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All the words in bold print are just little comments that I have to say,just so you know :)

Justin's Thank-You's:

Home for Christmas

"First off, I would like to recognize and thank the reason for this wonderful holiday...Christ...Happy Birthday! Also, I would like to thank all of my family for their undying love and support, all of my friends for keeping in touch with me - I hope you guys get what you want this year. To all of the writers and producers who helped us lace this album so quick and so phat. Our management team; WEG for your outstanding hard work this year...especially Johnny Wright (the man), Lou Pearlman and all the team at Trans Continental Records, Entertainment and Studios. All of our fellow artists at Trans Con (second to none), and all the people who have contributed to *NSYNC's success so far- I can't thank you enough. To our fans: I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Let's not forget the real reason for this celebration. God Bless!

*NSYNC the Album

" It's always hard to know where to start when I sit down to put my 'thank yous' on paper. There are so many people who have helped me along the way. Well, I'll start by thanking my savior- Jesus Christ for blessing me with a little something that I can show to the whole wide world, and for showing me the way to do that. My parents for loving me (even when it's hard!)And for being so supportive of me. My grandparents for giving me everything ( I mean, everything) right down to their hearts. Thanx to all my other family members for supporting me. My friends back home, especially Trace, Jimmy, Chrissy, Amber, April, and the rest of ya'll crazy folk. The MMC crew for a couple of fun years and great experience. All the writers and producers who helped create the album: Veit, Jolyon, Gary, Sturken & Rogers, D.Pop, M.Martin, K.Lundin, and Full Force. Robin "Wiley Coyote" for guidence and inspiration. Mark, Bob for keeping my voice in good shape! I also want to thank Transcon Studios, Transcon Records, particularly Doug ("Dirty D."), Jimbo (what the dealy yo), and Kari (Betty Rubble) for always helping 'N Sync out. shout outs to all the Transcon artists (even the non-sensible ones). Thanks to all of BMG Ariola ( Jan, Andreas, Susie, ect.) for a fantastic first year in Europe. RCA for takin' a chance on us liek Bob Jamieson, Vince, Cliff, Kaja, and all the rest. Also: Robert, Mark, Ivan-thanks 4 the moves! Chuck, Brenda, Tony for helping me out with school, even the more boring classes (like typing!). Miss Earnest for making life that much more interesting, thanks for the brain teasers $ sprees! Special thanks to L.J.P. (Papa Bear) because you were the first one to believe in 'N Sync. Also, J. Wright for giving us so many oppurtunities to further ourseves (within reason ha!ha!) Shout outs to the families of the other guys in the group because we wouldn't be anywhere without you guys' support. I really want to say hello to my lil' buddy-my brother Jonathan, back home who stole my heart...wazup lil' bro! And my angel in heaven my sister Laura Catherine. Wazup to Dante Poo-Poo! A special shout out to my Huckleberry Finn, and also to Lance, Chris, JC, and Joey-lets keep it goin' ya'll. Thanks you to all the media who have supported us. To all of our fans who have styaed with us while we were in Europe, and all of you who have just joined us this year-thanx and stay 'N Sync. If there is anyone I forgot to put down on this paper...I apologize,but if you arn't on this paper it doesn't mean you're not in my heart. Peace, ya'll. -Justin

No Strings Attached

First and foremost, I want to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for blessing me with every gift including the gift of music and for the oppurtunity to share it with the world...Dear Heavenly Father- lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the kingdome, the power and the glory forever. Amen

I wanna thank my Parents for guiding me in this game of life, and for being compassionate and understanding as I grow as a person. To my Grandparents for spoiling me (peach cobbler) and the rest of my family for being there when I needed you.

I wanna give a shout out to Trace (The Space Cowboy) Ayala, Jimmy (Vegas Pimp Daddy) Tucker, Ryan (It's Primetime) G., The MCH Crew (they call me butta...) and the rest of my friends for always thinking of me as just Justin. Renee (Mississippi Woman) Earnest for holding the fort down and keeping me together day after day. Thank you.

Clive, you took a chance on us when everyone else was afraid to, so to you I am very grateful. Also, Barry, Uncle Steve, Janet (Miss Jackson cuz I'm nasty), Sonia (I'm not poochie), and all of the rest of the Jive staff, thank you for weathering the storm with us, here is to a successful future together.

Johnny (bling bling) Wright...thank you for being open to our ideas as artists and helping make them come to life. You are more than just a manager, you are a friend. Doug (Doo Doo) Brown, maybe I will let you beat me in basketball someday...maybe not. To my Chicken (Melinda Bell)for always having my back, and all the rest of WEG for all your support and faith in *NSYNC.

