Hello, Welcome to the Calgary Auto and Truck Show pagE!!>.. I went this year with Kev, and Jon and we had a good time, getting like a ton of advertisements and car stuff. I got a couple pics here. Hopefully i can get some from Jon if he didn't lose them. So i'll just put mine up first. Sign my guestbook Pleaze!.. :)
Ooo...In my dreams...hehe

That's me and Kev with the Tiburon.

Right?...yes...turn right you idiot!

Ah...the new Celica..that's right Kev

Dang..that's nice

The Two retards are blocking the SweEt NSX

Volvo.yeah...Peace says Kev.

Hey Now we can go back to camp Chamisall...hehejk :)
OrigiNaL paGE
Pictures Page
Dodge VipER PIcs!!
Ligthouse Fellowship Page