Theta Rho Chapter was founded December 5, 1973, at Richmond Virginia. This chapter prides itself on being scholarlly competitve. We strive to be positive role models for our peers and all that view Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorpaorated. We are strongly involved in community service which includes tutoring and mentoring programs in Richmond City Schools. We try to incourage High School Students to come to college because we realize the value of a college education. Theta Rho Chapter also participates in other programs which involves adults to vote after all A Voteless People is a Hopeless People, AIDS awareness, and we stress responsiblities of Black Males. Many of our brothers through the years have held office in the STUDENT GOVERMENT ASSOCIATION ranging from the President to Senator. We also hold many positions in Black Student Organizations, including the president of VCUs chapter of the NPHC.
Theta Rho chapter understands the goals of our beloved organization and we try with all dedication to exhibit scholarship, manly deeds, and love for all mankind. We have learned through those burning sands that with presence of brotherhood along with the love of the fraternity we can achieve any goal that we set for ourselves.