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Can you DO anything with 82 Basic? 
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    Some people tend to wonder if the 82 can do anything at all. Yes, we know it can do all the basic and complex math functions. But can it do games? Over time I have noticed that most people do not buy TI's for there calculating power. Most of the time people go out and get the calculator that you can play the best games on. So they walk into the store, look at the 82 and say, "It can't use ASM so why buy it?"

    Well let me tell you, The TI-82 is probably the best calculator out there for the money. You can get them for $50 on clearance and probably less if you buy one from your friend. They also have GREAT basic gaming power. They are not as fast as the 86 but unlike the 85 and 86 it doesn't read threw the whole program on load. Games like Pac-Man and Tetris are a little to complex for the 82 but are playable. Lunar Lander is probably one of the best designed games if you are looking for speed and quality. There is also a version of Duck Hunt for the 82.

    In my mind the best thing you can get for your 82 is DOORS 99. Although it can't be found just yet on the web, it's one of the best designed operating systems for the 82. It comes with Lunar Lander, Tetris, Blackjack, Pac-Man, and an AWESOME RPG called Doomsday (c). There is also a screen saver that acts kind a like a bouncing ball and leaves a trail. It's very mesmerizing if you stare at it to long.

    One thing that is bad with the Doors OS is that you can't add things to the desktop. To help with that problem there is a section called my stuff. If you know how to program menus, you can add as much to doors as memory allows. Right now there is a count program that counts from 0 to 99999999999er99. Once TI-Chip receives Doors 99 (2000), I will make sure Alex puts a big headline in the news section.

    There are many more things you can do with the 82. It has wonderful graphing powers and the use of matrix's and lists are just another added bonus. Games like Doomsday (Coming soon to TI-Chip!) really show what can be done with TI-82 and calculators like it!

Written By: JJ Doughboy
Member of the WGP and Owner of the SMRC (stop by some time!)