Hi there, welcome to my Lightouse fellowship information page. Lightouse fellowship is a youth group in a church called Westside. It consists of approx. 50 people of grades 10-12. Our main focus is God. Im Not totally sure yet what are theme for this current year is. We welcome you to join us. Email me if you require any additional information at aaron-lo@home.com
September 15th-Welcome Night
September 22nd-Bible Study
September 29th-Issues Night
October 6th-Mission Coffee House/Joint
October 13th-Bible Study
October 20th-Mission COnvention/JOInt
October 27th-MOvie NIght!!
I'll Post the rest of the schedule a little later on. I'll see if i can get the songleader pianist schedule posted up too. Anyways, just to let you know, fellowship starts at 7:30, we encourage you to be early, just to prepare yourself for fellowship. Please come back for further notice. Bye