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So you think you know your Justin info? Take this quiz and see how much you really know! The first few questions are fairly easy, but they get harder as they go along. Good luck!

1) What is Justin's middle name?

a. Anthony b. Randall c. Robert d. Scott

2) What is Justin's fave color?

a. red b. purple c. baby blue d. sky blue

3) Where was Justin born?

a. Memphis, Tennessee b. Clarion, Pennsylvania c. Chicago, Illinois d. Orlando, Florida

4) What are Justin's bro's names?

a. bobby and peter b. josh and todd c. michael and stephen d. jonathan and steven

5) How old was Justin when 'NSYNC started out?

a. 13 b. 14 c. 15 d. 16

6) What part of his body did Justin injur on stage?

a. his leg b. his wrist c. his thumb d. his head

7) What does he hate the most about his looks?

a. his big feet b. his curly hair c. his funny eyebrows d. how he's so skinny

8) What is Justin's biggest fear (besides dying unloved)

a. his hair and sharks b. clowns c. chris d. he's afraid of heights

9) What are Justy's fave sports teams?

a. chicago bulls and n.y. rangers b. duke blue devils and chicago cubs c. n.y. yankees and miami heat d. n.c. tarheels and orlando magic

10. Who is Justin's fave athlete?

a. michael jorden b. penny hardaway c. sammy sosa d. kevin garnett

O.k. here are the answers just highlight the page from here and you'll see them. 1)b 2)c 3)a 4)d 5)b 6)c 7)b 8)a 9)d 10)a

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