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Lighthouse Summer Camp 2000 Pictures

Hey everyone, welcome to the Lighthouse summer camp 2000 pics page. Just to tell you, for those who went, we all had a cool time, even though it was a slack camp and we had a little mechanical problem on the way back, we had good time of sharing and bible study and lots of fun and stinky smell when we got home. Anyhow here are some pics just to show you the nice views and God's awesome creation and beauty in the mountains. Oh yeah, there was a bear in the Campground. If anyone has any other pics, let me know so i can add them. Thanks.

I am a super photographer. hehe this is a cool pic of jenn and tru.

Me and Pat admiring the nice lake at Two Jack

It's me admiring again

Pat looking out to the sea...i mean lake

Here's us behind the white man's fire me pat and bowen built..hehe

The deer are preparing for attack

Pat is one of them

Tru is the fruit queen. One nectarine and One Plum every 10 minutes. Hehe.. The second...No explanation..

Well that's all for now. Hopefully some ppl will be nice and lend me some more pics cuz i hardly got anyone else cept me and pat and jenn and tru and a couple hurry up and let me scan. THanks. Later...Sign the guestbook.

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