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Some Rumors Cleared Up.....

O.K. First of all,I would like to say that this page is not meant to offend anybody,it is merely a page created to clear up a bunch of these rumors that we hear everywhere about Justin and Brittany Spears. To be fair I have added information from both sides, "He is" and "He isn't" dating her. It was my wish, personally that he wasn't dating her but...well, u decide for yourself.

The older info is at the top of the page, and the newly updated info is at the bottom

Here is some evidence for the "he isn't" side:

In December on the day of Z-100's "Jingle Ball '98" 'NSYNC dropped by for a visit at MTV's "Total Request Live" studio. Justin was asked by a fan in the room

"Justin is it true what I hear about you..are you dating Brittany Spears?"

To Which J.C. laughed disbelievingly and was like "oh Jeez!" And to which Justin replied:

"Let me CLARIFY I am not dating ANYONE at the moment..I don't have TIME to date anyone"

Very recently on "The Rosie O'Donnel Show" the guys were asked whether they were dating and Justin answered for everyone and said:

"...There's no one special that we come home to,no"

and do you really think that a guy as sweet as Justin if he really thought someone was special and he had a relationship with them that he would want to keep it a secret from everyone? I don't think so.

On the "Teen People 21 Hottest Stars Under 21" special which recently aired on ABC, Justin said,in reply to the classic question asking if he was datig anyone, "I'm a free agent".

And if all that is not enough 4 u take a look at this pic:

Now for some "He is" evidence ( I hate this part):

Well, here is some more new info. A visitor to my page e-mailed it to me a few weeks ago. Let me just make one thing clear though, if it's not clear already by the rest of this page I HATE BRITNEY'S GUTS and I don't want to believe it anymore then you do, but you can't ignore facts. :::sighs::: This is the story:

Justin and Britney are confirmed to have been dating. I guess they started seeing each other in January and ended their romance in June. It's been confirmed on KISS F.M.(Milwaukee radio station) Justin was on the air in the morning talking about the Aug 8 show(which by the way i was at) and when asked about he and Britney he said and i quote:

JUSTIN: "Well we tried to keep as much of it on the D.L. as we could but people talk, fans find things out. Now I feel it is safe to say that yes,Britney and I were involved."

CHRIS LEE: "Were?"

JUSTIN: "Yes..we ah... stopped seeing each other in June. It was just to tough both having tours going was just too hectic ya know?"

CHRIS LEE: "So the rumors..."

JUSTIN: "Are true."(chuckles)

CHRIS LEE: "Now the rumors about you and Britney sleeping in the same bunk on tour and THINGS(laughs).."

JUSTIN: (Laughing)"No comment" "She is a good friend of mine and I talk to her damn near everyday so..we are still friends but..."

CHRIS LEE: "With privledges?"


CHRIS LEE: "I was joking."

JUSTIN : (Sounding irrate) "No we arn't together anymore.No strings attached.

That is the only part she got on tape. It is on the VERY end of the tape so it cuts off at the end and she didn't start taping untill 1/2 way through the interview, so that is the only part I feel safe in documenting.

And that's the end of what she sent me, take it as you will.

Look for some more "Rumors Cleared Up" next time I update this page.And if you have heard any rumors that they you would like to see cleared up or if you have any examples for me to put on this page,then send them to me by clicking on the mailbox icon at the bottom of this page.Thanx!

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