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Entertainment Assylum: Exclusive Interview with 'N Sync's Justin Timberlake

Friday, January 15, 1999

EA: Hi Justin.

Justin: Hi, how are you?

EA: Good, good. How's it going for you?

Justin: Yeah, well, you know. Things are good. Life is good right now.

EA: You gotta say, yeah.

Justin: It's good to be in 'N SYNC right now.

EA: Well, you're very talented. We sent somebody here to review your show at the Universal Amphitheater in L.A. and they were just blown away.

Justin: Really?

EA: You should check out that review on our site.

Justin: Yeah, well I'll do that.

EA: You can go to AOLkeyword: EA Music.

Justin: EA Music. Okay, I'll do that.

EA: You guys have AOL accounts, don't you?

Justin: My parents have one so I can. I'm fixin' to get my laptop so I'm about to have one.

EA: Great. Well, first off I want to say congratulations because you won the You've Got Fans online awards in four categories.

Justin: Really??

EA: You won for... just listen to this. Winner, Hottest Male. 'N SYNC won CD of the Year.

Justin: Wow!!!

EA: You won for Sexiest Newcomer. And Favorite Musical Artist of your fans on AOL was 'NSYNC.

Justin: Wow.

Justin: Cool. Who all was in the competition?

EA: Everybody from Jewel, you know, the usual suspects.

Justin: Wow

EA: So that's why we wanted to talk to you today.

Justin: That's great.

EA: And we have a very snappy looking award for you.

Justin: Cool, that's great, get my home address 'cause I know my mom will want to hold onto that.

EA: Okay, so I have some questions from your fans.

Justin: These are from the fans eh?

EA: All from the fans. They posted questions for you on message boards.

Justin: Okay.

Question: Does Justin regret not having a normal teen life?

Justin: I don't regret anything that I've done with this group. I think that when people find something that they love to do they make sacrifices to do it. And this is just, you know, a sacrifice that I've had to make, but I never, you know, regret. Because being with five guys we get to act like kids anyways. So it kind of evens out. And, I mean, it's like I said, this is what I love to do, you know. So you can't beat it.

Justin: With a stick! All right.

Question: What do you think of all the hype? The girls yelling and screaming, etc.?

Justin: Um, well, I don't, you know, I don't pay attention to the hype really. As long as the people are enjoying the music, that's enough for me. The fact that, you know, our fans are so loyal that they take the time out to learn so much about us, and to get so into us, that's truly flattering. And that's a great feeling. And, you know, I mean it's a bit overwhelming for me because, like I said, when we started off it's like well if the people like our music, then that's enough for us.

Question: Do you ever get tired of constantly being hounded by crazed fans?

Justin: No. I mean, you always have to get your personal time, you know, to yourself, but we're very appreciative of our fans. And whenever we can do something for them, you know, that's something that we're happy to do. I mean, like today we're going to do an autograph signing, you know, at a store. So, I mean, we're never too big for our fans.

EA: Great. So how many hours will you sign autographs, do you think?

Justin: We'll do it until we finish a thousand. We're guaranteed to do a thousand. So I guess the first ones who line up. I don't know how that works. I just know I get there and start signing.

EA: That's great that you guys do that, though, for your fans.

EA: Ooh, now here's a really important question. You're going to want to take your time with this one.

Question: What's your favorite ice cream?

Justin: Favorite ice cream, um. You know, there's a type of ice cream that my aunt and my uncle introduced me to and it's in Cincinnati, Ohio and it's called Graeter's. And it is the BEST ice cream. I mean it doesn't matter what flavor you get from this place. It is the best ice cream. But they do have something called chocolate mocha chip and it's like coffee ice cream with these big chunks of chocolate chips in 'em. That stuff is like so good!

EA: Oh, you're making me hungry.

Justin: It's good stuff. And they have like the best vanilla too.

EA: I'm taking notes.

Justin: Yeah, write this down 'cause you're gonna want some of this ice cream. Trust me.

Question: Who was your biggest inspiration? You personally.

Justin: I've had personal inspirations and I've had, you know, on a bigger level, lots of musical and other kinds of inspirations. I think my mom and my dad have always inspired me and always taught me that if you give it a hundred and fifty percent every time, you can't be upset with the outcome. You know, because you gave it your all. And on a bigger level, you know, I've looked up musically to people like Stevie Wonder and Brian McKnight. I've always been a big fan of Brian McKnight's. But on another level, somebody like Michael Jordan 'cause I've always been a big fan of basketball. And just to see somebody like him, it's like he doesn't know how to lose. You know, in his head it's like he wins. And that's just the mentality that I always thought that I possessed. You know, just from watching him and learning from him. And I apply it to different things in MY career, you know. But I mean just watching someone like him work, it's incredible.

Question: Thanks for all the great music, can I have your fan club address?

EA: We get asked that a lot Justin.

Justin: The fan club address, um, man, you put me on the spot and I don't know the exact numbers. You know me, I'll mess up numbers. I always forget the numbers.

EA: Okay, no worries, here it is...


P.O. Box 5248

Bellingham, WA 98227

Question: What's your concert schedule?

Justin: Well, we have another tour lined up for March, April and May. But I mean we're finishing this tour, we got, um... let me interrupt for a second. How soon is this gonna go onto the Internet?

EA: Oh, pretty quick.

Justin: Okay, okay, I was just makin' sure. I don't want it to be like past tense.

EA: No, no.

Justin: Yeah, well we finish out this tour until the seventeenth of January. And then we got another tour planned, big arena tour, for March, April and May. And we'll be in a town near you, so you should come. Come have fun with us.

Question: How does a person go about getting back stage passes?

Justin: Oh, well, for the most part, we usually give some meet-and-greet passes away to the local radio stations and that's how, you know, you usually get back stage, and they do radio contests and stuff. You never know, one day you'll see us walking down... like one instance, me and Joey were at the mall and this mother came up to us with her daughter and was like just dying to get back stage so we took 'em back stage and showed 'em what it's like to be back stage. We were doing a show in the city that day. So, I mean you never know. We do stuff like that and for the most part though, it's the local radio station who does meet-and-greet passes and stuff like that.

EA: Okay, so there's hope for everybody.

Justin: Yeah, of course.

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