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We all know how Justin loves to use all them ebonics words, so I thought it would be fun to poke a little fun at it. Just remember this is ALL IN FUN just a little thing I made up, it's not meant to offend anyone, least of all my baby Justin!. So here is the setting :

You can't believe your good came across Justin's private, phone number! You are way excited of course, it's not every day that something like this happens! You pick up the phone and rings about 5 times and then the answering machine picks up:

" yo! 'Sup homes? You just hooked up wit 1-800-H-O-M-E-B-O-Y and dis be Justin Timberlake . Right now I'm probobly out parlayin, chillin wit my peeps or cruisin' for hotties in my fly Mercedes. But don't trip y'all--I'll be back so leave a message at the beep. One love y'all! Peace out baby! "

You start laughing your head off, can he use any more ebonics? You stifle a laugh and leave a message, you can't wait to tell your friends.

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