest of humanity is in their devotion to God.When they stumbled and fell, they got back up,contrite and with determination to once more set their sights on God and His Kingdom.They are models for us to follow...people who have given us strength by their example.This page is dedicated to all the saints..those in Heaven who hear our prayers now, those alive who are humbly serving as we live today, and those yet to be born. May all the saints pray for us as we follow the narrow path to God.

Some of My Favorite Saints ( ENJOY!)

St Michael the Archangel
St maximilian Kolbe
St Philip Neri

My Favorite People Who May One Day Be Acknowledged as Saints

Padre Pio
Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Blessed Maria Faustina Kowalska

Other Links

Back to where it all began
Catholic Answers on Saints
An Index of Saints