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If I Were Justin....

Thanks to "The Girls who have everything" for this page,their site will is on my links page if u wanna go see it.It's a really phat humor page.Also,u know I LUV 'NSYNC,this is not meant to dis them,I just think it's really funny,and you will too if you have any sense of humor at all.

Finish off the phrase "If I Were Justin....." with the following (in no particular order):

I would have kicked the crap out of Carson Daly for hinting at the non-virginal sides of me on Total Request (I mean, come on Carson, there are ten year olds watching this.)

* I would keep my hair cut short with blond highlights (like it was a few months ago.)

* I would wear a wifebeater at all possible times (not for myself, of course, but for the adoring rabid fans.)

* I would make JC sing less (and give his parts to me.)

* Once I had enough power to tackle world domination, I would go back and erase all of the episodes of the Mickey Mouse Club that I did when my hair was longer and parted to one side.

* And speaking of the MMC,I would remind little miss Britney that those days are way over and she needs to move on.

* I would try to incorporate the phrase "Single and ready to mingle" into my daily vocabulary. It could take the place of everything that Puffy and Mase, oh excuse me, Ma$e, have ever said.

* I would look in the mirror more often and say, "Damn, I am fine."

* During "Here We Go," I would refuse to sing the part where we all say "Yes, yes, yes here we go, 'N Sync has got the flow." You know why? Cause it's freakin stupid.

* I would take some English grammar courses, because apparently I don't speak English very well. It's the ebonics….it's not my fault, I swear.

* I would look in the mirror more often and say "God, I am so fine and everyone knows it."

* I would call up my ex-girlfriend, who cheated on me when I was fifteen, and say "Hey baby, look what you gave up."

* I would deny the fact that 'N Sync is a boygroup with the retort "No, we're not a boygroup, we're five serious mature men trying to make some valid music." (Yeah, explain "Giddy Up" then.)

* I would call up Britney Spears and tell her to get over herself, I DON'T LIKE HER!

* The next time I see Carson Daly in a dark alley, all hell is going to break loose.

* I would keep doing that head nod thing that all the girls go wild over.

* I would make sure that none of my future songs included the line "Am I sexual?" Unless, of course, I got to say it.

* The next time JC starts telling me what to do, like he's my father, I'm going to turn around and yell, "Why don't you just shut the freak up?"

* I would look in the mirror every morning and give myself this pep talk, "Justin, everyone wants you. And remember, you are single and ready to mingle."

* I would keep wearing those sexy glasses that I've been wearing lately.

* I would wear the color white as much as posible 'cause I look really hot in it.

* I would keep requesting my own video for MTV's Total Request so that it would stay at the number one spot.

* I would take back the fact that I once said that I would like to do a duet with LeAnn Rimes.

* Instead, I would go to Ol' Dirty Bastard. Oh, sorry, Big Baby Jesus, with the idea.

* I would chase after those freakheads Kevin Richardson, Brian Littrell, AJ McLean, Howie Dorough and Nick Carter and kick some BSB butt. I would stop pretending like we got along and unleash my pent up fury.

* I would request that 'N Sync takes on BSB on Celebrity Deathmatch (We all know who would win, of course……me and the guys. No wait, me and Joey. JC, Lance and Chris would be worthless.)

* I would change the name of the group to "Justin, JC….and the other three guys.)

* I would say to management "What the heck is wrong with our videos? They don't make any freakin sense. Can we have a girl in one next time? Please?"

* Speaking of management, I would just fire them all and have Lance take over because he is the real businessman. Maybe then I would see a dime of all the money we are raking in.

* I would refuse to perform at Midwestern state fairs (Yeah I know 'N Sync has to get the name and the music out somehow, but a guy's gotta have some pride.)

* I would look in the mirror more often and say, "God must've spent a little more time on me"

* I would then turn to the BSB and say to myself, "So, that's where he got the extra time."

* Sure, 'N Sync and the BSB have already played a basketball game against each other, but next time I would suggest ice hockey. Then I would check Nick Carter into the boards as hard as I could, crushing his little bones. Then we'd all know who is really better.

* I would then claim temporary insanity at my assault and battery trial, and when asked why I was temporarily insane, I would say that I had been listening to "Everybody" prior to the incident. I would then be acquitted of all charges unanimously.

* I would refuse to do a show that Carson Daly was hosting unless he signed a contract beforehand. Some of the conditions of this contract would be "I will not make fun of Justin, at least not on the air. I promise to try and make it seem as though I have at least a grain of respect for 'N Sync. And I hereby acknowledge that not only is Justin better looking than I am, but he's also smarter, more talented and more interesting." And then I would pretend not to notice Carson laughing to himself as he signed it."

* I would venture out into TV and movies, maybe a short stint on 90210, perhaps as Kelly's three episode much younger boyfriend. However, if Aaron Spelling made my character have a crush on Donna, I would be forced to turn it down.

* I would kindly ask Britney Spears to stop stalking me (after all I have enough teeny boppers after me already) and if she didn't leave me alone I would call the authorities.

* In twenty years, I would run for president of the United States, because then all of my fans would finally be of voting age, and then maybe I would win. And finally…

* I would look in the mirror more often and say, "Damn, if I were a girl, I'd want me too."

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