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Ultimate World Wrestling Federation   A victory is far more than...  FATE

President:  Maddog  AIM:  MaddogRHW

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Feb. 7th; 2005: 

The Ultimate Hardcore Cup 2 is underway and has taken ahold of UWWF. The next King of Hardcore will be named in the coming shows ahead. Normal Liberation bouts also take place on the cards.

Get the absolute lastest news on the Ultimate Hardcore Cup 2:

View past shows of the last couple months in the archives. More past shows to come soon.

UWWF: Liberation crowned Repent the winner of the Ultimate Hardcore Cup 1. Check out round by round results below:

Round 1 Results

Round 2 Results

Round 3: Final Results


Questions Comments Email:


                           Ultimate:  Jeremy Clarkson

                          Streetfight: Chris Van X

                          Tag-Team: Van X Boyz

                           Renegade:  Cyrus


‡--Quote of the Week--‡

Commentator, Cody Prime answering Tony Lockton's question of, "What is Acid doing?"


Cody Prime::  "Calling for the gay pride parade…I mean the Renegades" ""


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U.W.W.F is dedicated in memory of D. A. S. (1950-1999, God Rest His Soul)

Copy Right U.W.W.F Productions