To the writers and producers who helped us make this masterpiece: Max, Kristian, Rami and the rest of the Cheiron Crew, Teddy Riley, She'kspere & Kandi, Veit, Richard Marx, Diane Warren, Riprock, Alex G, K-Toonz, Gary C & Robin Wiley. Thanks for lending your musical expertise.

To all the artists who have influenced and inspired me and also the ones that have kept it "real" with us, much thanks.

To "Sexual Chocolate" (Randy, Wes, Todd, Lonnie, Dre and Mike) for taking care of me and making sure I do not break anything. Ibe and our Tour Management Staff, especially Fritz and SiSi for getting me those last minute one day flights (y'all know what I am talking about).

To our band-thanks for making us sound so good night after night, gig after gig.

Tim Miller, Anthony, Dave, Leslie and the rest of our tour crew...we couldn't have had the year we had without each and everyone of you. Get ready for 2000.

David Zedeck, Evolution and SFX touring-kepp filling up those houses!

Adam, Helene and the rest of our legal team, thanks for pulling us out of the mud. Mark Steverson, get out of the office, go home! (ha ha). Elephant Walk Entertainment for all your help with my extracurricular activities.

A quick shout out to RCA for helping us break the market. I havn't forgotten all you have done for us. Thank you.

To my music, the melody on my mind-Philippians 1:3...for every moment.

To Lance, JC, Joey and Chris: We have been together since this whole thing got started and I hope our friendship never ends. We have come into our own as artists and as individuals, and now we can show that to the world without any strings attached! I love all four of you.

If you do not see your name here, it doesn't mean you are not in my heart. So if I have forgotten any names, I am deeply sorry.

Finally, to our fans. I thank you for your never ending love and support and I hope you enjoy this album as much as we do.

God Bless,


General Quotes:

" What's up wit dat ya'll?"

" Now what we gon do right here, is we gon smooth it out!"

" You're not pressing that button!"

On his hair- "'s just nothin but a afro"

"smell these, smell these!"

" I don't really think of myself as hot " is there any other word for it??

"What you talkin 'bout little-brain Willis?"

"Chris is just too much...he's crazy!"

"Joey's got a big old butt..I know I told ya I'd be true..Joey's got a big old butt.."

"(dirty pop)..there it is. You say it once, and BOOM! It's a trend."

"I just wanna say that we did it first (grin)"

"It's're running, your running, your running...and boom you smack into a tree"--Chris Kirkpatrick

"We're like two Chinese fighting fish"--Chris, on him and Lance

"...We'll cat fight"--JC Chasez

"Good thing we're returning these, cuz I can't afford it!"

"Happy New Year everyone"

"Happy little Busta made a happy little doo-doo..."

"...they're like, on the lawn picking the grass." --Lance on the crazy fans that are always hanging around his parents' house

"Joey is hammy"--JC

"That is a toughie"

" (at least I'm not) a 19 year old virgin"--Chris after Justin said something about him

Question: What do you guys to to get (pumped) for a show? JC: "Crack..caffeine" oops, i guess someone's not as afraid of needles as he says he


"We love you James, oh yes we do"--*NSYNC

"Eat, eat, eat all day long. Eat, eat, eat while I song this song. Eat, eat, eat--goldfish taste real good. Eat, eat, your neighborhood!"

"Everything happens for a reason"--Justin and Chris

'N the Mix

"What are you two doing here together?"--JC

"I play basketball...I'm not old enough to go clubbin'!"

" I like to do everything a 17 year old, you know,someone my age, likes to do"

"...we can actually sing,uh,something a little bit more intricate, should I say" Don't you just LUV the way he talks? See,he can speak regular english...

"Me and Chris, were standing behind that rock, and the water come up, like it often does, when the tide comes just totally hit us with a tidle wave. Chris fell over and I fell on top of him..." Now,is Chris not the luckiest human being in the world? I sure wish it was me who Justin fell on top of!

On God Must Have Spent... " it's a slammin song, it's my favorite one on our album"

" I'm a very spiritual person"


" I would be Cinderella...nah just playin'!"

"I would be Cruella DeVille...nah...."--JC (trying to be funny like Justin)

"I don't know how to read"

" I'm still growing up"

"I like Clue the book... Has anyone ever read Clue the book?"

"I broke my thumb onstage wasn't pretty"

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